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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Alright So i work there.. That picture is blurry and it looks like more fire than it really was. Most of the "fire" in that picture was background lights that showed up really bright on the picture and yes there was some fire but the structure sustained minimal structural and roof damage, and a small amount of fire damage to the exterior. Started by Fake cobwebs as stated by the agawam fire chief. Houdini is fine ladies and gentlemen again he escapes.

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On a lighter note... Road Runner Express track pieces and supports are now at the park as well as the cars.

The park did say it was enroute when they were getting it approved on Thursday. Glad its here. Also the slingshot has to be moved to the South End. There's pictures of the blue prints on SFNE Online.


Edit: Heres a few videos I found on YouTube.



It doesn't look that bad as previously thought. It's mostly on the building next to it, which is just a facade and isn't part of the ride at all.

Edited by robbalvey
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I have to ask, does this ride use the foam facades that it is commonly used today on many shopping centers, office buildings, and some casinos? If so, just ask the Monte Carlo, they got real lucky it didn't spread...


Yes, I took the picture! Foam goes up in flames quick! (Building codes have been changed to prevent new construction with this type of setup)

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Sorry for the confusion I meant that many theme parks are known to close similar rides, potentially for good, when an accident happens on the other. Also if that ride were to light on fire while i was operating i don't know how you would get out with the room and benches moving around like they do. I just hope Six Flags doesn't panic.

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It's not like 2006 when the wheel assembly on CHILLER's Robin side failed and thus the other Premiers in the chain except Poltergeist close for mostly the remainder of the season.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was. A major chain like SF won't hesitate to take every precaution to prevent problems. Overreaction? Probably, yes. Smart? Yes.

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^Yeah... thats been a problem all season. I bet thats next to be removed. Except this time atleast there is a reason. Its mostly the yellow train the has the problems, it only works on the back half of the train half of the time. The front half is completely silent with no crackling. The blue train has been working a little at least. However it cuts out everywhere and restarts from the beginning sometimes. What a shame. They can't even hold the ride together for two seasons.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went to SFNE on Friday. It was the best trip I have ever taken! I first ran for Bizarro (no duh). The wait was 30 minutes the whole time, even though they were running only one train and the audio broke halfway up and didn't come back until the last tunnel going into the bunny hills. I rode in the 3rd row. I than ran over to Batman which had a 20 minute wait. I got the last row and it was intense! I went over to Thunderbolt and I gave my friends the first row and I got the second. Then I got some back damage on the front of Cyclone. I then ran to Bizarro single rider with my friend, the very next ride had an empty front seat. He had already ridden Bizarro in the front row 4 times, I had never gotten it. It was the most amazing experience! The rides even better at night!!! Then I went to Batman and got it in the back row again! It was the best trip to an amusement park ever!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I fell across some photos of the upcoming coaster! Thought I should share...


Gotham City Gauntlet: Escape from Arkham Asylum






My Opinion: I'm actually surprised they are going to theme it. And I think it looks good! (For a wild mouse at least) It obviously won't be indoors, so it might not be as well themed as Dark Knight, but it still looks pretty good! Can't wait to ride it next year!

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