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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I'm liking the layout and stats for the ride. The theme is kind of cheesy, but I told a coworker of mine who's a die-hard nascar fan and she thought it sounded cool. I'm glad that we're getting another Intamin Giga coaster in the US or the World even.


I agree the East Coast is lucky, looks to be a very fun and exciting ride. I would love to have this closer to home. I thought the 90 mph turn looked very intense, but I'm sure its designed wide enough to equilize the forces. I agree that 90 degrees would have been better on the turn, but what can you do . I'm definitely liking what I've seen so far.

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I just realized the layout reminds me of Kawasemi at Tobu Zoo in Japan, but on a larger scale. As for the new ride I don't understand why it needs a 300 ft lift to just make it thru those smaller elements? A few more big hills and maybe a large overbank turn would have made it more "intimidating". Im sure it will be a great ride though.

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There are now OVER TEN PAGES of OTSR conversation. I'm just jealous that the east coast is getting another Intamin Hyper!!! You guys are lucky!!!!!




You are not counting the pages before Robb cleaned the thread up a little


Can't wait for April so I can ride this thing.


Edit: I love this quote from an article I read about it:


And get this -- it's only the second Giga-Coaster built in the United States! I don't know what the hell that means, but it sounds awesome! And extreme! It'll be ... aw-treme!
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I hope part of the ride ops uniform is having to sport a mullet and handle bar mustache! That would be awesome!


Guy, I got a good chuckle out of this one. Many thanks!


My compliments on the Coaster Dynamix model. Very well done. Since the real trains appear custom, the B&M trains used in the model are a good proximity. For that matter, the Diamondback model was also very well done.


Already choosing a spot for an Intimidator 305 fridge magnet and lanyard.

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weak! a big drop and nothing thereafter. i don't care if i'm complaining, we're all entitled to our own opinion and the right to voice that opinion. i don't know what's up with all the nazis against the OTSR complainers. WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN OPINION SO LET US HAVE IT! No need to delete posts for someone voicing their opinion. I didn't realize we were posting on a nazi controlled forum.


What we have is a low tolerance for posts such as these (and for repeatedly beating a dead horse).

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I really don't get all the comparisons to the mega-lites. The mega lites have airtime hills every other second. This seems to have 6 potential airtime moments, and many of those may not be extreme at all.


With all the ground-level turns and the OTSR's I'm seeing more of a giant Maverick, which would be a good thing too.

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It's sort of like a fetish, you know...some people are into crushing, some people are into small boys in tights, others are into lap bars only.


To me, I think that restraints and rider comfort are a big deal. Would Phoenix consistently make the top 10 if it had the standard PTC ratcheting lap bars and seat belts? Would Balder be as good if they gave you the same stapling that they often give you on El Toro? Would Bizarro and EGF consistently make the top 2 or 3 if they ran with the Intamin OTSRs?


I don't know. I just find it sad that Anton S. managed to send people safely through inversions well over 30 years ago with just a lap bar. And now here we are putting in OTSRs on rides with 0 inversions. It just seems like a serious step backwards.


A lot of the fun of hyper/mega/giga/whatever coasters, to me, is the freedom afforded by taking all that speed and airtime in the open trains. Not having some clunky restraint obstructing your view and getting in the way of you putting your arms up. B&M clearly gets this.


Anyway, not trying to feed the new coaster thread whinefest. Just wanted to point out that restraints are hugely important to the ride experience.

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Do you guys understand the reason for the OTSR's? Some of you "Fatty's" complained that you couldn't ride MF or TTD and even ET (Which I witnessed.) and now they are trying to be nice and use the other style of restraint so YOU can fit....and your complaining?!?


-Jon"They give you a giga and you want a strata" Sim.

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I don't see what the big deal is about the restraints.


The most important thing is a Brand new Intamin Giga Coaster, or just the fact that its Intamin.


Exactly! Maybe people would rather have a kiddy coaster with lap bars....

