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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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The ride will be awsome & thanks for the comments and the excitment. In reply to the handrail looking horrible, next time your in the park why dont you just stop on by and let us know what you think we should do to improve them. I would personally love 2 roll over your ideas with u....LOVE TO

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Looks like I'll actually be going to the park on the day of the announcement. Wish I had a smart phone so that I could actually get to see the reveal online since I doubt they'll do anything big on-park, but we'll see.


In other news, it sounds like that giant banner might have been erected in order to block the view of another surprise element that will soon take shape. Or they are just trying to hype the heck out of the website. The latter is probably more likely, but the banner is placed in a position to block the view of the final portion of the ride way down in the valley below the station. You can hardly see anything down there anyway because of all the trees, and I can't imagine what it could do besides swoop back up to the station going by the footers I've seen.


It's also worth noting that unless there is something big going on down in the valley that we can't see, this ride will actually be pretty short. I expect that there is a lot more going on down there that we can't see because of that. Right now we know that there's an awesome drop, a crazy inverted element, then a few curves that ultimately lead to a cross over or under the lift and into the next valley. We don't see anything else until the curve up the hill back into the station.


Here's one more thought: since there's so much of a grade between the bottom of the valley and the station, the train will still have to be pulling some serious ass at the end in order to make it back up to the station. That is further evidence that it may end up being a fairly short ride, but at the very least they will use that momentum to end with a big finish somehow. There have to be more big secrets behind this coaster that have yet to be revealed. You just don't start out with two jaw dropping elements and then do nothing but typical curves and bunny hills with the rest of the layout.

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Geez, we really are living in the future, but there isn't anything that points to a launch on this thing. The train will already be going at a good clip when it dives down into the valley, and it doesn't seem to go very far after that to get to the other side and back into the station, so there's no need or even room for a launch. I'm hoping for a helix of some sort or a fan turn up the side of the hill that we can't see.


I've been told that there will in fact be a major media day spectacle on park on August 9. They probably won't have it set up for the GP, but the editor of Midwestinfoguide.com will be there to get photos and a report for enthusiasts. It sounds like they may get a chance to go down in the valley next to the track to get the first good angles of this ride. People's jaws are going to drop when they finally see just how crazy the drop is. None of the photos yet do it justice because they're all at odd angles from behind the lifthill.

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I'd agree with no real point buuuuuut a launch on a woody!? HOLY shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Would be worth it just for the awesomeness.

Can't believe no one has pushed the limits to a launched wooden coaster actually.

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I've been told that there will in fact be a major media day spectacle on park on August 9. They probably won't have it set up for the GP, but the editor of Midwestinfoguide.com will be there to get photos and a report for enthusiasts.


Pretty confident that TPR will be there.

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