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Kennywood (KW) Discussion Thread

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Over the last few days Kennywood has shared some excellent new photos of Steel Curtain as construction continues! Check them out below!




Got that #fridayfeeling! Work continues on Saturdays for us now!




Yesterday we showed you the construction update from the top of the Racer. Today - let's check out some highlights from earlier this week on the ground! #SteelCurtain




Crane game on point! #SteelCurtain




Jack Rabbit to the left of me,

Steel Curtain to the right,

Here I am...

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Like, I knew it was going to be massive, but it wasn't until they posted that photo of the sea serpent banana roll (mm, sushi) going up that I could see just how far it's towering over Racer, and how thoroughly this thing is going to absolutely dominate the skyline.


I really can't wait for it to open up! Here's hoping the remainder of construction is smooth sailing.

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Whoa looks awesome, I like the looks of that little hill after (before?) the corkscrew and what on earth is that 2nd pic? The one before the final breaks, looks like a double inversion or a dive into a stall or something wild. (I only watched the animation once when released, I like to be kinda surprised)

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How many days into the operating season do you think it'll be before they have to put up "please, no terrible towels are allowed on ride."?

I now want "please leave all bags, loose articles, and Terrible Towels with a non-rider" to be a part of the spiel.

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The finale of the coaster is an airtime hill going into a corkscrew that drops into a helix with an overbanked cutback which leads into the brakes. Personally im most excited about this section more than any other.

Goodness, I cant grasp just reading that, and Im very excited. I reckon it'll have good speed too, it goes up high but so much of it is low/drops to the ground.


Very nice pic indeed.


Anyone have any idea/educated guess on how they can run trains? Its prob not possible but I would love to see one on top one on bottom going through that part at the same time.


I think the ride is kind of jarring for the park itself, even their biggie all ya see are the 2 hills, all the rest is in the ravine, its gunna be weird to have this massive ride so in your face, going over the pathway and everything. At first I too was like hmmm....this park is basically famous for being "classic" but it also looks awesome so I don't care that much lol

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Anyone have any idea/educated guess on how they can run trains? Its prob not possible but I would love to see one on top one on bottom going through that part at the same time.


I didn't see a MCBR on the POV video, so I'm thinking only one train on the course at a time.

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Anyone have any idea/educated guess on how they can run trains? Its prob not possible but I would love to see one on top one on bottom going through that part at the same time.


based on the pic, that APPEARS to be where it hops over the path, meaning the track after the upper section just does a quick turn-around feature on the lake, before coming back on the below part.


so yeah, don't see how they'd ever be able to run trains to hit at the same time.



I'm really liking this Orange color - all the prior pics looked more yellow. Likely this is just primer, but i really do think this looks so much better Orange than Yellow.


any ideas what the final color is gonna be? the Steeler's uniforms seem to be an Orangy/Yellow color. . .

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Anyone have any idea/educated guess on how they can run trains? Its prob not possible but I would love to see one on top one on bottom going through that part at the same time.

As awesome as that would be, that's definitely impossible. Even if there was a mid course allowing for multiple trains, the only thing separating that airtime hill and the stall is a single dive loop (or immelman, not sure which direction the train goes). As in, the train goes over the top, then immediately turns around and goes through the bottom (or the other way around - you get the point).

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I'm really liking this Orange color - all the prior pics looked more yellow. Likely this is just primer, but i really do think this looks so much better Orange than Yellow.

I was thinking the same thing. I didn't know if it was a filter or what. It looks much better in orange than yellow, in my opinion.


When I saw the original rendering I thought it was one of the ugliest coasters I've ever seen. I was hoping it would turn out to look much better in reality. That seems to be the case so far.

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LOL you guys. Those supports are as yellow as the yellow of everyone's text on here, only that one last photo makes the supports look orange. The supports are definitely yellow.




Vest = orange

Support = yellow

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