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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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I would love a GIB, but Shipwreck Falls is the best themed ride in the park (sad, but true). Of course, a brand-new, awesome, themeless roller coaster does outweigh the standard, but nicely-themed shoot-the-chutes ride; I'd shed a tear if Shipwreck Falls were to leave. But a coaster for Crack-axle Canyon would be awesome. And since that section is already really-well decorated, I'd see no excuse to dress up the GIB (hypothetically speaking of course).

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My sources say if Deja Vu comes to SFNE it will replace Shipwreck Falls, but as someone said earlier, I'd rather see it replace Flashback. I rode Flashback on Sunday and earlier in July as well and it seems to be getting pretty rough with the catch chain on the far end of the track. The mechanism makes a loud clank that can be felt throughout the train when it catches. But OTOH, SWF has been a maintenance nightmare lately according to my sources so I can see the reasoning for retiring it if that ends up being the case.


As far as Mind Eraser goes, that tends to have a lot of breakdowns lately because of issues with the restraints. On the 4th it broke down when my wife and I were in the queue, the operator's log was laying on the controls in plain sight so I snuck a peek at it, it broke down 4 times that day, mostly for restraint problems that Vekoma has been notorious for. Flashback's restraints aren't that great either, a simple ratcheting shoulder cage with no backup system such as a lap belt, you can't help but wonder if you're gonna fall out sometimes.

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^ I skipped all three of them at Bizarro Bash on Saturday, but while walking by each ride I didn't notice any of them experiencing down time. Seeing Flashback not breakdown was the real shocker for me. But I agree that Shipwreck Falls is on the chopping block. Along with it's maintainence issues, it just doesn't bring in much of a crowd considering that it takes up a decent plot of land. On Saturday, it didnt seem to have a line all day while everything else did.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a chance to finally hear the new Bizarro audio yesterday. I really enjoyed it. It's still luck of the draw in terms of getting a seat with audio though.


In other news, I asked the ride ops on Shipwreck Falls, and they did confirm that it was going to close. There are markings around that area. My confidence in the Deja Vu rumor is going up...

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If it replaced Shipwreck falls you would have two rides with essentially the same layout right next to eachother. The ride experience is totally different and infinately better on DeJa Vu... but it would look pretty strange and would make Flashback completely unecessary.

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I went to the park about 5 years ago before I really went on roller coasters and I must admit this park needs one more mid level ride. Something like thunderbolt but not that old because that scares kids off. If the cyclone can't be fixed it should get replaced with a plug n' play and then have a mid level maybe a launcher like italian job somewhere? I did really like the park but it just seemed to be overly crowded. Plus slc's and boomerangs should be retired from every major park like six flags, they can do better than that just my 2 cents

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I really feel like the only way a coaster is leaving SFMM is if there is one replacing it right away. When I was at the park on Thursday, they were really pushing the whole we have the most coasters title. With that said, it would be nice to see a GIB on the East Coast as I have always liked them.

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Deja Vu has unofficially been announced!

AGAWAM – Six Flags New England is working to replace one of its original rides with a new attraction, a roller coaster to be called the "Giant Inverted Boomerang."


“We are extremely excited about what we are going to do,” Jennifer Mance, director of sales and marketing for the local attraction, said Monday.


As for the cost of the new project, Mance said more information, though not necessarily the cost, will be released on Sept. 1.


Site plans for the ride, which will replace the water attraction Ship Wreck Falls, will be taken up by the Planning Board when it meets Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the Agawam Public Library. Six Flags must get the Planning Board to approve its site plans for the project to move forward. The board is expected to put the plans to a vote Thursday, according to Planning and Community Development Director Deborah S. Dachos.


The new ride will be about 267.6 feet at its highest and will feature a steel roller coaster running on tracks in the shape of an “X,” according to information on file in the Planning Department.


Plans call for dismantling the water attraction Ship Wreck Falls and installing the new ride over its footprint. A new outdoor eating area is also planned for the neighborhood of the existing food court, according to the site plan review application filed with the city.


Ship Wreck Falls was one of the original rides at the amusement park.



“However, the ride has served well and is in need of replacement,” amusement park representatives wrote in the site plan review application. The application states that none of the work is near a resource area for a wetland. If it were, that would mean the project would probably need approval from the Conservation Commission.


Mayor Richard A. Cohen Monday greeted the advent of a new ride at the park with enthusiasm.


“New rides at the park attract people to that venue,” Cohen said. “I’m glad Six Flags is working with the town to create a new attraction for the park as they are a regional economic boost to the economy in the Pioneer Valley.”


A regional attraction at 1623 Main St., Six Flags currently offers amusement park-goers 10 rides. The tenth ride, Gotham City Gauntlet Escape from Arkham Asylum, was opened to the public in April.


Six Flags Entertainment Corp. is the world’s largest regional theme park company. It has 19 parks across the United States, Mexico and Canada. Six Flags’ flagship park, Six Flags Over Texas, just marked its 50th anniversary.


I really hope it's not actually called the "Giant Inverted Boomerang." That would be an all time low for Six Flags.

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I think it's great that Six Flags New England is getting a GIB. The last white-knuckle roller coaster they got was Batman back in 2002 (Bizarro certainly doesn't count). Though I do admit that it is puzzling why SFMM would de-throne themselves so quickly after claiming the most roller coasters. Then again, there is a considerable amount of empty space next to the current Deja Vu, getting a replacement for that spot shouldn't be too hard. I don't think the crisis with two boomerangs is such a big deal because I found the thrill factor of both Flashback and Deja Vu are way different.


BTW, it's beginning to be a little confusing as to which thread to post in

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