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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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The ride has been changed a bit over the years, but I think people over-exaggerate how bad it is.


I rode it a couple weeks ago (for the first time since it was TR:TR---which I LOVED) with a friend who had never been to KI before. The line was barely outside the entrance to the cave, and we waited no more than 30 minutes. I prepared myself for the worst, because I hadn't heard ONE good thing about it since the new program was implemented...we both thought it was great! Everyone else seemed to enjoy it, as well.


The best way to describe it is a giant rock-o-plane in a box. The first couple trips around the top provide some decent airtime, and though the inversions are taken in locked position, they take place in complete darkness and offer great hangtime. The soundtrack also really adds to the ride.


For details as to what it is like now inside the ride chamber...well, it is exactly the same. The goddess statue has been painted black, but when the gondola rises, it is clearly visible, and halfway through the cycle, lights are even shined directly on it. The ivy-covered columns are still there bordering it, too. The stalactites were not lit up on the ceiling, so I'm not sure it they are still there, but I assume they are. However, the lava pit it still there, and it is CLEARLY visible while riding (riders are positioned to look directly down into it while going through the back-flip), as well as those who are boarding the second row of seats.


We enjoyed The Crypt so much, we ended up riding 3 times throughout the day, never waiting more than 25-30 minutes. If you have not ridden it yet, please don't be scared away from all of the negative comments on this board. Just take them all into consideration, and enter the ride with low expectations (like I did), and you shouldn't be the least bit disappointed.

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Very sad to hear, many condolences to the family.


MASON, Ohio (BNO NEWS) -- A passenger died after riding the Firehawk roller coaster at Kings Island in Mason, Ohio on Saturday afternoon, a spokesman told BNO News.


Kings Island is a large theme park located in the city of Mason, which is northeast of Cincinnati.


At around 3.30 p.m. local time, the roller coaster arrived in its station after completing its normal cycle. Ride operators then noticed an adult male passenger who appeared to be having trouble breathing and the park's EMS staff was called and responded immediately. The passenger was immediately transported to Bethesda North Hospital, according to park spokesman Don Helbig.


"We've learned that unfortunately the guest passed away this evening," Helbig said. "Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this difficult time and all of us at Kings Island are deeply saddened."


According to Helbig, the ride was operating normally when the incident happened and he said there is no reason to believe the roller coaster ride played a role in his passing.


Kings Island has voluntarily closed the ride and has notified the state of Ohio who will perform a re-inspection of the ride on Sunday morning as a precaution.


Firehawk was opened in 2007 after it was moved from Six Flags Worlds of Adventure in Aurora, Ohio.


Source: http://news.bnonews.com/hxj7

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Maybe the rider died of a heart attack? Or it could of been from heat exposure. If it happened today, then that could be possible. I know it was very hot when I went outside. Could of been baking going up the lift hill or on the final brake.


Wow, that would be a terrible way to go.


But I'm just speculating. This probably wasn't the cause.

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The article said he had trouble breathing "during the ride" Not Died during it. he died later in the day AT the hospital. So it seems to me he had heart trouble or something wrong with chest pressure during the ride. I can say even me being small though, the restraints on Nighthawk are rather tight feeling to me and are rather uncomfy during the ride itself. So the restraints on Firehawk being similar can already cause discomfort.

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^Just to straighten it out - he didn't die on Firehawk. He had trouble breathing after the cycle, was taken to the hospital, and died there later. There's no evidence that the ride caused (or even contributed to) his death. Don Helbig said that the ODA will inspect the ride tomorrow, and that the ride was operating normally. I would expect it to be back up by Monday - if not sometime Sunday afternoon.

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My opinion is that when people die as the result of a coaster ride, if there was no mechanical failure on the part of the ride itself, then it was probably due to a pre-existing condition. Unfortunately, not everyone knows when they have an aneurysm or some other conditions. Sometimes, the human body do the unexpected.


Regardless, it's always sad to hear that someone passed away during or after a coaster ride.



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My opinion is that when people die as the result of a coaster ride, if there was no mechanical failure on the part of the ride itself, then it was probably due to a pre-existing condition. Unfortunately, not everyone knows when they have an aneurysm or some other conditions. Sometimes, the human body do the unexpected.


Regardless, it's always sad to hear that someone passed away during or after a coaster ride.




Not the first time a pre-existing condition led to a death on a KI coaster. Happened on Top Gun (now Flight Deck) several years ago to a lady, who supposedly got way too excited, must've had a heart attack, and died. It wasn't shut down for long, maybe a day at very most.

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I was in line for Firehawk when this happened and it closed down. They announced over the speaker that there was a problem and that everyone needed to go ride other rides. When everyone stood confused, they ushered everyone out of line without explaining the problem. Annoyed after waiting an hour and being only 10min from the front of the line I asked when the ride would be fixed (assuming that there was a function problem). I was told simply "there was an emergency." This is when we saw the police and paramedics rushing to the front of the ride platform. Of course, we couldn't see anything though. About 30min later while we were in line for another ride my friends and I got to talking the people next to us. Turns out they had also been at the ride when it closed. They told us that the man had a heart attach and died. The victom was on the ride at 330pm and pronounced dead at 430pm. I'm not 100%positive but I dont believe he made it to the hospital before he died. The local news interview passengers that road in the car with the man and said that it was evident he was having problems through the ride and had blood all over his face and his eyes were rolling back. That does not sound like a heart attach to me. I'd venture a guess that this may have something to do with why they are not yet releasing the cause of the mans death.

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I was in line for Firehawk when this happened and it closed down. They announced over the speaker that there was a problem and that everyone needed to go ride other rides. When everyone stood confused, they ushered everyone out of line without explaining the problem. Annoyed after waiting an hour and being only 10min from the front of the line I asked when the ride would be fixed (assuming that there was a function problem). I was told simply "there was an emergency." This is when we saw the police and paramedics rushing to the front of the ride platform. Of course, we couldn't see anything though. About 30min later while we were in line for another ride my friends and I got to talking the people next to us. Turns out they had also been at the ride when it closed. They told us that the man had a heart attach and died. The victom was on the ride at 330pm and pronounced dead at 430pm. I'm not 100%positive but I dont believe he made it to the hospital before he died. The local news interview passengers that road in the car with the man and said that it was evident he was having problems through the ride and had blood all over his face and his eyes were rolling back. That does not sound like a heart attach to me. I'd venture a guess that this may have something to do with why they are not yet releasing the cause of the mans death.


Sounds like an aneurysm to me because a cardiac arrest wouldn't cause bleeding since the heart simply shuts down.

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