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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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^Earnhardt's nickname was The Intimidator.


^^^Because clearly, a 305-foot tall coaster, with the lift supported only by 2 seemingly flimsy support structures (in the GP's eyes) isn't intimidating in the least. That might be TPR's Shithouse Rat Comment of the Week.


The only thing I hope is that CF and KD won't go authentic NASCAR and sell ad spots on the trains. And since the "#3" moniker is apparently owned by a company other than DEI (at least that's what I'm getting), I wonder if they'll add a 3 to the train...?

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In regards to the comment that the intense airtime hills on Maverick and Fahrenheit bruised the thighs... Uhh, wouldn't that happen with any style of lapbar - and not necessarily just from the Intamin OTSRs? I mean, both the Intamin harness/lapbars and regular lapbar-only restraints fall on the same area - the thighs. The extreme ejector air would probably have the same effect on the thighs with any type of restraint. It doesn't only happen with the OTSRs.


My only problem with the Intamin OTSRs is they bash my head pretty bad and it makes for an uncomfortable ride. I've tried them in the front, back, and it never fails. I'm only 5'7" so I know taller people won't have this problem, but unless Intamin suddenly found a way to make their transitions much smoother then I'm thinking it's going to be a head banger for me. Like someone else said, look what a difference it made once they removed from harnesses on FOF as far as ride improvement.


Other than that, I think it looks great and I think the layout is much improved over MF. I love the turn following the first drop and if this ride has low lighting at night then it could be insane.

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Another thing I hate sharp curves close to the ground on a ride which is probably why I like MF better than S ROS SFNE. Boy I'll tell you. I never thought I would be disappointed in a giga coaster, but this does it. I mean in time you are supposed to move forward. Improve on things. Not only did they make the ride shorter in height and length, they took away the overbanked turns and tunnels. This coaster looks DEPRESSING! It really does!

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^^Oh yes, 5 feet shorter than MF and no overbanks or tunnels. What were they thinking?!? This ride is totally going to be a dud.


Can we please stop judging it from the animations and wait until we ride it before we go around saying its an awful ride?

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I never thought I would be disappointed in a giga coaster, but this does it. I mean in time you are supposed to move forward. Improve on things. Not only did they make the ride shorter in height and length, they took away the overbanked turns and tunnels. This coaster looks DEPRESSING! It really does!


I think a lot of people will agree that a taller, faster and longer doesn't necessarily mean better. SROS wasn't as big as MF when it opened, yet there's a huge number of people that prefer it to MF.


I prefer the Raven at Holiday World to a lot of other larger rides and Manta at Sea World is a better ride than Tatsu in my opinion.


In my opinion, MF has no airtime and this ride at least looks like it'll have some, so that's an improvement.


Another thing, according to Intamin, MF's lift is 308'. So technically this ride is only 3 feet shorter than that. However, I've heard this ride is actually going to be 307', but for marketing purposes they decided to announce 305'...

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I really wish people could be more honest. I mean look at what we were predicting. Then they came up short. Sure this ride may have some fun aspects, I'm not saying it won't. But there is NO WAY this coaster will be as good as millie. I'm sorry. BTW TTD in my opinion in the greatest steel coaster ever created and intamin went down in quality with kingda ka too.

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ginzo wrote:

While this by no means looks like one of Intamin's finest projects, I still see a trip out to Deliverance country in my plans next year.



You're going to Georgia? This coaster's in Virginia.

LOL! I was thinking the exact same thing.


I hope part of the ride ops uniform is having to sport a mullet and handle bar mustache! That would be awesome!

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Nah the best steel coaster has yet to be found...except for the golden ticket people. I'm hoping I305 will give me something to actually seriously SCREAM about...my first time on Griffon, MF, and some other one i forgot ( ) made me look over the first drop and keep saying "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD" and i'm sure this ride will DEFF do that! That first drop looks so amazing but i still don't get why they have the drop in the middle of nowhere not visible to the public coming to the attraction....oh well.


Do i put my hands up on this 85* 300ft. drop? - Yet to be decided....at the top of the ride on my first time i'll figure it out

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Ummm... I'm not sure its feasible to do a whole lot more than TTD and Kingda Ka do when you go that high. Sure you can build a vertical lift to save room, but the size of the layout is going to be huge so you can make any transitions gradual enough to handle the speed. While we can theorize and make nifty models in NoLimits or RCT or whatever, people don't generally consider how much dough it takes to actually make what they build. I can't think of many parks that have the cash or the space to beat a giga coaster without it being Kingda Ka + 10mph and another 20 ft.

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I really wish people could be more honest. I mean look at what we were predicting. Then they came up short. Sure this ride may have some fun aspects, I'm not saying it won't. But there is NO WAY this coaster will be as good as millie. I'm sorry. BTW TTD in my opinion in the greatest steel coaster ever created and intamin went down in quality with kingda ka too.

Looks like its time to up the CP fanboy attack warning color on the boards


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"Biggest Baddest Meanest" just is a rip off of Diamondback, and I don't think it fits with the name.


A very odd and interesting layout...it looks like it will have some GREAT airtime coming off of a 305ft lift hill. It looks sooooo weird being somewhat "compact" instead of spread out. Hm..


Booooooooo for no lap bars, but what do you expect.


Well, it looks better than Millennium Force to me!

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Finally Kings Dominion is getting what should be a great coaster! This park is in desperate need of something special. When I visited KD last summer, it was simply a chore to get the credits and go. This will actually give me incentive to return to this park in the near future. Although I'm not a fan of the "theme", I'm happy that it is an Intamin hyper instead of a B&M!

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^^ Just imagine if CF put in a Intamin Giga on that terrain at Kings Island istead of a B&M hyper.


Yummmmm great idea either way. I'm pleased with the B&M option. With B&M you can make capacity a fun game...


But with the cable lift, I guess there's a set high capacity because the lift can only go up and down so fast, right? I was trying to figure that out with MF. Even if you get a fast dispatch ready, you'll have to wait for the cable lift! Versus just dispatching when you're ready. You're on automatic versus manual from the way I see it...

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^^ Just imagine if CF put in a Intamin Giga on that terrain at Kings Island istead of a B&M hyper.


Yummmmm great idea either way. I'm pleased with the B&M option. With B&M you can make capacity a fun game...


But with the cable lift, I guess there's a set high capacity because the lift can only go up and down so fast, right? I was trying to figure that out with MF. Even if you get a fast dispatch ready, you'll have to wait for the cable lift! Versus just dispatching when you're ready. You're on automatic versus manual from the way I see it...


I just wish the B&M hypers had more ejector air like Raging Bull does of the first drop and that they were more aggressive and out of control. Nothing like Maverick thought.

I still don't know if i like Diamondback more or Raging Bull, I like and dislike both for different reasons. I really liked Diamondback.

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