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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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In the local newspaper they did an article about Survivor. But they also included a picture of Cyclone. You can definitely see the topper track in the bottom left corner.




And if you want, here's the article. It gives a ton of info on the new show.




AGAWAM – Fans of the popular reality TV show “Survivor” have a chance this summer to put what they have learned on the small screen to the test with Six Flags New England’s new stage show, “Survivor Live.”


The stage show kicks off Memorial Day weekend at the park’s Rockville Theater. It will run three times daily, except on Tuesdays, through Labor Day.


“We are pleased to bring the thrills and excitement of ‘Survivor Live’ to our guests,” said Jason Freeman, Six Flags New England park president. “We predict this show will become an instant crowd favorite.”


A joint effort of Six Flags Entertainment Corporation, CBS Consumer Products and RWS and Associates, “Survivor Live” will put park guests’ minds and bodies to the test as audience members compete in contests designed to challenge their endurance, memory and strength.


This interactive show features music, choreography, state-of-the-art sets and lavish costumes.


“Survivor” is “one of the most popular shows in reality TV history,” said Melissa M. Pinkerton, communications manager for Six Flags New England. “We’re always looking to diversify our entertainment, and adding this cool stage show that people can get involved with is a great addition to the awesome entertainment package we already have.”


During each “Survivor Live” show, the audience will be divided into four tribes: Mogo Mogo Tribe, Ulong Tribe, Lopevi Tribe and Kota Tribe.


One person will be selected from each to compete in games, and the winner will be eligible for a drawing to win a pair of tickets to see the season finale of “Survivor” live in New York City.


“We’re really thrilled about it,” Pinkerton said. “It’s an incredible theatrical piece.”


The show will be included in the theme park entrance price.


“This is an opportunity for everybody to get on board and be part of a tribe,” Pinkerton said.


Six Flags America in Washington, D.C., will present the “Survivor Live” show, too.


Survivor, now in its 22nd season on CBS, features contestants who are stranded in a remote location and divided into tribes who compete against one another in various physical and mental challenges. The losing team is forced to vote a member of its own tribe off the island. The goal is to outwit, outplay and outlast the other contestants to be the last person standing and win the title of Sole Survivor and a $1 million prize.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's amazing at what they can do with wraps these days. I was able to watch several demo's at SEMA this year from design to printing to installation. A very cool product and a very cost effective alternative to paint. With this, parks could in theory change the theme on rides or ride vehicles more frequently.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Went there the other day. Cyclone seems faster with the new track, but the ridiculous ejector in the back was somewhat diminished. Dunno why. Thunderbolt was running nicely, Bizarro was not quite up to its usual standards, but it's still friggin' Bizarro. Batman, meanwhile, was actually running pretty damn well; trims seemed to be off and it was pulling some nice forces. Mind Eraser was your typical hang-n-bang but was pulling some pretty impressive forces, while Flashback was actually rather smooth and seriously packing some g's in the back when going in reverse. Finally, GCG is decent; lightly braked, though the theming does help bump it up a notch. Didn't ride Pandemonium, as the line was enormous throughout the day. Nothing exciting happened, really, outside of the Kontiki ride op who was blaring "Me So Horny" in a painfully obvious ploy to get fired.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone at the park today when the tornadoes hit nearby? Looks like the funnel cloud was only a few miles or so from the park... Just wondering if there was any damage from the storms, Springfield/Agawam area was hit pretty bad.


Hope if anyone was there, or if there's TPR members in Western, MA that you're all safe and sound!

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^ Six Flags NE just posted on Facebook: "To our Facebook fans, thank you for your concern. Our park was not hit by this severe weather and will be open tomorrow as scheduled. Our thoughts and prayers go out to our local communities that were hit by the tornado."


Glad to hear no one was in danger at the park - thoughts go out to everyone in the area around SFNE though... bummer

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As far as they are saying, no damage to the park, but the area had a very damaging tornado earlier as well as severe weather most of the day. The downtown area a few miles from the park has a lot of damage/injuries. Not sure if they closed rides or whatever just in case, but according to the SFNE Facebook they were unaffected. Good thing too, that's a lot of people in an open area to try to get to safety/shelter.

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Six Flags New England is in full operation, but a number of organizations are speaking to park management to assist in whatever way they can. If you haven't seen the video yet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5plBdPBNj8&feature=youtube_gdata_player this is the eye of the storm forming over the Memorial Bridge in Springfield on the Connecticut River, the National Basketball Hall of Fame can be seen at the bottom of the video and the downtown cityskyline sits directly against this river to the right of the bridge (coasterfact: S:RoS/Bizzaro sits on this same river approximately 1.5 miles to the left of this bridge). This city is a struggling one, third largest in the state with no core economy and sixth highest child poverty rate for a city in the country right behind Flint, Detriot, and Gary(IN). It's a city that will not recover fast. Main Street is completely torn up, you really should see this. There are quite a few victims in the MassMutual Center, high school students that were to graduate this week that are homeless. We're trying to work with perhaps SFNE to give the students a day at the park while we work to clean up the debris and reschedule graduations in the county. I'll keep you guys posted, but please do keep this community in your prayers.

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I went to the park today, and it was a wonderful day to go! Crowds were minimal, and the weather was great for the most part, although a bit cloudy and windy later on in the afternoon.


Ride count:

Bizarro: 9

Thunderbolt: 1

Pandemonium: 4

Cyclone: 3

Blizzard River: 1

Tomahawk: 2

Houdini: 1

Flashback: 1

Gotham City Gauntlet: 2

Catwoman's Whip: 1

Splashwater Falls: 1

Mind Eraser: 1

Batman: 2

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I have a choice between going to SFGadv and SFNE on the week of June 13th. I've been to both multiple times before, but SFGadv is an hour closer so I go to it more often. Overall, I know Gadv has a better collection of rides, but I've never been to SFNE when there were no lines. Everytime I've gone, Bizarro was a 1.5-2 hr wait and everything else had pretty awful operations.


On the other hand, I went to Gadv around the same time last year on a weekday and it was practically empty. I went last month and it was unexpectedly crowded. If SFNE is empty on a weekday around this time of year, I'd prefer to go there, but SFNE is the one place where I can't deal with lines.


So, any locals know if the park will continue to see light crowds for the next few weeks, particularly the week of the 13th?

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Today was my first visit to the park. The park is beautifully landscaped. I really must hand it to the employees who were all so polite and energetic after yesterday's tornado. I was highly nervous I would be too tall for Bizarro, but I was fine. I rode it seven times. I know many will disagree, but I like Millenium Force a tiny bit more. With that being said, it's one of the best coasters I have ever ridden. I got all of the other credits as well. The only dark side of the day was Catapult being closed.

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So, any locals know if the park will continue to see light crowds for the next few weeks, particularly the week of the 13th?

It should be fairly empty except for school trips. School usually gets out around this time, but MA had a lot of snow days this year so it's getting out later.

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