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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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  SLUSHIE said:
I'm not sure why those holes are there either. It could be just to save weight, but I doubt it. It could also be there to enable it to flex a little bit.


The holes are there so they can attach the wood stack to the topper track and to attach the track to the supports. You can see a few alignment pins and bolt heads in some of the drop/lift pictures.

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Thank you to those who posted pictures. This thing looks amazing. For the first time, Silver Dollar City has a signature ride, something that simply can't be found elsewhere. They made a big deal about tree cover in the announcement, too. Glad to see they understand the trees are as much an attraction for SDC as any of the rides are. If y'all are coming next spring, we'll join you that day. Can't wait!

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Looks nice! On the short side, but looks to be jam-packed!


I'm really looking forward to seeing the trains. *Hopes* for no T-bar. Who likes riding anything with a metal post between their legs? I think Rocky Mountain have tested some boundaries with what they did on the new Texas Giant, and they are going nearly "Full Throttle" with this one - 3 inversions holy cow.


I've never been to Silver Dollar City, but thinking a trip next year is a good idea.

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
Thank you to those who posted pictures. This thing looks amazing. For the first time, Silver Dollar City has a signature ride, something that simply can't be found elsewhere. They made a big deal about tree cover in the announcement, too. Glad to see they understand the trees are as much an attraction for SDC as any of the rides are. If y'all are coming next spring, we'll join you that day. Can't wait!


I agree that this is a signature ride for them and I cannot wait to try it out, but let's not forget Powder Keg which you cannot find something similar anywhere else (outside of China if I'm not mistaken)

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  texcoaster said:
A traditional woodie has a stack of lumber with a steel plate on top that the wheels ride on. The track is box-shaped (basically) rather than rounded like a pipe, which gives the trains a bit of room to slide side-to-side on the rails, one of the trademark "out of control" feelings that woodies give. Since the stack under the steel rail is wood, temperature differences, moisture differences, and other factors can affect how the coaster runs at any given time.



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  jynx242 said:
  ytterbiumanalyst said:
Thank you to those who posted pictures. This thing looks amazing. For the first time, Silver Dollar City has a signature ride, something that simply can't be found elsewhere. They made a big deal about tree cover in the announcement, too. Glad to see they understand the trees are as much an attraction for SDC as any of the rides are. If y'all are coming next spring, we'll join you that day. Can't wait!


I agree that this is a signature ride for them and I cannot wait to try it out, but let's not forget Powder Keg which you cannot find something similar anywhere else (outside of China if I'm not mistaken)

Really?! I'll admit my experience is pretty limited compared to some of y'all, but I'm kind of surprised you'd say this. There are plenty of launch coasters; I've been on Mr. Freeze in St. Louis and Poltergeist in San Antonio. What makes Powder Keg so different?

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
  jynx242 said:
  ytterbiumanalyst said:
Thank you to those who posted pictures. This thing looks amazing. For the first time, Silver Dollar City has a signature ride, something that simply can't be found elsewhere. They made a big deal about tree cover in the announcement, too. Glad to see they understand the trees are as much an attraction for SDC as any of the rides are. If y'all are coming next spring, we'll join you that day. Can't wait!


I agree that this is a signature ride for them and I cannot wait to try it out, but let's not forget Powder Keg which you cannot find something similar anywhere else (outside of China if I'm not mistaken)

Really?! I'll admit my experience is pretty limited compared to some of y'all, but I'm kind of surprised you'd say this. There are plenty of launch coasters; I've been on Mr. Freeze in St. Louis and Poltergeist in San Antonio. What makes Powder Keg so different?


The way the trains are moved to launch, the compressed air launch, the fire effects, the use of the terrain and the setting, the theming. The overwhelming response to this ride by the TPR tour there in 2010 was, "why haven't more parks built these??" It is just overall a very complete and great ride. I like the freezes and the flights of fear and other launchers - but none of them are as just plain fun as Powder Keg.

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  jynx242 said:
  ytterbiumanalyst said:
  jynx242 said:
  ytterbiumanalyst said:
Thank you to those who posted pictures. This thing looks amazing. For the first time, Silver Dollar City has a signature ride, something that simply can't be found elsewhere. They made a big deal about tree cover in the announcement, too. Glad to see they understand the trees are as much an attraction for SDC as any of the rides are. If y'all are coming next spring, we'll join you that day. Can't wait!


I agree that this is a signature ride for them and I cannot wait to try it out, but let's not forget Powder Keg which you cannot find something similar anywhere else (outside of China if I'm not mistaken)

Really?! I'll admit my experience is pretty limited compared to some of y'all, but I'm kind of surprised you'd say this. There are plenty of launch coasters; I've been on Mr. Freeze in St. Louis and Poltergeist in San Antonio. What makes Powder Keg so different?


The way the trains are moved to launch, the compressed air launch, the fire effects, the use of the terrain and the setting, the theming. The overwhelming response to this ride by the TPR tour there in 2010 was, "why haven't more parks built these??" It is just overall a very complete and great ride. I like the freezes and the flights of fear and other launchers - but none of them are as just plain fun as Powder Keg.

I'm really impressed that y'all liked it so much. My daughter won't go on it yet (she's tall enough to go with me, but she's still pretty little), but she loves watching the pyro as it goes off. Personally, I love the airtime, the special effects, the theming--it's one of the reasons we haven't found a need to go all the way to Six Flags, when we've got such great rides half an hour away. Powder Keg is not merely a step up from Buzzsaw Falls (which it replaced)--it's in a whole other league. Its only fault is the poor reliability.

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Powderkeg was truly one of the suprise hits for me on that trip (and it was an AMAZING trip!) I knew I'd love SDC, since I love Dollywood - but there were so many neat suprises and CAVES!!! I am truly looking forward to going back again next summer

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:


Really?! I'll admit my experience is pretty limited compared to some of y'all, but I'm kind of surprised you'd say this. There are plenty of launch coasters; I've been on Mr. Freeze in St. Louis and Poltergeist in San Antonio. What makes Powder Keg so different?


  UrbanLegend said:
^Because its launch uses compressed air rather than LIMs or cables. Basically it's an S&S drop tower turned on its side.


Until I ride this and find out otherwise, Powder Keg is the main attraction at SDC. I don't know that I would compare it to an S&S Tower either, because Powder Keg is very good. As for what makes it so very good- I'm not sure exactly what it is. I think it has just the right amount of intensity that also allows it to be fun as hell, it makes good use of the hilly terrain it's built on, and there are some surprising pops of airtime scattered throughout it's layout.


It's actually what I think would be the perfect steel addition to Holiday World- should they ever add steel.

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^^ If you do come, you're going to want to come for WorldFest (April and early May). Most of the guests who come during this time are there for the shows, and the ride lines are very short, especially during the week. Plus, they do have some great shows if you can be parted from roller coasters for a half hour.

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