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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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I believe it. Northam is a bigger toolbag than Murphy, Cuomo, and Wolf combined.


Gov. Northam is also a doctor, so he's been cautious about "re-opening" the state too quickly. Testing rates in Virginia have increased, while the percentage of positive tests has been dropping. I think he's doing something right.


Would I like BGW to open? Sure, but I don't want Virginia to become a new "hot spot," either.

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^I totally agree. I also feel though that 5000 at either of the two big Virginia Parks would be perfectly fine for social distancing. If that's all the parks are asking for to become economically feasible maybe an exemption can be granted.

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^I totally agree. I also feel though that 5000 at either of the two big Virginia Parks would be perfectly fine for social distancing. If that's all the parks are asking for to become economically feasible maybe an exemption can be granted.


I think 5,000 is reasonable, too. The state might grant an exception. Who knows?

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Maybe that explains why my SEAS market shares are eating shit.


I keep reading crap on Facebook that Sea World Entertainment hasn't paid for their new coasters yet, so they aren't allowed to open them???

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^ Yes, that seems to be the case. There were screenshots floating around (check Screamscape) where *apparently* some manufacturers (RMC in particular, also the contractors who erected Pantheon) have placed liens against SEAS for partial non-payment. But other park chains (including Disney) are apparently dealing with the same issue with their vendors. SEAS picked a bad year to build 5 major ground-up coasters, and because most of the manufacturers (other than Texas Stingray) have not yet completed/signed off on/handed over the rides to the respective parks and will not do so until final payments are remitted, those rides cannot operate until then. Seems like SF has pushed all of their new additions to next year, I'd gamble SEAS will do the same.

Edited by boldikus
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Right, the liens situation is not unprecedented though it is unusual to see it occurring at this scale.


The COVID crisis is not something that SeaWorld could have controlled but the level of investment is somewhat paralleling what we saw from some Six Flags parks during the era of the Premier Parks acquisition. Forgive me, but based on speculation I've read (and ONLY from speculation I've read), I'm not sure upper management has the parks' long-term prospects in mind.

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Bad news for Busch Gardens (and KD.)




RICHMOND (WAVY) — A summer of fun at Virginia’s marquee theme parks is appearing less and less likely after Gov. Ralph Northam (D-Va) indicated he wouldn’t be making any exceptions for the parks in the state’s phase 3 reopening guidelines.


Despite Busch Gardens and Kings Dominion both indicating that the governor’s 1,000-person limit would not make reopening “economically sustainable,” Northam on Thursday stuck by his decision that holds the massive parks to the same restrictions as bowling alleys and movie theaters.


“There are so many contacts at these amusement parks, people are touching different things and so we have had discussions with the Virginia Department of Health, our epidemiologists, and that is the decision we made,” Northam said.


Northam did not shut the door completely on changing his mind during phase 3, which starts on July 1. Several state lawmakers have pushed for Northam to at least raise the capacity limit to 5,000.


On Tuesday, Busch Gardens President Kevin Lembke said that would at least allow his park, as well as Water Country USA, to “get back to business.”


“As soon as we feel it’s comfortable we can move forward safely, we’ll do that,” Northam said.


He pointed to rising COVID-19 case numbers in other states as a chief reason to stick to the current plan.


“Those individuals are the same people that come enjoy our amusement parks,” Northam said. “I know it’s difficult. These decisions are tough.”


The Historic Triangle, which includes James City County, York County and the City of Williamsburg, relies heavily on tourism. Hotel revenue fell 85 percent in the Williamsburg hotel market for the week of June 14-20 compared to the same week in 2019, according to ODU’s Dragas Center for Economic Analysis and Policy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Governor's rule is not one that has been fully thought trough. Why should places like a theme parks, with an abundance of open air area be subject to the same capacity limit as Bowling Alleys and Theaters which have limited indoor space?


And, yes, theme parks have tons of touch points... but that's not limited to theme parks. Every day, all day, people touch stuff. So, that's not a suitable reason either.


This just doesn't make sense.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Busch Gardens is kind of / sort of reopening on August 5th for members and August 6th for everyone with a craft beer event and a few coasters open. Ireland, Scotland, France and New France will be open along with Finnegan's Flyer, Loch Ness Monster, Griffon, InvadR, the Scrambler and Li’l Clydes.

Edited by coasterbill
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It's interesting that BGW is able to do this, as the state recently issued some more restrictions on the Hampton Roads region (roughly from Williamsburg to Virginia Beach). This area has become more of a COVID "hot spot" recently.


I'm planning to go the Member Sneak Peek on Aug. 5. I'll post a report about how it went.

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Keep in mind though, the event is catered to locals (for you non-locals seeing this). For those that hadn't caught on, it's not an all-day event the dates they're open. The event is four hours per time slot each day of the event: 11am-3pm & 5pm-9pm Thursday through Sunday (besides the membership sneak peak). I've confirmed with the park that they will close at 3pm to allow the park to clear out and reset for the event, and reopen at 5pm. So, unless you have an annual pass, membership, fun card or preschool pass, and live relatively close, this may not be for you. Tickets for others are $44.99 plus tax...ouch. I guess some will go, but that's a bit steep IMO.

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BGW site: "Pass Member and Fun Card Reservations are currently SOLD OUT for the event, but be sure to stay tuned because we are working on more ways to keep the fun going! Please check back later for updates."

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