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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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This one is from Thursday. I'll have another one from yesterday and today posted tonight.

The supports for the reduction brake are up and track is starting to be added to it.









Looks like Tilt-A-Whirl is starting to go back up.









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That last picture of the view from the front gate


...But it got me thinking. Given all the hype, in addition to it's proximity to the entrance of the park, we might see some pretty bad stampedes when this thing opens. People always run to the new coaster, especially if it towers over the gate, enticing you as Skyrush does.


Almost any stampede would result in BAD THINGS if the park just let people go, because the only two ways to get to Comet Hollow from the entrance are along the now unfinished creekside path, and down an extremely steep bottleneck hill that wraps around Comet's station. A dense pack of frenzied parkgoers sprinting down a steep hill is a textbook recipe for disaster.


Hopefully the park will adopt a Great Adventure-esque system of security guards guiding a large, controlled crowd safely to their destination; a system that I was very impressed with during my visit. It would be a shame to see somebody hurt simply because someone else wanted to get to the ride faster.

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I've been on spring break the past week and haven't been in Hershey since then to get an update. My updates will start back up again on Monday.

Matt, a friend of mine from the Project 2012 group, was just over an hour ago and took these:

Comet track gap: Closed.

Speaking of Comet, check out the side of the roof!


Stengel Dive turn gap: Closed.


The final footer...

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Speaking of Comet, check out the side of the roof!


I knew it would get some sort of dress up. Especially having to tear into it partially for clearance issues, I presume they don't want to waste the opportunity to spruce it up even if they didn't plan on it initially.

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I can't wait to see what it'll look like tomorrow I'm also curious to see what they'll do with the front of Comet's station. Will it be the classic design but just a few feet back? Or will they try to go with a different style?

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^I honestly wouldn't mind if they made Comet's station look even more traditional. I find it kinda funny how Comet is the old wooden coaster of their collection, yet Lightning Racer has a much more striking and classic-looking station.

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Well Comet Hollow has gotten the shaft in regards to attention and renovations compared with much of the park in nearly the last 15 years. It really hasn't seen much change since Great Bear was built and SDL (and even Comet's station IIRC) became blue.

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Well Comet Hollow has gotten the shaft in regards to attention and renovations compared with much of the park in nearly the last 15 years. It really hasn't seen much change since Great Bear was built and SDL (and even Comet's station IIRC) became blue.

This is the fourth new look that the Comet station is recieving.

1946-early 1970's (might be two other different looks): White with comet logos on the side of the roof.

1970's to late 1980's: Green station with the Comet sign.

1980's to 2011: Blue station with the Comet sign (just a paintchange)

2012: What looks to be white and green or red sqaures.

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I could have sworn that at some point through the early nineties it was also brown ( I think the blue came when Great Bear was built and they did a minor facelift of Comet Hollow- mostly paint.) Also, and I'm probably mistaken, didn't it start out with a pitched roof when it was first built? Maybe I'm mixing it up with the original Wildcat.


edit: I was mistaken, it was actually just had exposed trusses, like a pavilion. And it had Brown paint from some point in the eighties until 1995.

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I could have sworn that at some point through the early nineties it was also brown ( I think the blue came when Great Bear was built and they did a minor facelift of Comet Hollow- mostly paint.) Also, and I'm probably mistaken, didn't it start out with a pitched roof when it was first built? Maybe I'm mixing it up with the original Wildcat.


edit: I was mistaken, it was actually just had exposed trusses, like a pavilion. And it had Brown paint from some point in the eighties until 1995.

My bad. It's color was acutally green and brown.


Back to the updates! A lot has happened over the past week not just in the construction site, but around the park as well, so let’s get started!



Here are some of the keypoints of the update:

-The photo booth is going up.

-The queue and exit stairs are starting to go up.

-Catwalks are being added to Comet's bridge and the lift motor area.

-Only about 5 track pieces and one footer to go until the circuit is completed.


















Here's a panorama shot!

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First off, I want to send a huge thanks out to Ccron for the countless updates throughout Skyrush's construction! I know you don't have to do that at all, but it is certainly greatly appreciated!! Kudos!


That said, I just want to say that your last picture in that update - the panoramic shot - is absolutely gorgeous! Just wow. I can't recall the last time I've been this excited to ride a new coaster that wasn't at my home park (Dragster in 2003 springs to mind as the last one). The layout just looks fantastic, and each update that shows the construction getting closer and closer to completion gets me even more pumped to ride! Bring on the summer!

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