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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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I'm considering getting the all day dining plan when I visit in August. Is it worth it, or should I just go for the Bacon Pretzel Fury? I'm getting the BPF either way.


we've discovered at Busch parks, that the all day dining doesn't work for *us*. . . because we tend to munch thruout the day, and don't want to fill up on "typical" food, so prefer the good places.


but there are typically a couple of really good places, so the locals can advise, and then just stick to those.

(we also found a great Pizza Buffet at BGW, that they weren't really advertising, by just asking folks working in the park where THEY eat).

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Quick TR. Went with my coaster hating wife and two young kids.


Didn't arrive til after 1130. Park was really quiet, pretty much walk ons on everything. By time we had lunch at Dragon Fire (pretty decent I thought) and the boys had done the Panotopia kids rides we headed round to Stanleyville to get on Skyride. It was shut due to weather. I'll admit now I chickened out of FF.


Then went to go on Sheikra only for that to be closed for weather as I was about to board. Headed to Sesame St only for whole park to go down for weather. Waited an hour then boys did all of Sesame St. Pretty good I thought for young ones. I then got choice of one coaster. Went for Cheetah Hunt as never been on it. Liked it and good airtime in back of car but not as big an acceleration as I was expecting.


Rain came back on not long after so pretty frustrating day as a coaster fan. I love Busch Gardens and would have loved to get on more myself. Was great seeing the kids loving the rides though.

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Oh Boy, here we go again. Sea World had "blackfish" and now some people are attacking BGT as the possible new "Blacksnake" ? A front page article in the Tampa Bay Times has Herpatologists /activists / animal rights groups ,claiming that " putting vipers and pythons in front of thousands of tourists next to a rumbling roller coaster could be torture for these animals"

A rather lengthy read. Here's the link,


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The online edition has a picture that only fuels the, omg, look at the horrible conditions garbage. Reading the article, a normal person would understand the idea behind the box. But, I wonder how many will hold this pic up claiming "look at the tiny space they are confined to" blah blah blah.


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Well as they say, "You Can't Fix Stupid." Acti-tards will never be happy unless they get attention. Sadly Manby gave in and gave them attention and now the whales are being phased out of Sea World. Hope he doesn't ruin the whole company beyond repair.

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I never understood how people could decide what is good and bad for the animals on an ethical level. How do people know what the snakes like and don't like? Conditions don't even correlate with happiness all of the time, even for humans, the most advanced species of animals that we can understand the most about. Look at Kanye West. Dude has everything and is still mad all of the time. I know kids who grew up with nothing and are way happier. Maybe the little snake is grateful that he/she doesn't have to search for food all of the time now. Maybe he/she is grateful that the world isn't such a big place anymore. How people could understand what is good and bad for the animals is beyond me.

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Oh Boy, here we go again. Sea World had "blackfish" and now some people are attacking BGT as the possible new "Blacksnake" ? A front page article in the Tampa Bay Times has Herpatologists /activists / animal rights groups ,claiming that " putting vipers and pythons in front of thousands of tourists next to a rumbling roller coaster could be torture for these animals"

A rather lengthy read. Here's the link,




The rumblings of the Beast at Kings island doesn't bother the wild deer that feed in the middle of the helix often. I can't imagine the snakes will be bothered by a steel coaster.

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How about we put the activists in with the pythons and vipers to keep them company? That way they won't be so traumatized. It's a win-win for all.



People take offense to everything these days. As if they know what the snakes are thinking, human arrogance at its finest.

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