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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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How are people already complaining about the ride?!? Geez, it hasn't even been announced yet! Just be happy you guys are getting a kick-a$$ woodie from the looks of it!


No one is really complaining about it. It's just skeptical observation. We all know how the last woodie with an inversion turned out. And on the same note, how do you know this won't just be a one trick pony. We don't know much about this yet. So don't take any of this as complaining about the ride, but more of just playing the devils advocate.

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This coaster looks awesome! I've been reading this thread for awhile and decided to make an account (I used to have an account, but forgot my password). I think the element will be fine. After watching a POV of Maverick this evening I noticed it has a similar element. Looks like fun! Can't wait to see more construction pics.


By the way, those last three comments: really funny. lol

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I'm kind of leaning toward the "seems uncomfortable" group, myself. But at least it looks cool.


And that first drop looks heavenly. Let's just hope for soft restraints!

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Here is what I don't get. I hear tons of people complain about SOB, I rode it 5 times, once with the loop. I found The Beast to be far more uncomfortable to ride. For that matter I had to take muscle relaxers and pain pills after riding Mean Streak the last time.


At any rate, if you havent physically been to the park and seen it in person the pictures do it no justice whatsoever. Not only is it massive, just seeing what they are doing makes you want to shiver.


I am hoping for two things next year.

1. They auction the first ride in each car off like they did for Leviathan.

2. TPR has the Midwest Bash with lots of ERT.

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Everyone who's worried about this ride being a "one trick pony" seems to have forgotten those pics of the first drop.


Wood coasters are very, very rarely one-trick ponies, as even the later bits can be loads of fun with little airtime hills, surprise turns, and the like.

Steel coasters are usually the culprits in the one-trick pony arena, in my experience.


And since this is a wood coaster we're talking about here...


oh, wait.


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Based on what we've seen so far, this pony will have at least two tricks. Given that those two tricks are the only thing that we really can/have seen well, I'd say RMC is off to a good start.


That said, I think the speed going into that element is definitely going to be a factor because of what appears to be a change in direction. Like others have said, I'm not sure we'd be having this debate if it was actually a roll, even with other wooden coasters not necessarily doing well with inversions.

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I've seen a lot of people comparing the OMGWTF element on this ride to the overbanked curve on NTAG and the strengel dive on Maverick, but IMO, it's worth noting that both of those elements don't hold a candle to what this coaster is doing. I used to think NTAG's overbank was impressive, but when you see the completely inverted track on Outlaw it's clear that they are birds of a different feather.




I'd also like to point out again that SDC rarely takes risks on an attraction being a success. I'd bet the farm that this element will be comfortable enough, albeit forceful. I don't think we'll ever see another SOB at a US park, the manufacturers and parks are just plain smarter now.

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I've seen a lot of people comparing the OMGWTF element on this ride to the overbanked curve on NTAG and the strengel dive on Maverick, but IMO, it's worth noting that both of those elements don't hold a candle to what this coaster is doing. I used to think NTAG's overbank was impressive, but when you see the completely inverted track on Outlaw it's clear that they are birds of a different feather.


I think they have been referring to the second Stengel Dive:

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I'm just worried that the train won't be able to make it through all those 2X4s on the lift. I hope the chain is strong enough to pull the coaster train through them. And are they going to pay someone to replace them after each and every train? Perhaps they're anamatronic pieces of lumber that break away every time a train goes by and re join after the coaster has left the lift.


Actually, the pieces swing out of the way of the riders towards the front of the train. Then the train passes a sensor, for each section of lumber, which then causes the pieces to violently swing back in place and smack the riders in the back of the train in the face, this of course will happen several times as the train goes up the lift through each section. And as a hidden bonus, select pieces will have broken glass shards and rusty nails sticking out of them!


This element on this lift is called the "recurring face smacker".

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^I like it. The first thought I had was how hard it is to read - I heard they are not teaching cursive in schools anymore !?


The reference to "the hills" and an outlaw and his gang "laying it wait" really remind me of The Hills Have Eyes (the 1977 one, please!). That would be a great name for a ride. Along with Friday the 13th and some other classics. Heck, we can have Batman, UK has Saw, Hills Have Eyes would rock! Phantasm is another great name that needs a ride to go with it!

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