Here's my update from 10/16:
I was amazed at how well the park was up and running after the flood. They had three of the entrance gates closed for something, probably flood related.
The Rhineland shops were still closed and being refurbished from the flood.
They had these temp stands set up since the shops were closed.
Looks like they're beginning to work under Comet.
New stakes have shown up behind Scrambler.
Looks like one of the survey markings was repainted.
It's sort of hard to find but if you look over on that concrete slab, there's a new marking there.
The old Comet Hollow Restrooms are now closed.
They have been replaced with the temp restrooms. Looks like O' Connell Plumbing & Drain didn't do the appropriate work on this one since they were also closed.
Looks like they took a section out of Comet to connect the station construction site with the other side.
Concrete, supposingly for the station.
Yes, they're still there, or should I say "half of them" lol.
I see track!
Pure Intamin goodness!
Such a beautiful sight!
Lightning Racer's overflow is still blocked off and appears the same as it did earlier in the season.
These new recycling machines are now appearing in the park. This was the only one I saw.
Now's the time to get your last rides in. New trains coming next season - praying no OTSR's"!
See you at Christmas!
And if you haven't yet, be sure to check out my Comet Hollow: A Photo Documentary for a look at the area prior to construction: