MrMorgan Posted August 29, 2007 Share Posted August 29, 2007 Maverick rollback > All other rollbacks combined You know you all are jealous! Ok, I'm confused. Can someone please explain how Maverick rolled backed? Down the lift? Back down the flat launch section? Was that explained and I missed it? Second question: Does Maverick launch immediately upon entrance of the tunnel, (like shown in the video), or does it stop/slow down first? It looks edited together in the POV part of the video, but it's tough to tell. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SharkTums Posted August 29, 2007 Share Posted August 29, 2007 We got to the top of the 'liftlaunch' and you could just hear the power cut out and down we rolled. Because of the fixed position mag brakes it was actually quite nauseating as you would roll back a few feet start gaining speed, then slooooow on the brake...then repeat this over and over for like 70 feet!!! The launch in the tunnel acts as a block as well so we had a couple of different experiences. One time we got in the tunnel, and stopped for like 20 seconds before launching. One time we rolled in, stopped for no more than a second and then launched. It seems that you do make a full stop no matter what though before the launch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrMorgan Posted August 29, 2007 Share Posted August 29, 2007 Ahaaaa. Now I get it. I was thinking they would have just some kind of normal A.R.D. on the lift, even though it's sort of launched. Oh, and I'm totally with you on how much it sucks going backwards! We were at Thorpe Park last week, (video coming soon), and I didn't know that that fricken fugged up peice of sheisse indoor coaster "X colon backslash No Way Out" goes backwards the WHOLE TIME?!?!? I HATE hate HATE going backwards. Here I am thinking, "Oh, wow, it must have a turntable someplace because it leaves the station backwards. That's pretty cool." Ya hi duh. Nothing ruins my day and makes MrMorgan more nautious than going backwards, not to mention going backwards thru the dark with several annoying stop and go sections. Sorry to get off topic. Thanks for answering my question! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FeelTheFORCE Posted August 29, 2007 Share Posted August 29, 2007 ^^ Not all the time does it make a full stop. When I rode it the first time, I slowed down to probably about 15MPH and was then launched. The second time is when I came to a complete stop and, as you said, I, too, sat there for a good 15-20 seconds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PKI Jizzman Posted August 29, 2007 Share Posted August 29, 2007 Like I said in my TR, Three times I was the first train out of the station, we came into the tunnel and slowed down to about 10 mph, and then launched IMMEDIATELY. I didn't really like that because you didn't get to see what was going on or where you are. But on the other hand, it really is NON STOP action, haha. The other time I was the second train out of the station and we slowed down, not to a complete stop, but a walking pace....slowly entered the LIMs and launched. As you speed by those 'train lights', doesn't it feel like a huge heat wave? Was that heat form the lights burning all day or LIMs or....? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Airtime&Gravity Posted August 29, 2007 Share Posted August 29, 2007 Nice tr, good photos, great video, and over all looks like a fun day.(aside from the horrible CF operations) Maverick looks like a really fun coaster, and while not as good as everyone says, the other coasters look pretty fun too. The weather didn't agree with you, but it looks like you had fun waiting for the park to reopen. Airtime-Chicago traffic is bad, but New York's is worse-&Gravity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KingOfNynex2003 Posted August 30, 2007 Share Posted August 30, 2007 hey robb nice photos of Maverick! Just to let you know you're not really all that big you look skinnier than my dad and by Canadian standards he's not all that big but if a guy like me tried getting onto the rides over at CP the rideops would probably be like a carny and say something like, "You're too fat to go onto this ride get out of here." here's a photo of me on Deja Vu at SFMM with a girl that wanted to come onto it with me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HerBlackWings Posted August 30, 2007 Share Posted August 30, 2007 Regarding CP: the journey there was irrelevant, I was rain-soaked and comatose. The arrival was, well, untimely, and incredibly entertaining. Cora can attest to the ambience that our hallway had. (Nothing compared to the first night.) I was one of the smart ones, I went to sleep at 3 am, and got up at 1 pm. Apparently I missed an 8-hour line for Maverick. Oh well...I got all of the credits within the 2 days... PLUS the waitress at TGIFridays!!! p.s. Who has the pic of me launching over the bar and grabbing her throat??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gotdane Posted August 30, 2007 Share Posted August 30, 2007 I enjoyed CP a lot! It definitely had some of the more memorable moments, hanging with friends (TGI Fridays, hotel rooms) and stuff. We didn't have to be running around a park to have a blast! -Dane "I both stopped and rolled into Mav's launch" Massie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HerBlackWings Posted August 30, 2007 Share Posted August 30, 2007 And...Maverick was more than the "inverted mine-train" than I expected. Don't listen to the crappy reviews, for a smaller coaster, it SMOKED. (Now I need to *consider* my lowered expectations for Mystery Mine.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the sound Posted August 30, 2007 Share Posted August 30, 2007 Hmmm, from the video, it didn't really look like Maverick was very well themed, wasn't it supposed to be? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaseyFish Posted August 30, 2007 Share Posted August 30, 2007 p.s. Who has the pic of me launching over the bar and grabbing her throat??? Hmmmm....I wonder who has that picture. I don't know maybe the guy you keep picking on! It will be coming up I promise. I hope to do some tonight before I am gone for a couple of days in Vegas. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gotdane Posted August 30, 2007 Share Posted August 30, 2007 ^^Themed? Eh, I'd say it was "landscaped" very nicely. The canyon walls, trees, queue house, launch tunnel all looked great! