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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 276: Penguin Trek construction update!

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The scene with Roy Scheider on the mast with the gun is from the original Jaws. He was shooting at a scuba tank he lobbed into the shark's mouth earlier as it attacked the boat. I never saw the other movie, so I don't know if that footage was actually in the other movie. The explosion looked like the scuba tank exploding from the first film.

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The scene with Roy Scheider on the mast with the gun is from the original Jaws. He was shooting at a scuba tank he lobbed into the shark's mouth earlier as it attacked the boat. I never saw the other movie, so I don't know if that footage was actually in the other movie. The explosion looked like the scuba tank exploding from the first film.

There is footage of that, but I'm pretty sure a guy sticks something in the sharks mouth. I don't know. I feel like the director was just lazy, or they didn't have good shots. Alright, lets get back to Shamu and Mako.

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^Well, this is the same movie in which Michael Caine jumps in the ocean, swims to a boat, then climbs aboard while perfectly dry. So, I guess we're expected to accept an exploding shark.


My guess is that no sharks will explode on Mako.

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Mako will be done before we know it!!! And it is looking AMAZING!!!



Just make sure you check out the POV when they release it, that way you can tell us how forceful it is and if it gives you enough "wow factor" (like with Flying Aces), hahaha!! Sorry, I just had to.....


But yeah, I'm really impressed with how Mako is shaping up!! The layout looks pretty awesome, and those colors are just stunning! Looks like Sea World picked a pretty solid addition to their skyline!

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Yesterday I stopped in to SeaWorld Orlando for a quick hour before the park closed to ride Kraken and to check out the latest progress on Mako. The last time I was in the park, the only section of Mako that had been built was the station, so the progress on the ride has been significant compared to what I last saw. This coaster is a beauty in person and I cannot wait for it to debut so that I can get my airtime fix after work every once in a while (it'll probably be more frequent when it first opens)...


I decided to stop into the park after work on a whim... And 45 minutes later I was here!


Over in Antarctica some of the rock work is being refurbished.



Some of the 50th anniversary decor is still up in the park...


Kraken presents some great views of its new neighbor Mako.


More airtime hills still to be constructed...


You can see Mako from almost every angle you can see Kraken today.


Seriously looks great!




Over in the new Sharks Realm, the area marquee's installation is nearly complete.


The ride dwarfs Kraken as well.


Mako towers over Shark Encounter and can be seen from anywhere in the Sharks Realm.


Another look at the marquee...


There's a neat new shark design in the groundwork in front of Shark Encounter.


The aviary next to Shark Encounter is being refurbished as a part of the overall progress on the Sharks Realm.


The close call with the building looks wonderful!


Mako crosses over guests twice during its ride path, both times in this corner of the park.


The last portion of the ride interacts with the guest areas very closely...



I can't get over how nice this maneuver looks so far!




The waterfront seating area behind the Fins gift shop will be a great place to watch the ride's final turnaround before it heads towards the brake run.




The final turnaround still has several pieces of track to be installed.



I can't wait to see Mako finished within the next month or so!

Edited by jedimaster1227
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