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  1. This ride looks more impressive everyday, Hopefully this park doesn't suck like Sfgam does now!
  2. If anyone has a extra ticket let me know. I could not come up with the money in time before the event sold out. I will buy it with the fast lane too. Just leave me a personal message on Facebook or on TPR.
  3. Did you bother to read my post 2 above yours!!!! I was on Outlaw Run last season and this season, They are the same as the shin guards that are on Goliath Here it is! I'm not trying to be mean, but you need to read peoples post's first. New Shin Bars. Old Shin Bars.
  4. There is friendliness on Outlaw Run and Goliath vs Intamin T-Bars. My cousin always struggles to go on MF or Top Thill, he didn't on Outlaw Run. The lap bars are designed more to form to your leg where the T-Bars seam to be flatter. I hope this helps you!
  5. I Loved Goliath and I think it is a great addition to the park, I think it will be a favorite to many people. I just want to point out that Outlaw Runs Trains received the new upgraded shin guards in the off season. Much more comfortable for us taller riders, the old round bars that were on it last year hurt quite a bitt. I had absolutely not problems with Outlaw Runs trains this year, and Goliath's yesterday. A huge thanks to the Six Flags Great America for letting us participate in the Media day
  6. I felt that the one at SFGAm less intense backwards than forwards. The helix after the second loop which I always thought to be really forceful forwards was not intense at all when it was backwards. Batman backwards was definitely less intense than forward at Sfgam, two reasons. One less row of seats, due to the trains position on the platform, thus giving it a zero car in the back = less weight. Softer wheels to slow the train down = less speed. 5 rows had 1 softer wheel on it on each side. I know this because I still know people who work at the park from when I worked at Sfgam! Nope. Ride opened with no trim brakes at all. Was wild crazy and (smooth). No head banging at all. Alas though. With all arrows It doesn't stay that way. I say this with love because for over 20 years viper was my favorite ride. I still remember the first time I turned the corner after climbing the hill toward the parking lot and literally stopping in the lane when I saw it. Wasn't open yet. (2 weeks out). I went every weekend waiting for it to open. The ride was tearing itself apart, so the trims had to be added. This is what killed the Shockwave at Sfgam. Their was a spot for a set of trim brakes exiting the first loop, but the park never installed them. I can remember almost blacking out on the ride in the second and third loops because of the speed the train was traveling, and that turn into the midcourse brake run was a killer. It has to be one of the most forceful coasters I have ever been on.
  7. Anyone that says this ride isn't rough is nuts, each year it has been getting worse. This ride is nothing like it was back in 2005 when it opened. Hades was easily top 20 coaster then. The new section of the ride was fine but the rest of it was brutal. To be honest I had no intention to ride it this year, but decide I needed to try it for myself. I wish we wouldn't have, We rode twice and that was enough. It's starting to make sense to me why Holiday World deiced not to use the Timberliners, not because of the trains but but due to the roughness. I wonder If they have Rocky Mountain in mind, maybe some topper track. Witch brings me to this, What will happen to these other wood coaster manufactures now that Rocky Mountain is building these super smooth kick ass coasters like Outlaw Run. This is just my preference but I would much sooner ride a smooth woody that you can just keep riding over and over.
  8. I canot wait for 2014 to get here. Im so excited for this ride, Rocky Mountain has built (IMO) the most insane coasters on the planet, and this ride will be no different. I would have never in a Million years thought Six Flags Great America would got a Rocky Mountain coaster. Im so thankful that Six Flags is building this coaster. Any chance we could get one last Bash Event!
  9. To me, no it wouldn't be. Iron Rattler I would consider a new credit with the ride getting a whole new type of track and its major reprofile. But like Robb said if you think its worth it to you then count it. But I wouldn't!
  10. Wish I could have joined you cuz. Maybe next time! Props to Six Flags Fiesta Texas for putting on a great event. More parks need to take note on this. I would like to thank Rocky Mountain for building 3 of the best coasters ever. Iron Rattler is the only one of the 3 coasters I have not been on yet. But I hope to ride it this year.
  11. Sounds Insane, I wonder if it will be more intense than Mindbender at Galaxyland.
  12. I really don't understand why people have to bitch about something good. If it ends up being shorter so be it. If it makes the ride more intense and rideable, it's worth it. I hope Six Flags does this with the Boss at Six Flags St. Louis. I'm looking forward to Iron Rattler. Should be a great ride.
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