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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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While this was probably part of the bigger Carrowinds project as Eliza mentioned, I think they should have just re-themed this ride and build around it somehow. The themeing probably wore out its usefulness since probably not a single person who isn’t at least 15 can remember who Dauwne or Eliza Thornberry is.

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^ Agreed. Though I suspect there'd be a lot of pushback on Log Ride, so it'll probably be the last one to go. But they will get rid of as many as they can.


Why? Because people jump out of them. And this is the company that added seatbelts to a rollerskater. You do the math.

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Wow. A moment of silence please. This is one of the rides from my childhood. At least I got to ride it last season.


Oh yea, in addition to this news: I just drove past Carowinds today and they have totally removed hills from the turnarounds on Thunder Road. Apparently, the refurbishing is still not done. Nice to see some movement in this park though. It seems to have been a very long time since anything has happened.


HYPER IN 2010 PLEASE! Our collective energies will create one, just like it did in '06 at SFOG!

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I totally agree that CF is on some Water Ride Ripping Out Tirade, and I'm not amused, but you guys are missing the other big reason for pulling water rides.




It is super expensive to pump and deal with water, not to mention the environmental permits and crap required when dealing with those giant amounts of water.


I think this is a trend that you'll see continuing on to other park chains as well. I'm pretty sure that at a number of Six Flags parks they rotate out water rides and at Magic they've pretty much stopped running them in the Winter even though they used to.

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I totally agree that CF is on some Water Ride Ripping Out Tirade, and I'm not amused, but you guys are missing the other big reason for pulling water rides.




It is super expensive to pump and deal with water, not to mention the environmental permits and crap required when dealing with those giant amounts of water.


Very true, and an excellent point. But rapids rides are worse, and while Hershey is removing theirs at the moment, there hasn't really been a rash of removals like log flumes. I really do think that safety is a big concern here.


/Worked on a log flume for two years.

//Worked on a rapids ride, too.

///Let's just say that rider responsibility was more of an issue on the log flume.

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^^That seems like a legitimate reason.


Also, I would think parks could get away with taking out a flume over a rapids ride if they have a shoot-the-chutes style ride intact. The GP probably notices less of a difference between those two styles than they would a flume and a rapids.


Not that that's the main reason for the removal, more like a silver lining for the park that takes it out for the aforementioned reason(s).

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It is super expensive to pump and deal with water, not to mention the environmental permits and crap required when dealing with those giant amounts of water.


I think this is a trend that you'll see continuing on to other park chains as well. I'm pretty sure that at a number of Six Flags parks they rotate out water rides and at Magic they've pretty much stopped running them in the Winter even though they used to.


You beat me to it! In addition to the costs of the pumps, maintenance is also very expensive: maintaining all the fiberglass isn't cheap either! Plus the liability...

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I really could care less about our Timber Mountain log ride at Knott's. I love the ride, but it is so poorly maintained, and the mountain looks so out of place I would almost rather have another coaster. Knotts charm is long gone, and keeping their two oldest most charming rides is adding insult to injury. Due to my location I am kind of a log flume whore, because I will always have a nice wooden stick to sit in on splash mountain, which is not going anywhere anytime soon.

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I really loved this Flume, but cost and capacity is really a key issue nowadays. The waterpark expansions for both Hershey and Vallyfair will most certainly make up for the losses of these rides.


When most of these flumes were built in the 70's and 80's, the waterpark was a rare thing at that time.


I hope to see a rennesance of log flumes, but they will have to be able to hold more people and offer a bit more in terms of elements (IE Splash Mountain, Dudley Doo Right ride systems)


Also, log Flumes/rapids, etc. are more weather-sensitive than say a coaster or a flat ride. Does that make sense?

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I think a lot of the removal has to do with the age of these attractions as well, most log flumes have been around for a while.


Six Flags has also removed a few flumes in the past few years (Riptide at SFGAdv and the flume at SFNE).


I agree and believe that this, along with aspirations to better utilize the space, added in the removal of the flume. The final drop was by far the best.


When I first heard of the removal I made this picture showing the space the flume frees up. Quite a lot, not to mention they could use some of the parking lot if they open up the South Gate again.



Green is the Log Flume Footprint, Red is guessed potential land for attractions.

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I totally agree that CF is on some Water Ride Ripping Out Tirade, and I'm not amused, but you guys are missing the other big reason for pulling water rides.




It is super expensive to pump and deal with water, not to mention the environmental permits and crap required when dealing with those giant amounts of water.


I think this is a trend that you'll see continuing on to other park chains as well. I'm pretty sure that at a number of Six Flags parks they rotate out water rides and at Magic they've pretty much stopped running them in the Winter even though they used to.


Good point. But on the other hand, indoor water parks seem to be popping up all over the place. I'd figure the cost and liability would be in the same range.

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Cedar Fair is afraid of log flumes.


Not likely as KD has done some extensive remodeling work on their flume within the last year or so.


Perhaps. But I stand by my statement. On balance, the chain considers them not worth the risk. Doesn't mean they're going to rip them all out at once. But I wouldn't expect any new ones (at least, not any traditional restraint-less ones).

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