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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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Very cool, I love the detail they've put into this and I appreciate the fact that the ride will continue the tradition of having an immersive backstory.


A user on SDCFans pulled some stills from a recent video and posted them here: http://sdcfans.com/forums/index.php?topic=1853.msg43283#msg43283


Not a whole lot to look at really, but there's track all the way through the cutback/fakeout/OMGWTF now, and there's a few new bits and pieces around the station. There's a glimpse of some new bents near the base of the drop. High speed turnaround maybe?

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I don't know what's so odd about this letter... it's doesn't sound like the back story for an outlaw-themed coaster at all!

It does to me. The main building will probably act as the main headquarters for the Stage Coach Company with the trains acting as the stage coaches. We (the riders) will be the pioneers being chased through the hills from the outlaws. At least that's what I gathered. Sounds awesome.

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I just hope Hattie visit's SDC's Facebook so she actually gets the letter that The Post irresponsibly dropped!

Do you think the coach has wifi?


It also has a couple of LCD screens and a complete mobile entertainment system with satellite navigation and some serious bass!

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This stengal dive deserves its own name. I prefer the "Fakeout" or the "Turndown"


Quite a few of us went with Sharktopus. We should use our collective TPR might to get this officially named the sharktopus roll!

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This stengal dive deserves its own name. I prefer the "Fakeout" or the "Turndown"


Quite a few of us went with Sharktopus. We should use our collective TPR might to get this officially named the sharktopus roll!


Sharktopus??? I thought we were all going with Guy's Inverted Camel Toe for the name of this element...or maybe it was just me

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Hybrid sounds perfectly fine. Just like wood track, steel supports is a hybrid, so is this.


I'm still going to call it wooden though in passing...because it's essentially wooden with just a thicker steel plate than usual.


I would still term it "woodie". when RMC redid the post-fanturn section of track on the Rattler with TT, I noticed it was still not perfectly smooth. felt very much like a brand new wooden coaster would feel. The major advantage I see is that with TT, the "base" laminated wooden track is more protected from the elements, allowing it to retain its original feel and form for a longer period of time. All that TT does is replace the 3 metal strips of rail on a woodie with one single piece of steel that will hold its shape longer, not allowing for as much track distortion due to the elements........if supports are wood, and track base is wood, it MUST be a woodie......just my .02

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Some new photos from SDCFans user mammalone: 2009-02-11 18.17.31


Giant new banner, tracking all the way through the fakeout/cutback/whatever, all the bents are up for the curve just after that, there seems to be an airtime hop after the curve next to the base of the drop, and bents are starting to go up for the cross over/under the lift.


Nothing terribly exciting after the crazy drop and fakeout element so far then, but those are some nice swooping curves, and it looks like there's going to be a bit of airtime on the apex going and coming, which I'm happy about.


This photo of the fakeout is one of the best angles yet: 2009-02-11 18.16.16

It really shows that it's about as inverted as you can get.

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