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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Not that I'd foresee; I have seen signs around Springfield and Holyoke for SFNE Walk in the Park fundraiser for Diabetes on either the 12th or 13th this year. I'm pretty sure it would be on a Sunday but you should check for that since the walk brings in a good 2,000 or so people alone. Otherwise in early June should be a moderate crowd at most; maybe a 30 minute wait for Scream, Bizarro, and Dark Knight. The park has been good these past weeks at running two train operation on every major coaster even with an empty park so lines are fast (at least compared to SFGAdv).


**UPDATE** Walk in the Park is June 12. You're all clear. Enjoy! **

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So, any locals know if the park will continue to see light crowds for the next few weeks, particularly the week of the 13th?

It should be fairly empty except for school trips. School usually gets out around this time, but MA had a lot of snow days this year so it's getting out later.


Huh? Public schools in New England are always open until late in June. Only private schools and colleges get out earlier.

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I wouldn't say late June. More like middle of June. The schools around me were supposed to get out the 15th, but snow days pushed that back. In my post he was talking about the week of the 13th, thats when I said school usually gets out. I didn't mean they were getting out when I posted that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For anyone who has ever ridden Bizarro @ SFNE the audio has been changed. Members of SFNE Online have said it has been changed to a bunch of songs instead of a bunch of random quotes. SFNE's Facebook page has also confirmed the change. Personally, I liked the audio they had originally... When it worked.


Btw, I am a new member of the site for anyone who doesn't recognize my name.

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^I rode today and can confirm that the audio has been changed. In other SFNE news, parking was $20 today, but the park was dead in the afternoon which was nice. The m&m stairs are back, and Trident Layer is on the other side of the steps.

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^I rode today and can confirm that the audio has been changed. In other SFNE news, parking was $20 today, but the park was dead in the afternoon which was nice. The m&m stairs are back, and Trident Layer is on the other side of the steps.


What was the audio like? What songs did it consist of and did it "fit in" with the Bizarro theme like the previous audio did?

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^^ I only heard the lift hill audio and it consisted of "lose yourself" by Eminem with random growling sounds mixed in and something before that I didn't recognize. Perhaps the Eagles? Throughout the ride there is random music. I don't really know how to describe it except that it's now random music clips instead of random sound bytes from famous movies.

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I do find it funny how different audio on a ride can be to people. I know so many enthusiasts who will swear up and down that X2's audio really helps the ride, and yet I hear equal numbers saying how much it sucks on the Bizarros. Now, this may be due to the fact that X2 has songs and quotes vs. straight quotes on the "old" Bizarro audio tracks, so maybe this new mix might be better.


Anyway, just wanted to mention that.

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I rode Bizarro yesterday and the audio still cuts in and out at points of high G-forces. It really is less annoying than the original audio, but I kept expecting something dramatic to be played over the drop. It just transitions from one song to the next, not very impressive. Personally, I had a better experience on the train that had no audio, but I actually wouldn't mind if a system like Hollywood Dream or HRRR was applied (wishful thinking, I know).

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Hi guys,


Looking for a bit of advice. Myself and the girlfriend will be visiting her sister who lives in Connecticut this summer. I've told her I'm taking a trip to SFNE with her or without her!


I have a few questions that you might be able to answer.


1. We can go there any day between August 23rd and 29th. Would any of those dates be a better day to go?

2. Depending on what's in the park the whole family might go which would include three children between the ages of 5 and 10. Is there any rides suitable for their age?

3. I see there's also a water park. is this part of the theme park or separate? And could you do both parks in one day?


Thanks in advance.



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Hey, SFNE is my home park, so I'd be glad to help out. I couldn't really recommend a specific date... but there are a couple of kids' areas. There's Looney Toons Movie Town, which has kiddie versions of a lot of the bigger rides, including a kiddie coaster I loved when I was around 5 or 6. There's also "Kidzopolis" on the other end of the park, with rides that are a little bit bigger but still very tame. Both of these areas are fairly small, though.


The water park entrance is behind the Batman coaster, and it's free with park admission. However, renting "containment units" (not what they're called, think those miniature metal closests from grade school - the word is censored here for some reason) can be somewhat hectic and they do cost money. Tube rentals are somewhat expensive, but you can also wait in two lines on the slides instead (one for a tube and one for the ride). It's a decent-sized water park and it's always pretty crowded, so you probably couldn't fit EVERYTHING at both parks in in one day. You can have a pretty good and fulfilling time in a day though, and a second day would be either short or boring. The water park also has a couple of kids' areas at "tiny" and "intermediate" levels, including a big slide complex/play structure complete with one of those huge water-dumping buckets.


