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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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The ride experience will begin when guests are strapped into chairs suspended from the track above, Goliath sends riders dangling face-down out of the station and up the first tower. Once riders reach the top of the tower they are dropped into a complete vertical 18-story free-fall reaching speeds of 65 miles-per-hour before racing head-over-heels on the outside of a

102-foot-tall vertical loop followed by an enormous 110-foot-tall butterfly turn before rocketing up the second 19-story tower. Think that’s all…hold on, there’s more as guests are sent rocketing back through the entire experience all over again with nothing beneath their feet but earth

and sky.


Yup, that's what it says alright.

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^Exactly why the name Deja Vu would fit.


Deja Vu - Noun - the experience of thinking that a new situation had occurred before


It's definitely going to give an experience that is similar to one that has happened before, RIGHT NEXT DOOR!

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There seems to be a distinct lack of originality when naming and renaming some of these rides. How many Goliaths are there in the world now? Would be nice to have a "David" for every 10 Goliaths.

They should have renamed the regular boomerang to "David" since they'll be right next to each other.


I was totally thinking that too. I was going to post that but you beat me to it.


I don't think they should call it Goliath since every other Goliath is a hyper unless, like you said, they rename the regular Boomerang David, then it would make total sense. They should at least paint it to the other Goliath colors. If it keeps the same colors, they might as well just call it Deja Vu. At least they are not calling it Giant Inverted Boomerang

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I don't think they should call it Goliath since every other Goliath is a hyper unless...


You didn't see my post on the other page? It IS a hyper coaster according to SFNE's website.


But kidding aside, I think it makes sense a little bit, yet it doesn't. I mean we can say the same thing about Fiesta Texas' Goliath.

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I don't think they should call it Goliath since every other Goliath is a hyper unless...


You didn't see my post on the other page? It IS a hyper coaster according to SFNE's website.


But kidding aside, I think it makes sense a little bit, yet it doesn't. I mean we can say the same thing about Fiesta Texas' Goliath.


I didn't see that post until after I had already replied. They are claiming 190 feet to be a hyper? They are 10 feet short IMO. If they remained the standard Boomerang David and rethemed that area to David vs. Goliath then they would totally redeem themselves for putting two Boomerangs next to each other (although they are very different ride experiences) and it would be hilarious.

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I just love how Six Flags now has three coasters named Goliath that aren't the tallest coasters in the park (SFMM, SFFT, and SFNE).


Once again, whoever said Six Flags did made sense? Still happy they're getting this ride, although two boomerangs will be just plain weird. Almost zero point to riding the original, just a waste of steel.

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Is this an accurate picture of Deja Vu's restraints? Since I haven't ridden a GIB, I was just wondering.


I'm pretty sure except that fact that the seatbelts are NOT BUCKLED! HAHA...shows how great Six Flags is about safety.



For the Goliath name:

At least it's not called Flashback

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He's baaaaaaaackkk...




Pol calls for stiffer regs as Six Flags eyes Goliath coaster

Six Flags New England’s plan to open a massive “inverted boomerang” roller coaster next year is raising concerns among doctors worried about the health impacts of bigger, faster rides and reviving a call from lawmakers for more regulation of amusement parks.


The coaster, dubbed Goliath, zips riders along in suspended cars at 65 mph with an 18-story free fall and a 110-foot-tall cobra roll.


Some physicians say such thrill rides can be harmful.


“Roller-coaster rides have been associated with carotid and vertebral artery dissections, which are believed to be related to excessive G forces and forceful neck movements during rides,” wrote Massachusetts General Hospital neurologists S.I. Sheikh and A.B. Singhal in an academic journal.


U.S. Rep. Ed Markey (D-Malden) has also expressed concerns about so-called thrill rides and proposed legislation this summer to reinstate federal regulation of roller-coaster safety, which has not been in effect since 1981.


