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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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I'm watchting it on our local tv station right now. They are in a helicopter over the park. The park seems to be open. There are people still walking around, Falcons Fury is still running as is Kumba. The reports don't seem to indicate where the orang escaped from . Odd, but it must be in an area where the GP isn't. It looks to be in the Jungala area, but like I said, people are still on the midways and rides are operational right now.

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At the park now, and have to say that I'm not impressed with operations.


We ended up spending over $200 on fast lane, and it really has not helped us at all.


The ride crews are stacking all 3 trains, cheetah has not run all day, several rides we have gotten in line for broke down and we were made to leave the line, the Kumba crew was more worried about the taco bell delivery they recievd than doing there job.


Been here all day and we're only able to use the fast lane twice due to all of this.


Btw...it just took 9 minutes to dispatch a single train on montu as I stand in the line writing this.(after going through the fast lane line).


All of the coke freestyle machines in the park are out of most of everything except coke all day. Employees told me the wearhouse was out of most flavors.


Beyond all the negatives, it's a beautiful park.


30 min wait after fast lane.

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At the park now, and have to say that I'm not impressed with operations.


We ended up spending over $200 on fast lane, and it really has not helped us at all.


The ride crews are stacking all 3 trains, cheetah has not run all day, several rides we have gotten in line for broke down and we were made to leave the line, the Kumba crew was more worried about the taco bell delivery they recievd than doing there job.


Been here all day and we're only able to use the fast lane twice due to all of this.


Btw...it just took 9 minutes to dispatch a single train on montu as I stand in the line writing this.(after going through the fast lane line).


All of the coke freestyle machines in the park are out of most of everything except coke all day. Employees told me the wearhouse was out of most flavors.


Beyond all the negatives, it's a beautiful park.


That seems like a frustrating day! When I was at the park back in May, it was absolutely empty..which was great! (somewhat). The only ride that was opened at park opening was Cheetah Hunt in which we were the first ones on but didn't get off until about 20 minutes later! The operations were so slow that I've never seen them like that! Falcon's Fury wasn't opened, Sand Serpent wasn't opened, Scorpion wasn't opened, Sheikra wasn't opened...on top of that they have the Rhino Rally ride gone just sitting there as well as Gwazi and Tidal Wave.


Cobra's Curse seems like a fantastic addition and Busch Gardens USED to be one of my favorite parks...but seeing reports like this and how my previous visits over the past few years makes me question my future visits. I really love the park but it certainly has lost its unique atmosphere and charm in these past few years. The employees aren't as nice, slow operations, ride closures, etc etc.


I really want the park to succeed too! It just seems like the charm and unique qualities of the park has faded over the past few years. However, based on how Cobra's Curse looks...it seems like the park is stepping in the right direction!

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That's odd...we have visited twice in the past two years and our visits couldn't have gone any better.


One time we got the Quick Queue (which worked fine for everything) and the next time we didn't need it because the park was dead. Operations were fine and while they had some issues with ride down time, that's to be expected at any park - especially with rides as unique as Cobra's Curse, Falcon's Fury or Cheetah Chase.


Not trying to be a dick or anything, but my advice - don't go to theme parks on busy holiday weekends! I know most people are strapped for vacation time, but when you visit during the most peak times of the season (like the 4th, Memorial or Labor Day weekends), you can't expect it to not be insane - even with a Fast Lane, Quick Queue or whatever skip the line method you can purchase.


We either stay far, far away from theme parks on holiday weekends, or we go on the days just prior or following.

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We either stay far, far away from theme parks on holiday weekends, or we go on the days just prior or following.




that's why we are gonna be there from 7/11-7/15. .we avoided the 4th, because we knew it would be packed.


fingers crossed the mid-week and heat will keep crowds to a minimum, but even if crowded, we've budgeted 3 days for BGT, so should be able to do everything anyways.

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Being a holiday weekend had nothing to do with it. Rides being down and poor operations has nothing to do with it being a holiday.


Operations were horrendous, and even a Fast Lane did not help much. The employees just seemed to not really care about much. If they would have put a little effort into there job, it would have been great!


On a positive note, cobras curse was a fun ride and is gonna be a huge hit with family's.

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even a Fast Lane did not help much

Maybe it would have helped if you called it by it's actual name ;P


But seriously, ops are usually pretty good when I go. Montu and Kumba are sometimes slow, but the other rides are usually pretty quick. As for downtime, Cheetah and Falcon are Intamin, so it's not really surprising that they still go down, and Cobra is not even a month old yet, so it's gonna go down a lot.

Edited by rcrider4
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Falcons fury was a blast!


We went to seaworld today, and operations were stellar. I do give bush gardens props though. I did say something to guest services (something I never do) and they took care of us.


Even with all the problems at busch, we still had a "decent" time. I love the theaming and selection of rides. I don't agree with the holiday excuse though. We have visited many theme parks on holidays, and never witnessed as bad of operations.


Now it's time to sit back and relax with a Pina colada and prepare for the Disney madness that awaits us.


Next up we are doing fun spot, 8 days at Disney, and Carowinds.


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Sorry to hear about your day, must have been just a bad day. We where there the day before and it was packed as well but everything went pretty smooth. Got there right after they opened and there was only a 15min wait for Cheetah Hut so i got in line but when getting back off the ride you could see the line getting long fast so i went and got a Quick Queue and was able to get right on all the rides but Montu which i had to still wait a little bit. No down time on any rides when i was around them but heard some say something about Cheetah being down but seen it right after that and it was running.


