Yes, how about this: Ride it before you criticize opinions of those who have rode it already. Validate your opinion with actual that so much to ask that everyone that hasn't taken a few laps step away from the discussion until they have done so?
No one so far has said they hated the ride, or the airtime, and no one is a wuss because they felt pain. I guarantee you this ride is like nothing you've been on before.
When it was announced, I said I would be happy if this gave half the ride Intimidator 305 delivers, and my expectations were blown away, yes, it's that intense. I love the thing! I proudly call it my favorite ride, even over I-305. It's [surprisingly] a more intense ride in a nicer setting, with more airtime (IMO): with a crazier first drop, multiple wild ejector moments, and trains more open than any coaster I've ever ridden. But also can't ignore feeling sore after a few laps. Pardon me if I agree that the restraint pads cause discomfort after a few rides, because that's what it felt like to me.
Now if you ride it and come out of it with a different opinion, that's fine. But watching people who haven't obviously taken even on lap onthe ride beat up on a minor criticism is just ridiculous. More so than arguing over trimming 0.6 mph- I wonder how those rides felt.
All of my rides have so far been in row 7 and 8, right wing. That twisted camelback is insane from those seats..