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The Official TPR Spain & Mini-Europe Trip 2007 Thread

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  SharkTums said:
I swear, everytime I got to see the Baco PreShow I would yell out 'Monkey on a Bicycle!!!' and it would make my day!


Seriously I think it's my favorite pre-show/theming to any ride!!!


And yeah, the footage does not even convey how freakin fast the ride is. Too bad it's practically unrideable in the outside seats. If it was the same as the inside seats everywhere I would put it in my top 10.


So, now on the random section of "Theme Parks, Roller Coasters" we will be having Monkeys as well?

Just thinking of the change that was made to this category. It was Donkey, now changed to Bouncy Bouncy because of the mad ride you guys rode, and will it now become Monkey as well?


Anywaym great updates. I'd probably ride the Baco if it weren't for that one invertion, or if the seats rotated freely.



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Great photos and video, and they were definitely worth the wait. As for the park, it looks really amazing, and its former ownership really shows. Furious Baco looks like a disappointment, and it was not what I expected out of it. Hopefully more wing walker coasters open, but hopefully Intamin can solve the roughness problem.(

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  SharkTums said:
I swear, everytime I got to see the Baco PreShow I would yell out 'Monkey on a Bicycle!!!' and it would make my day!


Seriously I think it's my favorite pre-show/theming to any ride!!!


That literally made me laugh out loud. "Monkey on a Bicycle!" should become the next big catchphrase or else the sequel to Snakes on a Plane.


Thanks for the great update! You all look like you're having all kinds of fun.

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  robbalvey said:

I don't think the POV does the speed and intensity of this ride justice. It also doesn't show off how rough it is


I could tell how rough it was by that alien sound you were making during the launch! Sounded like your larynx was bouncing up and down. I almost spit up my water!


Terry "Can't sit by Robb on Midwest trip else I'll be too busy laughing to enjoy the ride" Weaver


P.S. You know I rewinded that launch back several times.


Guess that was the bad bouncy-bouncy.

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Friday night, one night to go before we head out to Germany. Woo hoo!


I just want to tell everyone right from the start that you have to be here and see Robb and Elissa busting thier asses over here to make everything go soooo smooth.


You cannot even get a chance to see Robb sit down and relax, he is always in constant speed walk mode and fixing problems.


Robb is like Superman here going crazy so if he does not post an update quick enough for all of you, shame on you for saying anything about it because I can vouch that he has no time.


UPDATE - We are about a 1/3 of the way to getting the required Big Mike requests needed for the Super Duper photo spread of the girls.


We spent last night at this gorgeous hotel and most of the night swimming in the 6 pools they had, with MORE SEXY BATHING SUITS!! You want to see these hotties!!


Ask for more Big Mike pictures now!! It is working. Robb and Jeff both are taking more Big Mike pics!!


Maybe I will put up a sample pic when we reach halfway!!


Thats it. Going back to the life of waking up to free breakfast, riding coasters when the parks are closed, having free lunch, enjoying the parks with great friends, fun bus games, swimming with the hotties, and staying up in the bar till the wee morning hours.


Peace, Big Mike


PS - More Big Mike

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Great photos! What a beautiful park. Dragon Khan is really awesome-looking- love the POV shots.

Drunken monkeys on bicycles- what an original theming concept! I wonder how they came up with that? (or maybe I don't want to know)

That is the saddest-looking Pink Panther I've ever seen...

I caught the Hoffman Girl (does the poor girl have a name?) squeezing her boobs on the flume ride right away. Everybody seems to be having such a great time!



Add: I just saw the video- great video. It seems smooth on the video- and fast. I love Elissa's comments at the end!

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Actually, the vid does convey the roughness. I can HEAR it. Badunk badunk badunk!!!


Looks fun, but disappointing that it's rough. Oh well.


Great pics, and is that really Hoffman girl on the log ride? What in the world was she actually doing???

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Great update! The TPR peeps have fun on the Spain trip and the Midwest trip may have fun too, but the mostest and bestest fun will be on the Japan trip!


Please post more Big Mike photos. Otherwise, I really will post photos of me wearing a Speedo.

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Yeah, you could kinda tell Furious Baco was a bit rough. From the video you can see the wing that Robb is on bouncing up and down very slightly, especially in the first curve.



The roughness probably stems from the arms that hold the seats being too loose. It has to be very difficult to engineer something that is stiff enough, durable enough, and light enough to be used on the cars. Hopefully they can get that issue sorted out.




Anyway, looks like great fun, and Port Aventura is beautiful.

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Thanks for the POV video!! It's Awesome!!

And Dragon Khan is awesome too, at night in the first row is better indeed ^^


I want to go soon, maybe on Halloween like every year ^^


Really nice report!! ^_^

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Oh wow, didn't realize there were like tons of updates before this! lol


Hey Robb, in your first Port Aventura update, you make it sound like you'd never visited the park before. Was this your first time? Just curious. I took a swing last November and came away with the same feeling of "dayam, this is Europe's IOA" opinion that you projected. Also, it makes me feel slightly cooler if I know that I got one park credit before you did. (and several coaster credits)


I didn't even notice the Stampida trains until someone pointed them out, but yeah, they ARE new! They weren't like that last November! I remember those trains being kind of rough, though. The ride was very fun and fast, but definitely a tad painful, and I figured maybe they should get new trains with better padding.


Sad to see new trains didn't help, if that's indeed the case.

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  arrowfanman said:
Robb--sitting on the outside-seat on Furious Baco, did you punch yourself in the face?





DUDE!!! I almost forgot ALL about that!!!

Tube of Lube Tube of Lube Tube Of Lu - *SMACK* OW! I JUST HIT MYSELF IN THE FACE!!!




Glad you guys are having fun in the El Spaino! And I really laughed at Bob's comment "Is her phone ringing?"

Hopefully she didnt have there when riding the water ride!!


Keep it real you guys!



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  Big Mike said:


Friday night, one night to go before we head out to Germany. Woo hoo!


I just want to tell everyone right from the start that you have to be here and see Robb and Elissa busting thier asses over here to make everything go soooo smooth.


You cannot even get a chance to see Robb sit down and relax, he is always in constant speed walk mode and fixing problems.


Robb is like Superman here going crazy so if he does not post an update quick enough for all of you, shame on you for saying anything about it because I can vouch that he has no time.


UPDATE - We are about a 1/3 of the way to getting the required Big Mike requests needed for the Super Duper photo spread of the girls.


We spent last night at this gorgeous hotel and most of the night swimming in the 6 pools they had, with MORE SEXY BATHING SUITS!! You want to see these hotties!!


Ask for more Big Mike pictures now!! It is working. Robb and Jeff both are taking more Big Mike pics!!


Maybe I will put up a sample pic when we reach halfway!!


Thats it. Going back to the life of waking up to free breakfast, riding coasters when the parks are closed, having free lunch, enjoying the parks with great friends, fun bus games, swimming with the hotties, and staying up in the bar till the wee morning hours.


Peace, Big Mike


PS - More Big Mike


Blah! Blah! Blobbidy! Blah! Blah!


Shenanigans! Hogwash! Boulderdash! & Poppycock! As well as a huge sack of poop!


You have no pictures and are constantly proving me right by not showing them! I call for a ban on Big Mike Photos unless he can cough up all of the aforementioned alleged photos of the "Girls of TPR."


Guy "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Koepp

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