If it's at all possible, I'd recommend NOT eating in the park. The food isn't terrible, but it's way overpriced. As I said in my trip report, three chicken strips, a handful of fries, and a small drink cost $17. My family used to bring a cooler with food in it for lunch, leave it in the car, get a handstamp at the exit and leave for the parking lot so we could eat in the car. When you're done, the handstamp gets you back in the park for free.

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^^When I worked at SFNE, weekends tend to be really crowded while most weekdays were not bad. I'd recommend a Tuesday or Thursday visit (sorry, I don't feel like looking up which days of the week your numbers are )


UFAlien did a very good job describing kids attractions. Aside from the kiddie area, there are plenty of other rides they may be able to ride with an adult. All ride heights are on the park's website, but not all of them are on the park maps.


Waterpark is free with admission, but it tends to get crowded regardless of what day of the week it is. You can try tackling both in one day. Being a local, I've never really had to do it. However, because of the waterpark, ride lines tend to decline throughout the day if you wish to take advantage of that. Otherwise, there are some good and decent slides at the park and LOTS of stuff for kids to do.


When I worked there, I always told guest do NOT eat the food. It is way over-priced. Unfortunately, options are extremely limited here since no food is allowed in the park. I wish I could tell you the cheapest option if you have to buy food, but unfortunately I follow my own advice lol.


Last tip, when the waterpark closes, the lines for rides tend to swell for about an hour or so. So if you do go to the waterpark, you may want to leave before the big crowds do so you can get in lines for rides ahead of time.


And that's all the info I've got. I have heard a lot of good reviews and bad reviews of the park, but every time I've gone I've had a good day. Be sure to bring plenty of cash for the fluffy fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo. If you want to ride Bizarro, back seat is the best! If you want to ride Mind Eraser, keep your head back and to the right at all times. Do as much research on the park as you can and have a good trip!

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I just went to SFNE the other day to ride "Bizzaro" for the first time since it was changed from Superman and... its just not the same as it used be. In my opinion the new theming put into place during the course of the ride does make it more enjoyable than before, BUT it does not make up for the other aspects of the ride that were decreased in awesomeness. Not only is the music just plain annoying, but the ride itself has become more bumpy in certain seats. I remember back a few years ago that riding Superman in the very back was hands down the best coaster experience I've ever had. Now that's all changed. On the entire back half of Bizzaro you consistently feel like you are getting jerked around the hills and turns. Don't get me wrong, its not "omg this is so bumpy and gives me a headache". Instead its "Wow this ride is now slightly bumpy and jerky in the back half? It was smooth as butter when it was superman!" This leaves me thinking... Why would Six Flags risk changing a ride that was already amazing to start with? It just doesn't make any sense to me, why not just give the ride a fresh coat of paint and some repairs?? Personally, I believe that Bizzaro's problems lie in the new trains that they have implemented. Having said that, I am left with some hope for the future of the ride. I hope that they will one day bring back the old trains or just build new ones for the ride, and hopefully both will be free of that annoying music. After the ride, all that's stuck in my head is the chant of " BIZZARO, BIZZARO, BIZZARO". This leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth as I exit the station (Same thing happens after the other Bizzaro at Gadv). This year when I heard that they had changed the soundtrack I was ecstatic. Now they play a mix of rock and hip-hop songs as you navigate the hills and turns( Which is better, but I still prefer no music), but then on brake run at the end, they left that blasted Bizzaro chant!. Oh my God, WHY?.


Bizzaro is still my #1 Steel coaster primarily because I haven't ridden most of the other top rated steel coasters around the world. Hopefully that will change in the future as I plan to start going on TPR trips now that I'm 18 . However, Bizzaro is no longer my overall #1 Coaster. That title now belongs to El Toro at Great Adventure. Maybe it's just me or maybe it was just the day I went on, but the overall quality of the park has decreased as well. Service is plain horrible and the new coaster they got for this year is just as bad. Gotham City Gauntlet may be even worse then Manhattan Express in my books. I felt like I was going to die of pain throughout the ride and couldn't wait for the second I got off the damn thing. It would be reassuring to hear from other people that it isn't just me or the day I went on. I really hope that I am wrong about Bizzaro.

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^^How did I know someone would ask me that? It seems that everyone except me finds it a very positive, inspiring song. It's incredibly intense and the dark feel plus some of the lyrics brought up images that gave me a nightmare after I first listened to it! It's one of my favorite Zeppelin songs and the one that gets in my head the most often.


The end.

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Was at the park today. Other than the typical breakdowns associated with Summer at Six Flags, not much to report.


However, Cyclone was running different this year. That ride, has the single most insane moment of airtime I've ever experienced on a coaster

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