Well, I had an idea that could get the parks feet wet before we just add a big coaster. I was trying to take into consideration that less people could be attending SFA right now, based on the economy. If things are worst in 2012, they may not get the return on it that they were expecting. Of course their expectations on money return for such an investment should be spread over a longer period of time, give or take the condition of our economy. But check out this next idea I have.
Now here is where I get back to an old idea. I still think it would be a cheaper investment in this economy to remove Tower of Doom and install a Drop Zone Tower in Gotham City. Yea the park could use another monster to top Superman, but wouldn't a new drop tower get SFA's feet wet before we add another rolling monster? Again, it's only a suggestion for a 2013 attraction. They could just fill Tower of Doom's old spot with a few flat rides while the new monster tower is in Gotham City. The flats, would be family oriented so that nobody gets neglected.
So you're suggesting that SFA take out their drop tower so they can build a different drop tower? I don't understand why SFA would waste their money on that. Their current drop tower is perfectly fine, there is no reason to build a new one. What the park does need is a new coaster, and there is no reason to wait any longer.