The black guy that pushed Locke around in the hospital and went to see Hurley in the Mental Hospital is in Fringe right now and Juliet is in V. Both of which are ABC shows.
I like how they remain busy while LOST is in hiatus.
Tiesto! He's my favorite DJ out there. His songs are very epic. Too bad he's not headlining.
Muse is good too, I hope they don't get overplayed like Coldplay did. Muse is getting almost TOO popular.
Is Libby following Hurley?
Remember at the end of the episode "Dave" where it shows Libby sitting in the mental hospital staring at him?
I know I am just asking questions but I want to know if they explained it yet. I'm not sure if I missed something.
^^I love Swimming with Dolphins! Everything's a Miracle is so cool with all the choppiness.
Good lyrics!
I like this part of Indonesia by August Burns Red:
^That would be awesome! They would have to put in Dharmaville, the Temple of the Smoke Monster, and the big foot. That would be cool!
Also I like in Hurley's dream when Jin (I think it was Jin) is in the chicken suit and he speaks perfect English.
Lost is amazing.
I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I'm in only junior high but still school is boring and it's the same thing everyday. I actually can't wait for high school.