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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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^^^So, Chuck--it looks like a nice event you went to. Were you able to form an early impression of the actual coaster?


Oddly enough, when they unveiled the model and showed the video, Intimidator was pretty much what I'd pictured it would be. I've become quite a fan of Intamin rides after Piraten and Expedition GeForce, and if this ride is as good as those, I'll be quite satisfied.


But the proof will be in the riding.

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^^^So, Chuck--it looks like a nice event you went to. Were you able to form an early impression of the actual coaster?


Oddly enough, when they unveiled the model and showed the video, Intimidator was pretty much what I'd pictured it would be. I've become quite a fan of Intamin rides after Piraten and Expedition GeForce, and if this ride is as good as those, I'll be quite satisfied.


But the proof will be in the riding.


Word. This is the kind of coaster KD has needed for a long time. While I'm not a NASCAR fan, I think this coaster could go a long way in putting KD on the map.

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^Ugh. NASCAR riff-raff. Not looking forward to it.


I resemble that comment! I am an avid NASCAR fan and go to Bristol, Richmond, and Martinsville on a regular basis. So what if KD is cashing in on the amount of people that are. Where else can you find 165,000 people sitting around a 1/2 mile racetrack size stadium. That is a heeluva lot of people to draw from to entice to your park. As far a "riff-raff", sure there are the "redneck" types at the track, but there is also businessmen with their families, and average everyday people. Personally I can't wait to get back down to KD and try this monster out, it looks amazing!

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I expected this, I guess sort of let down from what everyone was predicting or expecting. I noticed complaints about the ride layout, location in the park, trains, name, etc. but I think this is what we should expect right now and for the next few years. It's a bad economy right now and it seems that $25 million is the limit for rides at these chain theme parks, i.e. Cedar Fair and Six Flags. Universal, Disney and Busch(or whoever they are ran by) are the exceptions to this $25 Million limit. Im only speaking for the United States but as we see with Intimidator 305 a "recession" giga coaster. They really cutback on the roller coaster but thats not to say the ride won't be fun, I wish we had ANYTHING down here right now. Naming/Sponsoring of the ride was a money grab and just like the sports arenas and stadiums and we may see more and more weird names for rides. Of course all of what I'm saying may not happen but it was something that was on my mind this morning...

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^Ugh. NASCAR riff-raff. Not looking forward to it.


I resemble that comment! I am an avid NASCAR fan and go to Bristol, Richmond, and Martinsville on a regular basis. So what if KD is cashing in on the amount of people that are. Where else can you find 165,000 people sitting around a 1/2 mile racetrack size stadium. That is a heeluva lot of people to draw from to entice to your park. As far a "riff-raff", sure there are the "redneck" types at the track, but there is also businessmen with their families, and average everyday people. Personally I can't wait to get back down to KD and try this monster out, it looks amazing!


Maybe I should have said "NASCAR GP"?

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I'm not sure how high that second hill is considering they list the other hills at being 150 ft, which can mean total or maybe they are only counting the second hill in that. Regardless,


MF: 1st drop: 300' 2nd Hill: 169'

I305: 1st drop: 300' 2nd Hill: 150' max.


and keep in mind that Intimidator will have much less track before hitting that without an overbank. There ought to be more airtime on that thing than the video shows considering MF at least used to have some floater air on the second hill. The other hills look to have a great profile for air considering how fast you ought to be going in some of the views too.


Edit: Oh and the the construction will be interesting as several people have said. I doubt they will build it like a cable stayed bridge since that generally involves having cables you want to keep there, but it is possible. Its possible that they also just designed the track for construction loads, which you have to do with practically every structure anyway. If they use 2 cranes since they have 2 big towers, they could just use it to support the weight of the track hanging out there, but that seems rather expensive unless the lift hill goes up in a week or so and then one of the cranes leaves.

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Well, it's not as tall as I was expecting, but I think the layout looks GREAT! Those quick transitions would be really fun (with lap bars), and the drop seems like it will be insane.


While I don't like Intamin's new OTSR's, I definitely don't think they will ruin the ride experience. Maverick and Storm Runner are both on my Top Ten list, and they both utilize these restraints.


My main problem with them, besides the occasional bashing of the neck, it that they seem to tighten considerably when any strong force is experience. On the pullouts on the first drops of every Intamin I've ridden with these restraints (even Pilgrims Plunge), those bars are pressed down very hard and crush my upper-legs, making the rest of the ride uncomfortable. (Especially on extreme negative-g hills. Yikes!)