This is a beautiful park and love how the rides are worked into the landscape of the park. They just really fit everything together so well with the ride going right beside you to over you then down in the ground which not only make for a great ride experience but make the ride and park so enjoyable to look at. As well as all the animals around the park!


I don't care much for drop towers but Falcon's Fury was great and had me wanting to ride it some more.


Griffon at BGV was great but SheiKra is so much better.


Really enjoyed Kumba and Cheetah alot! Great rides that are long and fun all the way thru.


Montu is a blast and really gets you going.


Cobra's Curse was more of a fun family coaster. Which is a great addition to the park.


I always enjoy seeing pictures so i'll leave a few from the day











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At the park now, and have to say that I'm not impressed with operations.


We ended up spending over $200 on fast lane, and it really has not helped us at all.


The ride crews are stacking all 3 trains, cheetah has not run all day, several rides we have gotten in line for broke down and we were made to leave the line, the Kumba crew was more worried about the taco bell delivery they recievd than doing there job.


Been here all day and we're only able to use the fast lane twice due to all of this.


Btw...it just took 9 minutes to dispatch a single train on montu as I stand in the line writing this.(after going through the fast lane line).


All of the coke freestyle machines in the park are out of most of everything except coke all day. Employees told me the wearhouse was out of most flavors.


Beyond all the negatives, it's a beautiful park.


I agree...

I was also here on this day (July 4th) and we were thinking the ride operators and possibly management as well were on some kind of strike.


We have been here on days so busy you could hardly walk without bumping into someone, and it was not as bad as this day. For not being too busy (well for this time of year and being a holiday) had to be the worst day we have ever experienced in this park.


I am here in the park on average twice a week and have seen it getting worse and worse over the past several months. The park has also been looking neglected with over grown weeds, tiger's water green with algae, animals escaping, and I can go on and on. Not to mention that every time we come there are at least 2 rides closed/broken at any given time.


I am so disappointed in what is happening to this park especially after visiting the beautiful park in VA. We will not be renewing our passes next year.

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ok. . we're there tomorrow (finally!).


any food suggestions in the park?


(we're basically gonna hit the park as soon as we check in hotel tomorrow night, so will be there from ~4-close), meaning we'll eat dinner there, as well as getting Cobra's Curse and the evening show out of the way.


Monday we have a safari early, but then will spend rest of day meandering the park and doing things as we pass them, including all the animal exhibits.


we're back again on Thurs to hit anything we miss (I'm guessing mainly shows), or re-rides of things we really liked.


so really interested in food suggestions at the park. The lunch buffet at the Serengeti Restaurant *looks* good, but wondering if anyone has tried it?



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^ Bert - I have heard people rave about the Zambia Smokehouse, but we have eaten there twice and came away somewhat disappointed as the BBQ seemed pretty dry and chewy both times.


While I have never eaten at the Crown Colony (now called the Serengeti Overlook), it has beautiful views, a very nice bar and plenty of indoor and outdoor seating.


I've also heard that the Dragon Fire Grille is good, but we didn't go the last time we were there because the Food & Beer/Wine fest was going on, so we ate at the kiosks.


I will be most curious to hear about your visit given the somewhat negative comments surrounding people's recent visit on the 4th. I certainly hope that the park isn't letting down their guard in terms of park quality and operations.



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^ Bert - I have heard people rave about the Zambia Smokehouse, but we have eaten there twice and came away somewhat disappointed as the BBQ seemed pretty dry and chewy both times.


While I have never eaten at the Crown Colony (now called the Serengeti Overlook), it has beautiful views, a very nice bar and plenty of indoor and outdoor seating.


I've also heard that the Dragon Fire Grille is good, but we didn't go the last time we were there because the Food & Beer/Wine fest was going on, so we ate at the kiosks.


I will be most curious to hear about your visit given the somewhat negative comments surrounding people's recent visit on the 4th. I certainly hope that the park isn't letting down their guard in terms of park quality and operations.






should be interesting, because (if you recall), we don't do fast-pass since we use waiting in lines as a chance to look around and relax -- we also do multiple days, so if a line is long, oh well, we have time


Dragon Fire Grille is apparently home to the bellydancing that happens a few times a day, so we are gonna be there for sure, but wasn't too sure about eating there, since the menu looks too large (in a food court kind of way), and we prefer smaller menu done well, over so-so large menu -- but if you've heard it's good, we will give it a try when we go for a show.

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^ I wouldn't think that you would have any issues with big lines tomorrow, Monday and Thursday anyway...most likely not enough to warrant the Quick Queue as it's not a holiday, weekend or peak season.


In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you end up with walk-on's for everything with the exception of Cobra's Curse and Cheetah Hunt.

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^ that's good to know. . I wasn't expecting "Disney sized" crowds, but figured it would be busy due to summer and kids out of school.


but if it's light crowds (especially if due to heat -- which we Texans are used to and don't mind). .it will make the day even better, ride-wise (the I expect the heat will make animals hide).


I'm thinking SeaWorld on Wed might be busy, only because that's in Orlando. . . but we only plan that one day there, since Nick won't ride *any* of the coasters there.


but he IS looking forward to Cheetah Hunt and Cobra's Curse at BGT

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The Crown Colony is now called Serengeti Overlook I believe. Good choice for a relaxing meal. The buffet has always been good to me. Also i's a good choice if it rains. or you need a good cooling off. Dragonfire is ok too. It's more of a food court and will get really busy if it rains. For a snack, get the bacon pretzel be Falcons Fury, its yummy.

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