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About terrancew_hod

  • Birthday 05/03/1968

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  1. Yes, the game looks quite crappy. But I did throw my cash at Themepark Studio two weeks ago, so at least I can download that and play with it.
  2. You mean the majority of enthusiasts, right? The GP don't care as much, only enthusiasts seem to do any noticeable complaining :/ Wrong! There were a LOT of public coming off that ride complaining how much it hurt. I'll never forget the little boy coming off this ride with his dad and the mom asking how it was. The boy responded "that one hurt mommy, i didn't like it" He seemed barely tall enough to ride. I heard two little girls complaining about how it hurt their backs. That's the first time I've ever heard kids complain about their backs getting off a coaster.
  3. And the thing that always runs out first that I'd always have to buy? The toilet paper. What's wrong with people? They'll buy beer, clothes, go partying and just go blank when it's time to buy Charmin. I'd have to hide the rolls, then finally I held them hostage. Just imagine the horror my last roommate had to endure as he was stuck on the toilet, looking at the paper center of the roll and me refusing to give him a roll unless he slipped $5 under the door. You have to do that with irresponsible people that continue to use your stuff.... then eventually you move out on your own, or put them out. EDIT: And you should heard the lying coming out of his mouth... "I don't have it. I'm broke." me: "You're lying. Five Dollars or I go back in room and put my head phones on... you can use your underwear to wipe your butt for all I care." Then finally that money came under the door after 10 minutes of false protesting.
  4. My uncle from LA started posting on Facebook and his last post says "My friend is coming to visit and all she wants to see is that damned Rat."
  5. I just saw all the males and the one female and thought "That's a ho!"
  6. I had to laugh about this movie teaser. Everything about this movie is wrong, especially the special effects... and the fact that the "secret weapon" to fight the shark can be found on the site where I sell my 3D characters: http://www.daz3d.com/i/shop/itemdetails/?item=10443 So when I say some of the special effects cost $10, I'm not lying. The guy that made the tank said he didn't know whether he should be flattered or appauled.
  7. Oh Terrence....... I'm not responsible for anyone's head going straight into the gutter. I'm talking about BBQ.
  8. I went shopping and the gym and was back home by 5:30pm. I placed an order for some BBQ and got it after 6pm. The cooks must have gotten raptured because they they ascended before they put the sauce on the meat. So I went back the next day and got some sauce so i could actually enjoy my meal.
  9. Just had a flashback of when I was younger... This was from an 80s "exercise" program on Showtime. I wonder if anyone really did the exercises. The execises certainly weren't for Holly Homemaker's benefit. Ignore the blonde girl in first 30 seconds... she's playing. The real girl, Deborah, shows you how its done. All I can say is anyone that tries to keep up with that routine (especially when she get worked up near the end, almost knocking herself out with her foot) better have Mercy General on speed dial! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOqW60QzQs0 Terry Edit: Some of you youngsters can show this to your fathers... if they chuckle when they see it, you know what they "watched" when they were younger.
  10. Robb, you know I had to chuckle because this is our company's software that I have to learn top to bottom... and I was looking at this code last week. Of course on my development machine (with the HD LCD connected), I had to modify the ship's wine list as follows: I need to order a bottle of this fine wine... (this reminded me to get my butt down to Port Everglades and get my port id so I can get a tour of that ship) Terry EDIT: I just told some people in the support department about the screenshot and they said they totally understand about getting all those cupcakes and recommend if I make it on the ship to get one too.
  11. I agree with Robb on the Fast passes. I use them whenever they are available because it saves me a ton of time, especially when I go to a park by myself. Instead of waiting 30 or more minutes for a ride, I can zip through the park and back to the hotel and catch a nap for the evening's activities . It all goes into planning your day, it helps to know what you want to get on most and knock those out. If a ride is broken, switch to something else and check back. I also love if they have a single rider line, that means I ride twice if the line isn't too long. I can queue it up in fast pass and then sit in the single rider line. If the single rider line wait lasts longer than I wanted to and the fast pass is ready, then I can opt to get out and ride in the Fast Pass or stay where I'm at. But fast pass and single rider options are there to help speed you through the park... only if you know how to use them and plan your day right.
  12. Minor rant among my other ones that I don't feel like posting: After all these years, Rollercoaster tycoon platinum comes out for the Mac. This includes the Wild! update that I've been waiting on and what I've had to hack to get it to work on my mac. Then of course I started playing it on the PC instead because of the crashes. So I happened to get a copy of Platinum for $19 online for Windows... you know how much they want for Mac? $49! Somebody's drunk! I'll stick to the PC thank you!
  13. I was looking at apartment listings and one required urinalysis before the lease is signed? Excuse me? Urinalysis! What neighborhood is this place in or what tenants was this person getting? Clicking on next link....
  14. Nothing gets me more pissed that when I finally get myself in a good mood and someone wants to try my nerves. Even worse when they want to try it on Friday evening... you know when it's finally the end of the week and you just want to sit down and unwind. People that have made that mistake learn to regret it. My roommate's boyfriend wanted to have it out with me because he didn't like the way I left the bathroom. I was running late for work and I didn't rinse the shower jell down the drain and I left my shaving cream and stuff on the counter. Now keep in mind, because I pay rent this MY bathroom and he only comes down once a month. So anyway, he gets home while I'm at work, slams the bathroom door, knocking over a shelf spilling the contents on the ground (not picking them up), left a towel IN the bathtub and rolled the bathroom rug on the side of the tub, which is now soaked and need to be washed and dried. Now here I come though the door, sees the mess, takes the items off the floor and put them up, see the towel and then my roommates wants to warn ME about his boyfriend. I got pissed and said "C'mere and look at this." I told him he'd better not even think about having any conversation when he did this. And it's not like I've had to get the clorox clean up and put on some gloves to clean up the poop and pee he left on the toilet before I even tried to sit my butt down on (just nasty). "I didn't say anything then but if he starts with me, I'll bring it up, I won't be nice about it and I won't stop, especially when you all used up the cleaning supplies I bought and I have to go back to the store to get more. He'd better just shut it up and get on the plane for your vacation tomorrow... tonight is NOT the night." I said more because he set me off and my roommate was trying to get me to calm down because I wanted his boyfriend to say something. Anyway, there were no more conversations that night and they went on their trip the next morning. Don't try me when you don't have your act together. Terry
  15. It's completely "Wild Kingdom" going on here. I spent two days battling ants coming through the plumbing into the house (it's that time of year in Florida). After looking online I got ant stakes to put in all the flower pots and areas outside then wiped down all the areas of the kitchen and bathroom with cleaner mixed with vinegar (stinky)... finally i put plates of whole cloves by areas i think the ants are coming in. So far so good, but my roommate complained about the vinegar... then I said "If you put your dishes away and wipe them off properly when you put them in the dishwasher, I won't have to do this. I'm trying to get rid of the ants and you're feeding them!" Next my roommate had an early shift with work and it threw his big dog's poop schedule... so instead of waking to the smell of coffee, guess what I got a big whiff of? (almost hurling) So I had to clean that up too. Then I go outside to the laundry room to get the pooper scooper and see a dead squirrel at the bottom of the pool. I'm not getting that. Terry
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