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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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This just keeps looking more and more awesome with every update!


What a really cool concept with the queue including snakes and then the passage getting smaller and smaller as you tunnel in further. Some great design and engineering work going into this one.

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I think the inclusion of snakes in the queue is a really cool concept, but I cant help but wonder if it will cause back up by people observing the snakes, or potential line jumping by people trying to bypass people lingering at the snake exhibit?

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I didn't have a problem at SeaWorld in line for Manta. The line moved decently.


I don't think it's going to be a big problem.


Unlike at Forbidden Journey at IOA where everyone had to take photos of everything.

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This coaster is looking better and better with each new update. I can't wait to see testing!! I love the amount of detail they are putting into the que line!!


  Guy T. Koepp said:
Totally looking forward to a blacksnake backlash.




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I was at the park today...and I was a bit frustrated!


We were the first ones on Cheetah Hunt for the day in the front row...however...we sat in the train for about 5 minutes until the train was full in the station! They only had 3 trains running total with just one of the two stations opened. When we got back to the station...the 2nd train didn't even leave yet! The park opened at 10:00 and I didn't get off Cheetah Hunt until 10:17!!! That's ridiculous!


We then went over to Montu which only had a one train operation. However no one was in the station so we had the ride to ourselves. BUT FOR SOME AMAZING GOOD NEWS: Montu did NOT brake on the MCBR and we flew through the 2nd half of the ride! It was absolutely AMAZING!


Then we headed for Falcon's Fury as I've never been on it before. As we were passing by Cheetah Hunt, it rose to a 40 minute wait! Doesn't surprise me considering how slow operations were!!! There weren't even a lot of people!


Here is when everything got really frustrating...

-Falcon's Fury was delayed due to "late testing." I'm assuming they just didn't prep the ride for a 10AM opening.

-Sand Serpent was also delayed due to "late testing."

-Scorpion was ALSO delayed due to "late testing."

-Sky Ride was closed and they said it was because they don't expect many crowds today.

-Sheikra was closed for Maintenance.


So we ended up doing the Log Flume which you can't go wrong with and we did Kumba which was also a one train operation. We even did the little drop tower in Jungala. The worker didn't have the ride ready for opening as she didn't expect anyone to be over there until 12PM or later.


We then waited around for Falcon's Fury as we asked one of the tech guys working on the ride and he said he is trying to get the ride to open within 30 minutes. After an hour, we left. As we were about to leave the park...I saw the ride actually make a test run so we ran back over and sure enough they finally opened the ride! WOW WAS THAT A RUSH! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!



Overall we had a fun day...but it was really sad to see the park this way. I used to come to this park like every day in the summer when I was younger and I was really looking forward to today but was disappointed with the way the park was run! I understand it was a slow day...but there was even trash on the pathways, unfriendly workers, and just not as fun of an atmosphere as I remembered it to be. I hope when I return in the Summer to ride Cobra's Curse, the park will be better prepared and taken care of.

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It's not a controlled spin. They said during the media event that it wasn't. They said the spinning would be wilder if the car was more unbalanced. You just have the trains filled with 8 identically weighted dummies, so their weight distribution is identical and even, so there isn't much spinning. It will look very different once differently sized people are on the ride.

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We were the first ones on Cheetah Hunt for the day in the front row...however...we sat in the train for about 5 minutes until the train was full in the station! They only had 3 trains running total with just one of the two stations opened. When we got back to the station...the 2nd train didn't even leave yet! The park opened at 10:00 and I didn't get off Cheetah Hunt until 10:17!!! That's ridiculous!


Wait a minute...you were the first ones on Cheetah Hunt (which is a complex multi-launch coaster)....at 10:00, you waited 17 minutes to board, ride and unload...and you are bitching about it?


Well, I just used this one in the Dollywood forum and hadn't deleted it from my desktop....I suppose that I might as well get one more use out of it.


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