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^ It is only because of the similar layout.


The only real similarity is the drop - turn - hill under lift combo to start the ride. I think people are going to be disappointed if they're expecting a mega-lite esque ride from this.


I don't see what the big deal is about the restraints.


The most important thing is a Brand new Intamin Giga Coaster, or just the fact that its Intamin.


Exactly! Maybe people would rather have a kiddy coaster with lap bars....


Will the kiddy coaster have airtime and not karate chop my neck? If so I just might take you up on that.

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I read a theory/reason on Screamscape that the reason for the OTSR was to accommodate larger riders. Apparently, many larger riders complained about not being able to fit on Millennium Force and Dragster. This is supposedly the reasoning behind the same restraints being on Kingda Ka.


Of course, I theorize that a safety reason might be why. Maybe parks now are being a little over protective after the deaths on S:RoS, Perilous Plunge, and Hydro where people fell out after being too large(S:RoS) or too small(Hydro, I recall reading that the victim had an eating disorder)


This ride looks like a lot of fun, and while I wanted it to be bigger than Millennium Force, I knew it probably wouldn't. Even though it is smaller than I wished for, the design looks great with how it resembles a mega-lite. It is nice how Kings Dominion is finally getting a new noteworthy coaster, as it is something the park really needed.

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^ It is only because of the similar layout.


The only real similarity is the drop - turn - hill under lift combo to start the ride. I think people are going to be disappointed if they're expecting a mega-lite esque ride from this.


They have a lot more in common than that. They both have pretty much the same elements and layout. They will not be EXACTLY the same; one is almost three times as tall as the other how could they be?


Both the layouts are essentially: Drop into low turn to the right, Airtime hill under the lift, airtime hill, low curve to the left, zig zag airtime hills, low turn to the right, airtime hills, low turn to the left, breaks.

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This ride has me excited. Its also a good reason for me to trek down to Virginia next summer. As for the OTSRs, I don't mind them. On the only Intamin I've been on with them (Maverick), I was still able to throw my hands in the air and experience some nice air. Kings Dominion has a winner on their hands with this one.


Just not a fan of the Earnhardt theming though...

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I'm not one to bash on new coasters or rides of any kind, because I'm happy for the park that it's getting a new addition, but frankly I am a little disappointed. I thought this ride would have a few more hills.


Oh well, its a new ride for the park.


You hit it spot on & I think that's what MANY of us are upset over,because after the lift it appears like the ride just loses it's punch.


A hyper/giga should be about the height dirrentials throughout the ride's course(that's why they have no inversions & are like giant versions of out & back woodies) but this is more or less an oversized version of BL:SC with too many small hills & way too many curves.


I would've taken a Behemoth clone,or even carowind's 2010 coaster over this personally but since we're stuck with it I'll give it a spin next season.

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Just seems like such a wasted potential, I mean cedar fair is the ones who limited the length and hight of this just because it shouldn't overshadow MF. This could have easily been the new no1 if you look at all the coasters Intamin have done since 2000 they have learn t alot

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^ It is only because of the similar layout.


The only real similarity is the drop - turn - hill under lift combo to start the ride. I think people are going to be disappointed if they're expecting a mega-lite esque ride from this.


They have a lot more in common than that. They both have pretty much the same elements and layout. They will not be EXACTLY the same; one is almost three times as tall as the other how could they be?


Both the layouts are essentially: Drop into low turn to the right, Airtime hill under the lift, airtime hill, low curve to the left, zig zag airtime hills, low turn to the right, airtime hills, low turn to the left, breaks.


That's the thing though, the mega-lites have genuine airtime hills, while a lot of the airtime moments on this ride are through turn transitions.



Just seems like such a wasted potential, I mean cedar fair is the ones who limited the length and hight of this just because it shouldn't overshadow MF. This could have easily been the new no1 if you look at all the coasters Intamin have done since 2000 they have learn t alot


Totally agree with you.

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