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bgwfreak Posted August 30, 2007 Share Posted August 30, 2007 For a Cedar Point/Fair coaster I thought it was well themed. Dick doesn't like spending money on theming it seems, he'd rather spend that money on the ride itself. But the queue, "rock" walls, station and a few other spots are all themed. No they're not Disney quality, but this is Cedar Point! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TexTitan01 Posted August 31, 2007 Share Posted August 31, 2007 To answer your question, the sound, yes it was. In the CGI visualization there were certain bits of theming that arent there. The tunnel over the turn before the twisted horseshoe, that wierd mine shaft thingy over one of the turns, and the waterfall (yes the rock structure is there, no there's no water) @ the s-curve all arent in place... However, that doesnt mean Cedar Point doesnt have plans to put them in at a later date...oh who am I kidding. Maverick'll probably never see those things put in! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saecron Posted August 31, 2007 Share Posted August 31, 2007 Sweet! nice picture of our Milph can. That little holder was actually made from the cardboard rolls that our printer paper comes on. The PH of course stands for photo, as that photo was taken in our photo booth. A shame I missed you guys...I was working Maverick that day, but I had the early morning "rain rain rain" shift. In case you didn't notice, James (another ride photo sales associate I work with) turned MilfPH into a clever acronym: "Midgets in leotards fit perfectly here." Seiousy, though, last year everyone on the Force Photo crew bought hoodies saying "got milfph?" that hoodie is featured in one of the display photos on the counter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted August 31, 2007 Author Share Posted August 31, 2007 Well, I failed at having all the midwest updates done before getting to Japan. On the plus side I am sitting at a nice internet cafe overlooking Tokyo while I am writing this! (ok, who am I kidding, there is a wall outside of this window!) Anyway, today was Kennywood, and the park really treated us well! First up was ERT on Racer, which is a mobius loop coaster, so for those of you who know what that means you basically need to ride both sides to get the "full credit", well, lucky for us Kennywood ran us around TWICE without getting out of the seat! Anyway, I am battling the crazy Japanese keyboard to type, so I will just post photos instead (thats all you are here to se anyway, right?) And finally we end this update with the most amazing photo ever taken....Chris in a fancy tiara!!! Photo by Tex A gaggle of idiots. Photo by Erik "Hey ladies...we are some sexy as funk TPR men who can show you a wild night of passion and luxury." Yo dawg. Me be chillin with my alien friend. "Nice work on that Terrance anal cavity probe." Photo by Chris TJ loves to get wipped! Happy Airtime People! We got a nice little backstage tour of Phanton, Thunderbolt, and Jack Rabbit! Thanks Kennywood!!! (Lots more pics will be in our full update!) Random tip - when they said the toilets in the kids area were "small" I didn't think they were actually for Cabbage Patch Dolls!!! "Yay! I finally get a credit on this trip!" "All balls come deflated" Elissa has no friends. Ladies and gentlemen. I now present you with.... "The WORST photo of Elissa EVER taken!!!" Wes would be proud. (The pic of Dave is pretty god awful too!!!) Random twisty Phantom. Hey did we get on Phantom? Did someone jump? I think I've got the picture from the other side! THUNDERBOLT POV!!!! Oooooh.... "I can't seem to find the Thunderbolt anywhere...can someone please point me in the right direction?" Yes Ted, very good. We see...Thank you very much! RACER POV!!!! Damn those bastards for getting so far ahead of us! I was done with hand slap photos but the look on Terrance's face (or whatever the hell alien creature that is) was priceless! NOTE! We are professional "Coaster Hand Slappers!" Do not try this at your local amusement park. You end up with an extra appendage in your lap! More random hand slappiness. Nadia is all "there is something very familiar about this...." Racer might very well be one of the most "fun!" coasters on the whole trip just based on hand slapping good time! Hey who are all those ugly people over there? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaceace12 Posted August 31, 2007 Share Posted August 31, 2007 Aww I would have rode with elissa on the tower. I love drop towers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
terrancew_hod Posted August 31, 2007 Share Posted August 31, 2007 That's the second time that day that expression was captured on film! I was trying to do the handslap and we hit a bump and I had to yank that hand in! Terry "Always with a crazy look on his face" Weaver Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
disneygurlz2s Posted August 31, 2007 Share Posted August 31, 2007 Elissa looks like (Dancing With the Stars/former Flygirl) Carrie Ann Inaba!! How low were those toilets?? LOL!! Have a great time in Japan! Shari Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted August 31, 2007 Share Posted August 31, 2007 You guys were screwed if you left SFGAm at 4:30 or 6. It wouldn't of mattered. Our traffic sucks all the time. Driving on the expressway to the loop from the north is awesome from 9-11pm, nothing like bumper to bumper going 80 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coastercrazed49 Posted August 31, 2007 Share Posted August 31, 2007 Great Pictures!! Thank you for the pictures of Racer since they are kind of hard to get. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slither37 Posted August 31, 2007 Share Posted August 31, 2007 Great pictures of Kennywood. Worst picture of Elissa? Hmmm, she seems to be having fun in that picture, unlike the photo of her in labor..... NOW I know what a group of idiots are called! I always thought it was a "Congress of idiots" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DRACHEN_FIRE_FAN-BOY Posted August 31, 2007 Share Posted August 31, 2007 nice update. I still think that they should have put at least one inversion on Phantom's Revenge... but then again, I was upset they took out Steel Phantom. Too bad I missed you guys going to Kennywood, maybe next time I dunno about the Elissa photo... I think I might have seen a worse one in a Japan Update 06 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CommanderLock Posted August 31, 2007 Share Posted August 31, 2007 Phantom's Revenge looks as cool as ever. That 2nd drop still looks "OMFG!" also. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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