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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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I really don't know what to think about this ride. It just does not look right and the trains also seem to have something wrong. I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this.

Bruh. Tell that to most of the forum

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I really don't know what to think about this ride. It just does not look right and the trains also seem to have something wrong. I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this.


While I will not attack you for your opinion. I will say I am really confused by your statement.

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I really don't know what to think about this ride. It just does not look right and the trains also seem to have something wrong. I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this.


Its probably the scary 4 headed snake, you don't want to look into its eyes very long.

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I really don't know what to think about this ride. It just does not look right and the trains also seem to have something wrong. I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this.


While I've never ridden a spinning-coaster that I liked, I have to say I applaud Busch Gardens for daring to build something different.

This is one of the rides this year I really look forward to see in action.

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^^ I would NEVER have ridden Tidal Force if we wouldn't have been in the water park area and able to ride in bathing suits. I think that they do require shirts and some type of footwear, but we all had flip-flops or sandals on anyway so it's not like we trashed our walking shoes.


But considering they design everything nowadays, they could design (with 'special design and forms') a boat that could work with say, a water park.


So, why not design the boats so they accommodate flip flops, swimming suits, and such? Some of the water usually ends up in the boat,

depending on the splash and fallback, etc. And it can drain with ease. Or not.


TF at Hershey is somewhat incorporated into the water park where you can wear flip flops and bathing suits...but the boats usually have three inches of water in them so your feet are already wet before you even climb the lift.


And if you sit in the back seat? Going up the lift, you are guaranteed to get a wave of water washed up to your ankles! They have drains, but once you hit the splashdown, there is so much water that it simply doesn't get time to drain in the station or on the lift. Those boats must weigh a ton!

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Here's the link to the video:



Not much is shown. Kind of funny to watch the workers push it off of the track at the top. Also, later in the video, it shows the elevator lifts moving at full speed with no train on them. They can move pretty fast. So don't think that the speed they are moving at the beginning of the video is their full speed.

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Here's the link to the video:



Not much is shown. Kind of funny to watch the workers push it off of the track at the top. Also, later in the video, it shows the elevator lifts moving at full speed with no train on them. They can move pretty fast. So don't think that the speed they are moving at the beginning of the video is their full speed.


This is so exciting to watch! I know it is not much, but it is still cool. Thank you for sharing!


Has there been more details about the que lines? What specially are they doing? I heard it was going to be a snake exhibit, correct me if I am wrong.

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There is a snake exhibit, and it will also have a story throughout the queue that takes about 45 minutes to go through, so you will be entertained for at least the last 45 minutes of the queue. It will also have projection mapping for some scenes. The park also confirmed on Twitter today that there will be an option to avoid the snake exhibit while in line if you don't do snakes. They've also said before that there will be a bailout point if you want to see the queue's story without riding, or if you want to go with your party in line but not ride.

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I just hope it's open when I visit in mid-late August. Also, bit of trip planning here, I collect hats and I plan to get one from Sheikra, Montu, Kumba, Cheetah Hunt, and maybe either Falcon's Fury or Cobra's Curse. How much should I expect to spend? Are there even FF hats?

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