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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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^ I'm planning to be there May 17th so likely to be horribly close. Got the same worries with Mako.


Oh dearsies... I hope it goes well for you (at both parks.) I'd hate for you to miss out on two new coasters.

Edited by DoinItForTheFame
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Cobra's Curse really is looking incredible. I love how the ride path interacts with the existing structures in the Egypt section of the park including Montu and I think the locked positions will provide a unique experience before the free spinning even takes place!

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Hey guys, I’m planning to make my second trip out to this fabulous park next Sunday (3/6), which I noticed is the second day of the food and wine festival. I’m not personally interested in the festival, but do any of you regular visitors have an idea of how significantly it affects crowds this early in the season typically?

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Considering going to Busch Gardens Tampa Bay. I have never been here before; therefore, I would like to ask when is usually the best, okay, and worst times of the year to attend the park taking into account large crowds in lines for dry ride only and any other advice from a local would be appreciated. Thanks.

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