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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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I agree with the above posts. There is now one spot on Cyclone that has CRAZY ejector air. It scared the shit out of me when it happened, never would have expected it! I was literally ejected like half of foot out of my seat and thought I was going to fly out !!! Its like the last hill of El Toro x2

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^I personally think El Toro's airtime has a bit more of a controlled feeling simply because of the hydraulic lap bars. Every single hill on El Toro is probably more forceful than anything on Cyclone, but since you have so much room to move on the latter, you really get that omgwtfamigoingtodie sensation


It's been about a year since I've been on Cyclone, but IIRC in the back at the beginning of the first drop, you get one really sudden pop of airtime that tosses you right into the lap bar. You come back down for a second that get tossed all the way back up for the rest of the drop.

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I agree. That first drop is the most intense ejector air time I've ever experienced on a ride. If it didn't have seatbelts that ride would probably be unsafe in the back

And you've ridden El Toro.........


Yes and I LOVE the airtime on El Toro. I just think the lap bars on Cyclone that bounce up and down give a truly insane moment of air on the first drop of Cyclone.

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Guess I'm gonna have to ride Cyclone again when I hit the park soon. I haven't gone out of my way to ride it many times since they changed that first insane drop. Cyclone used to be the only coaster that ever actually scared me to death to ride because of the original first drop. I've ridden it since the change, but can't really recall anything that great about it... maybe I'll check out the back seat if I can - I wouldn't mind feeling that "omfg I'm gonna die" feeling again, haha...

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As an advisory... you know the big jolt of air on the drop next to the station after the high turnaround? It's gone. The new Topper Track smoothed out the transition so that doesn't happen anymore. I was sad. The first drop is still the same though.

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Yes The jolt on the first drop is what I was referring to at least. It is still batsh*t crazy! As for the other drop near the station, I am glad that it has gotten the topper track because it used to jackhammer my back a lot at the bottom. I just wish SFNE could find a way to run the second half of the ride without those awful trims! They seriously murder that portion of the ride.

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Agreed. The brakes on the latter half are an affront to the SPIRIT OF THRILL. Who is very nice and hangs out at my place on Tuesdays. Also, a much less significant change: I for one don't like how they rearranged the line a couple years back. I really liked that little tunnel under the ride that let out by the Scrambler for some reason. Probably the photo booth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rumor has it that Deja Vu is replacing Ship Wreck Falls. Which makes the rumor even more insane because then flashback is no more than 1000 feet down the midway. I want it to go in the south end, AWAY from flashback. Also, I never realized how giant GIB's are. They're only like 15-20 feet shorter than Bizarro.

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I'm all for new coasters at SFNE, but I just don't see this one fitting in... although, I would take Deja Vu over Flashback any day. Maybe they don't consider the coasters to be similar enough to matter? I'm having a hard time believing this will happen.

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If the unlikely rumor that Deja Vu comes to SFNE proves true, do you think that it'd replace Flashback or act as the "Green Lantern" of SFNE on the other side of the park?

It's going to replace Shipwreck Falls, likely with a western theme to it.

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I honestly wish that Flashback would be replaced if we got Deja Vu. I'm sure another Six Flags park could use it. However, Flashback had quite a bit of downtime during my visits last year. Maybe I just caught it on a bad day, but the ride had several breakdowns when I walked by it.


However, it would make sense if it replaced Shipwreck Falls. Whenever I walk by Shipwreck Falls, it is always a walk-on, even on really hot days. Some of that can be attributed to the fact that the entrance is a bit hidden, but the ride just isn't as popular as it used to be due to the park's massive water park.


Adding Deja Vu to the Crackaxle Canyon would be great since it would be that area's first roller coaster and increase traffic flow to the area.

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^ I've had similar downtime experiences with Flashback every time I went to the park, even a few years ago. I wouldn't mind seeing that thing gone, it really adds nothing to the park. If SFNE can keep Deja Vu up and running efficiently, then I think it would be a good addition, especially to that area...


Actually, if I'm really wishing about replacing rides, keep Flashback and put Deja Vu in place of Mind Eraser...

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While I personally am not a fan of the Mind Eraser like many other enthusiasts, it still draws a good crowd that far exceeds that of Flashback. Plus I've never seen it down on any of my visits. I think Deja Vu should go on the North End or in Crackaxle Canyon if we get it since most of the crowds swarm to DC and the South End/Hurricane Harbor and that area could use another major ride.

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I know Mind Eraser is popular... I was just saying in my own opinion, if I had my wish, something else would exist in it's place, only because it's one of my least favorite coasters.


Also, last time I actually rode Mind Eraser (2 years ago), I went on with someone who had never been on an SLC, and not only did it break down while we were in line for it, it broke down several times that day... and when we finally got on it, the overall feeling from the SLC newbie was "Ok, so now I know I never have to go on one of those again," haha... which is pretty much how I feel about it.


That being said, that is the only time I've ever seen Mind Eraser down, which is more than I can say for Flashback, let alone a ride like Deja Vu with a history of downtime, so ME has them beat there. I hope we hear more about this soon, I'm anxious to hear what SFNE has planned!

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I hope the rumor is true. I have been intrigued by 'koma's GIBs since they were first built. I have never been to SFNE, so next season there would be one other coaster there that i have always wanted to ride besides bizzaro.

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