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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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My question, is what is happening with the old train? Both the boomerangs at Knotts and Wonderland have been the worst I have been on so far, it would be nice to have the older train make a new home at one of those parks. Unless they are just changing the bodies, I don't know how much the mechanics will differ.


Also of note.... long before GL's closing announcement, their boomerang was to be repainted coral and light blue... I wonder if they shipped the paint to carowinds when they decided to not paint Geauga's.

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Personally I think Boomerangs with the Vekoma trains (with older harnesses) are pretty smooth. The ones with really old Arrow trains are the real headbanging culprits. If this is like the Nor'Easter's restraints, then this will have no headbanging at all since there is nothing to hit your head against.


For anyone who doesn't know, the harness is more like an overhead lapbar with a rubber vest looking device, kind of like what's on the B&M flying coasters. I don't know if the Vekoma sit-down train restraints will be just like the ones on new SLC trains however.

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I am intrigued by the idea of new trains, but the name is definatly not very creative. There used to be an Arena Football team that played in Raleigh and Charlotte called the Carolina Cobras. They moved to Charlotte because they had trouble drawing fans in Raleigh because of the increasing popularity of the Hurricanes, and after a few year in Charlotte, the team ended up folding.

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The restraints look very similiar to the ones on the SLC Great Noreaster at Morey's in terms of the over the shoulder component. Which I have to say was a big improvement on the SLC though the ride itself wasn't that good but at least no ear bashing.


This coaster gives me even less motivation to go to this park, I guess anything is better than nothing but I think they could have put up something new that would have been much better for the same amount of dollars spent. Additionally, I don't think they would have had much problem selling the boomerang rather than relocating it.

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^^Agree with you there, we did a lot of Q & A's with Park management on the Emo/East Coast trip and when asked about how they select a new ride, the word demograhics gets used very quickly.


There is a vast chasm between how enthusiasts and general public view coasters in many cases, we see another Vekoma Boomerang, they see a big contraption that goes fast and upside down.

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Carowinds and Geauga Lake are owned by Cedar Fair Parks. All they did was move a coaster from one park to another. Geauga lake was not owned by Cedar Fair when this coaster was put in as The Mind Eraser. So it was not built especially for this park. I for one think they should have moved some things to Cedar Point. I know they don't have much room but they could have made some for the Texas Twister. Being in California now I probably will never ride it again. I went to Kennywood recently and thought King Kahuna sucked compared to Texas Twister But then agian I knew the person operating Texas Twister years ago and they always made sure you got your thrills worth! I will have to make a trip next year to North Carolina for Head Spin and another trip to Virginia for Dominator. I miss them both. Ionly live 30 minutes from Geauga Lake.


Forgot to mention that this coaster is not new. It was built in 1996 I believe.


ADMIN EDIT: Please do not double post. If you want to add more information to a thread in which you made the last post, simply click the "edit" button.

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Great. Instead of your head hitting a cushioned 6 inch thick OSTR, your head will be hitting a 1 and a half inch thick steel bar! Well, I don't know, but I guess the only way to know is to ride it once it opens.

But on this style of restraint the metal framing bar is nowhere near your head.

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A Boomerang coaster is only innovative for Carowinds...why do we keep getting crap from other parks passed off as "new"????


Consequently, any coaster is better than stupid new additions to the water park.


I was always hoping Carowinds would go for something huge like a hyper to put up a fight with SFOG, but they seem to be content with 2nd...check that 3rd in attendance behind SFOG and now Hard Rock in the South.


Well at least Carowinds is getting something "new" for 09 so it's not like CF has left the place to rot(yet) & if this helps grow attendance it will prove to CF that new rides at this park are worth the added expense so you'll be seeing greater things in the future.If a hyper is in the works you'll get it eventually so don't sweat it,at least you've got one SWEET invert down there...one that I'd trade V:TBC for in a heartbeat if only I could.

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As other people have said, regardless of how we feel about Boomerangs, whenever you go to a park they have lines. People like them and they look impressive. Unlike most of the people on this site, people are not likely aware that every park in the world has a Boomerang, and if they are they likely don't care.

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