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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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I don't think it's any wider than I305's track (but who knows how that compares to the box-spine); I think it's just beefier to account for the larger trains.


It is about 30% wider than the i305 track, at I believe 4 feet. R.D. can correct me on the specifics...

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Yeah, this track is wider than normal Intamin track.


Correct me if I'm wrong here -


As for seat vibration, it shouldn't be too much of an issue because the structure supporting the outer seats is short and stout. Furius Baco, by comparison, has structures that are essentially just long sticks with heavy seats placed on top of them. The small amount of vibration that you would feel sitting in the inner seat gets stronger and stronger as you move further outward.


By comparison, B&M Diving Coaster track is wide enough that you can fit six-wide trains to it with little to no vibration, and still not a lot (at least to me) of vibration when you fit eight- or ten-wide trains (I've ridden Griffon on the outer seat comfortably). Curiously, Krake at Heide Park appears to use standard-width B&M track.

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Does Hershey Park own the Skyrush layout, meaning if I had my own park that has nothing to do with Hershey could I request from Intamin to build me a clone of Skyrush? Can Intamin sell exact clones of Skyrush without Hershey's approval or do they even have to get approval from Hershey if they wanted to sell an exact clone?


Skyrush was specifically designed to fit into that little corner of Comet Hollow. The layout had to work around (and over) the Comet structure, existing buildings, the creek bed, and the hill on the far side leading to the road. In another park or setting that layout would be awkward.


As to who owns the layout, that would be determined by the contract between Hersheypark and Intamin, which we are not privy to. I know in my line of work some of our customers want to own the intellectual property for the design, and we are happy to give them that for a price. Others don't want the IP, and we can reuse that design on a product for another customer.

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^Thanks for answering my question, I was just using Skyrush as an example it could apply to any custom coaster really.


As to who owns the layout, that would be determined by the contract between Hersheypark and Intamin, which we are not privy to. I know in my line of work some of our customers want to own the intellectual property for the design, and we are happy to give them that for a price. Others don't want the IP, and we can reuse that design on a product for another customer.


Yes this is how I thought it may work, wasn't 100% sure again thanks for confirming it for me.

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This may be a REALLY stupid question but do you think there will be some sort of retractable floor in the station, for shorter people to get in the winged seat?


Do you mean like in the stations of floorless coasters? At first I thought that there would be a similar mechanism for the winged seats, but now I'm thinking that they'll just hang over the station platform. Although now that I think about it, that'll leave people's legs dangerously close to the floor when the train dispatches... anybody have insight on the dispatch procedure for the trains?

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This may be a REALLY stupid question but do you think there will be some sort of retractable floor in the station, for shorter people to get in the winged seat?


There is no retractable floor. If you look at the picture of the train, the outer seats sit lower than the middle ones. This is to allow riders to load more easily. I'm sure they are reclined too, to keep feet off the floor, much like the impulse coasters, which has been mentioned.


The downside of this arrangement is that the person sitting in the opposite winged position will have to climb over the middle section to get to their seat.

Edited by Magnum PA
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Well, hello awesome. 2012 is the most exciting year for coasters in a long time. Skyrush looks absolutely fantastic. Kings Dominion is my home park and I'm STILL jealous of your guys up in Hershey. I'm going to try to get up there before the summer is over. I haven't been since Storm Runner opened.

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I'm going to call it now: I think this will definitely debut in the top three in the Mitch Hawker poll. Lap bars only and no seatbelts (by the looks of things), low sweeping turns, nice pacing and hopefully amazing air time will make this one of the best coasters in a decade.

I agree, this ride has the potential to be one of Intamins best hypers. And considering pretty much all of their hypers have made it into the top 20 on the Mitch Hawker Poll, that is saying a lot.

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I love the trains and everything, but I can't help imagine that it's going to look sort of awkward going through the course. They're so much bulkier and less aerodynamic than any of intamin's other trains. I could be wrong, considering B&M hypers look good, but we'll see.

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I love the trains and everything, but I can't help imagine that it's going to look sort of awkward going through the course. They're so much bulkier and less aerodynamic than any of intamin's other trains. I could be wrong, considering B&M hypers look good, but we'll see.


I think they'll be fine. But I do agree with you, these trains almost seem "fake" to me (my opinion). They almost don't look like they are designed by Intamin (besides the wrapping paper), they look more Zierer like.

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Oh Boy, everybody has been talking about SKYRUSH and not a word about Hershey'sSpringtime in the Park. Perhaps it's because SKYRUSH isn't gonna be part of the event, just as the SUPERDOOPERLOOPER will be setting out this year's event as well (notice subject to change - it could be up and running). So I will be at the park to protest this infraction with the best and positive way I know how: by riding the MERRY DIP SLIDE so many times my butt will fall off. Why do that?you all might ask; after all, I'm a 44 year old 250 lb man riding a family ride that was created for people that would get sick riding a merry-go-round, and I'm suppose to be the rider and amusement park flyer. Ask me why ride the MERRY DIP SLIDEand I shall look them in the eye and reply: "Because I can!" Besides, the waiting time for this ride is non-existent and I'm sure the ride attentant could use all the business I can give them; after all, isn't that the Amusement Park way?


So that the SKYRUSH and the SUPERDOOPERLOOPER won't be running, but Hersheypark got a lot of other rides that will help fill the void; who knows, if the weather is warm and sunny maybe they'll run the Coal Cracker?


"Don't bother me, I'm dreaming that someone is laying their head upon me.

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