“Fixed-site amusement park rides like those at Six Flags New England are exempt from federal oversight due to a 30-year-old special-interest loophole. This means that even as these rides get faster and taller, safety rules remain stuck in a state-by-state patchwork that leaves riders vulnerable,” Markey told the Herald.


But Six Flags New England President Jason Freeman this week defended the park and its coasters, saying that “by following American Society for Testing and Materials guidelines, the rides in our park are checked daily.”


Goliath was built in 2001 and first known as Deja Vu at Six Flags Magic Mountain in California. The coaster, which takes riders along its 1,200-foot track twice, once forward and once backward, will be relocated and reconstructed at the Bay State amusement park by Memorial Day weekend.


“The jerky motions of these rides have been linked to small tears in arteries or a spike in blood pressure, but we aren’t sure if there is necessarily a cause-and-effect relationship,” Singhal told the Herald yesterday.


ASTM regulations, which are mandated throughout Massachusetts amusement parks, provide a series of check-ups that come at daily, weekly or monthly intervals, depending on the type of maintenance, and are the only type of amusement-park standards in the country. The regulations also enforce a G-force limit on rides based on medical research.


“Additional regulation from Rep. Markey on top of this system will only add more bureaucracy and less safety,” Freeman said.


If you don't know who Markey is, then let me briefly fill you in. He is a jerk off who loves trying to ruin fun.

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Markey is still at it!?! When is he going to realize that there is an entire OTHER SIDE to his argument? I won't give the researched safety statistic because everybody has already said them! And why are the physicians choosing just now to speak their minds? It's not going to be the tallest, fastest, or most violent ride in the park. Hell, it won't even be the first coaster to pull you up backwards in the park!

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In the early to mid 2000s Markey commissioned a medical organization to do a study to try and link thrill rides to brain injuries. Six Flags also commissioned their own study with another medical organization and released their findings saying no link was to be found between thrill rides and injuries/deaths Markey was claiming they did. Like a typical politician Markey kept saying how the Six Flags study was biased because it was paid for by a theme park company, was inaccurate, etc. Of course, his study was released a week laster.....and came to the same conclusion the Six Flags study did. Of course he still has not backed down.

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^Unfortunately he is, and, perhaps more unfortunately, the good people of Massachusetts keep electing him.


Goliath will make a great addition to the park, and should be welcomed by many in the public considering it's been awhile since SFNE added a major thrill ride. I don't see a problem with the name, and in my mind it fits considering how large it is. Plus, the name Goliath is more marketable and attention grabbing than Deja vu in my opinion.


I see Flashback being relocated in the near future(I can see it at SFSTL, or even more so, up here at SFGAM.), so I don't see there being a problem with there being two Boomerang coasters. Plus, having them both there will keep people from confusing the two, which would probably have happened if Flashback was removed right now.

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There is nothing conclusive in that article. After every statement it says something along the lines of 'nothing has been proven whether or not this is bad for your health.'


It's kind of like writing an entire article about how I may have to take a sh*t later on today, but I may not, but the possibility is there. Hello? Does anybody care?


Nonetheless, I go with 'any publicity is good publicity.' We all know that the GP eats this up, and before you know it when the ride opens, you will hear the GP saying 'I heard this gave people seizures and killed them when it was in California.' Crazy and annoying to hear that, but where do you hear them saying it? Oh yeah, in line while they are waiting to ride it! People like danger.

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I'm actually really excited for this. While I do wish they would repaint it (the orange/blue does look good..), I'm okay with it as is. While the name Goliath seems to not fit, the fact that the ride is still huge and with it's supposed location on te top of a hill (?), or at the highest elevation in the park, thus making it one of the (if not the) tallest attractions in the park is pretty brilliant in my opinion.


Also, who said 'Goliath' meant the tallest coaster in a park...? I don't agree with a BTR being dubbed Goliath, but someone a few pages back mentioned Goliath at SFMM? That's still a massive, 200 foot coaster. The name definitely fits...

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