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The Official "TPR MidWest USA 2007" Trip Thread!

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Awosme TRs, Robb! I really can't wait for the full updates!!! Hopefully some of them will be posted before my recruitment or I'll have to spend my entire free weekend reading them.


Also, too bad you didn't ride in the backseat of Tornado, or I am absolutely sure you would not have described it as "a few good pops of airtime". That's kind of an understatement on a Cyclops scale. Max almos tlost his penguin on that ride. You can interpert that any way you want.

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Max almos tlost his penguin on that ride.


Oh the horror that would have been.






Anyway, thanks Robb and Elissa for staging such a GREAT trip! And thank you Robb for setting aside time on your vacation in Japan to finish the mini-updates. Finally, thank you to everyone else who participated for making the trip so fun!




The problem with having your "highlight of the year" in the middle of the year, is everything is downhill from now.



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"Larry is not as cool as Big Mike"


That was fantastic!!! I laughed my ass off when I read that lol.


I think from here on out I will not decide what trip to go on based on where I would like to go, rather I will wait to see which ones Laura and Nadia go on.


Sexy boob credits > Larry and Uncool Rich

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Great updates Robb!! Looking forward to the full big fat reports later on!


I had high kopes for KI and I wasn't disappointed. Firstly, lack of crowds was awesome, the lines were not bad at all. We did the running of the bulls to Firehawk and got on the first train of the day. I have to say I really liked the Vekoma Flyer - can imagine the loading times being unbearable during the day though. The early morning run was so worth it!


Being on Face Off when it broke the first time (earlier in the day before it died later on) was interesting. The train came back through the station on its return, didn't reengage the chain on its way up and and so flew back through the station, almost back through the first inversion. E-Stop brakes then kicked in (lovely smell of burning anyone.....)


Beast night rides was a great way to finish the trip off though!!!


The problem with having your "highlight of the year" in the middle of the year, is everything is downhill from now.


Too true, too true.............

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Robb, what an update!! Like someone said, to finish off while in Japan is pretty awesome!!


and omg yes you got a piccy of the Strickers woman in that fabby 80s flowery top much love!!


Still can't believe Faceoff broke for the night just as we were soooo close and then we saw it running, so went back and it had closed again


I was so sad at the end of the night just because I knew it was our last rides and the last park!! Though the Beast was such a fab absolutely crazy coaster for our last ride and it even gave me lovely zebra marks on my side to take back to Manchester


... I'll be keeping an eye out for the matchmaking bill too

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I can't wait for the "FULL" updates! Like Jahan said, thanks for taking time in Japan to finish these mini-updates!


The Beast night rides were amazing! Wes made for a sick (tongue-in-cheek) riding buddy! Luckily we were in a non-wheel seat so I wasn't completely rattled to the core...


Striker's was great and I was thoroughly suprised by Tornado's huge pop of air you get!


Ohhhh, the midwest trip...

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Why does jahan get the hot blondes!

All part of the Get Jahan Laid Fund!



Thanks for the TR Robb. It was great, and so awesome that you are doing this report from half way around the world. Too much love Robb!

You update whiner whores better stay quiet! Ya'll have been doing well for a while! Once again, Thanks Robb(AND Elissa)!

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You guys all suck!


You think you can post these pix and since we're on a trip I won't find out!!! BOOOO!!!!


Hey Robb...where are the Japan updates!?!? I've been in this country for 3 days already and haven't seen a real update!!! LAME!!!

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Great mini-update about PKI/Strickers. I'd forgotten about that crazy group shot in the picnic area I'm in, hahaha! One of my final credits ...


It's pretty amazing of you to finish the thread off while you're in Japan. Cheers.


Thanks again for an amazing trip, looking forward to '08.

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P.S. Where in the world do I sign up for the Laura credit?!?!?


You have to get in the long line, in which, Big Mike is first in line! Woo hoo!


Peace, Big Mike


Or you could purchase a pair of Beast claws...that worked for me! Best $6 I ever spent! Where's that pic, Robb?



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