Nevertheless, this looks like a great addition to KD, and I will most likely make the trip all the way up there next year because of it.



BTW, does anyone know how many passengers each train can hold? The concept art doesn't give a very clear image of how long the trains are, but I think I counted 32. I was pretty surprised to read that the coaster will only run 2 trains. I'd hate to see the line if one of them had to be taken out of commission for the day...

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Oh yea, and pause the POV at the very beginning. Just wanted to say I was right.



Congratulations on getting it right! I definitely thought you had the right idea when I saw it!



Hmmmm.... I wonder why the model has 4-across seating. Maybe this was the initial model before they settled on the design for the trains? Or is it possible that the trains could be different from the renderings?


Any clue as to the cost of that model & wether or not KD will be selling it in their shops? I wouldn't mind having that bad boy in my bedroom,that is if there's enough space in there to assemble it of course.

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Can we please stop with the red and yellow...


I swear it's like they had tons of paint left over from TTD or something. Not knocking red or yellow paint, but i think it's time for CF to diversify with the color wheel paint options.


Actually CF is clever by using those colors. Red is a color that stimulates hunger, therefore making you want to eat. Yellow is a color that stimulates energy and happiness making you have a better day at the park and wanting to come back.

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Can we please stop with the red and yellow...


I swear it's like they had tons of paint left over from TTD or something. Not knocking red or yellow paint, but i think it's time for CF to diversify with the color wheel paint options.


Actually CF is clever by using those colors. Red is a color that stimulates hunger, therefore making you want to eat. Yellow is a color that stimulates energy and happiness making you have a better day at the park and wanting to come back.


And it makes the ride stick out and emphasizes how big it is. Honestly, when I see Cedar Point's skyline, the first thing I immediately notice is TTD. When I saw Kings Island's skyline, I immediately noticed Diamondback and how it towered over every other coaster. It seems to catch my eye more so than any other color combination.

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Can we please stop with the red and yellow...


I swear it's like they had tons of paint left over from TTD or something. Not knocking red or yellow paint, but i think it's time for CF to diversify with the color wheel paint options.


Actually CF is clever by using those colors. Red is a color that stimulates hunger, therefore making you want to eat. Yellow is a color that stimulates energy and happiness making you have a better day at the park and wanting to come back.


What about gray? For all the concrete. What does that stimulate?

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Can we please stop with the red and yellow...


I swear it's like they had tons of paint left over from TTD or something. Not knocking red or yellow paint, but i think it's time for CF to diversify with the color wheel paint options.


Actually CF is clever by using those colors. Red is a color that stimulates hunger, therefore making you want to eat. Yellow is a color that stimulates energy and happiness making you have a better day at the park and wanting to come back.


Sounds like McDonald's.

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Looks good to me...thanks for the reports Robb & Chuck! I think it is a superb move for KD and the entire Virginia area. I will most definitely be stopping there during my annual Virginia trip next year.


As far as the OTSR, I am also not a huge fan because of how rough Maverick's transitions seemed last year in just about every seat I rode.


I will say however, that they did not seem to bother me at all on Fahrenheit or Storm Runner so I will simply reserve judgement until I ride. I would imagine that it might only get rough once the coaster get's a little older - another reason for me to go when the ride is new!

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I'm really liking the looks of this ride. And I'll be honest - I love the fact that it has the OTSRs. I have absolutely no problem with them at all. And from all I've heard, the belts on MF have gotten even shorter in the last few years. Last I rode it in '07, I barely - and I mean barely - got the belt buckled. If I were to get on it now, I have no doubt that I would be WoS'd - especially after not fitting on DB last month. I've never even gotten close to WoS on Maverick, so I don't think this ride will give me problems. The layout looks very fun, with plenty of airtime and forceful turns throughout. And if the transitions are anything like they are on Maverick, there might even be a little airtime on them.


In regards to the comment that the intense airtime hills on Maverick and Fahrenheit bruised the thighs... Uhh, wouldn't that happen with any style of lapbar - and not necessarily just from the Intamin OTSRs? I mean, both the Intamin harness/lapbars and regular lapbar-only restraints fall on the same area - the thighs. The extreme ejector air would probably have the same effect on the thighs with any type of restraint. It doesn't only happen with the OTSRs.

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Why in the HELL did they make the ride shorter than MF? What a stupid business move! They should have made this ride taller and longer! Does not look too intimidating after all. It could have been at least 325 feet! And no tunnel. I was thinking about going to KD next year. Now I just don't know.

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