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About cstrfrk67

  • Birthday 08/09/1967

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  1. Just to let y'all know, I've been forwarding some of your comments to my coworkers at RMC. We're very proud that Irat, and Outlaw, are the coasters nearly everyone is talking about. Anything less than a #1 and #2 best new coaster vote this year for these two masterpieces, would be a crime. We are anxiously awaiting the 1st test runs as well, and the day is drawing near.........PLEASE STAY TUNED!!!!!!
  2. I consider it designed in the 1940's, but built in the 1980's. I'm not completed versed in wood relocations, but my understanding is only a percentage of the original structure ends up in the new place. I'm not sure that they could have used a new wood structure because they didn't have the Rocket's blueprints when they relocated it. Didn't they number all of the boards and ship them to Elysburg on a bunch of trucks? Now, granted, they had to come up with some way to create new footers, so I could be wrong. But I'm pretty sure that the Phoenix's wooden support structure is original. I should have phrased my comment differently. I remember listening to John Fetterman speak at an event a few years ago and I recall him saying all the vertical supports can be reused in a relocation but all the track has to be new. If you go by the news article that was posted in the San Antonio Express News, about the sale and move of The Rocket in 1985, it states that "every piece of the track and support structure, was dismantled and labeled, then loaded onto flatbed trailers and shipped to Elysburg, PA". I remember seeing pictures of the trucks that were loaded, and there were track sections on some of them. They may have replaced the steel on the rails, though. I guess its just splitting hairs, really. I rode it in 1973 the first time, at the age of 6. It was my first coaster, and I've been waiting for the day when I can get to Knoebel's and ride it again. Hell, we could probably start a whole new thread just pertaining to this, and other coaster relocations.
  3. Technically, The Phoenix is circa 1947, just relocated in 1984-1985. I think it still counts as pre-80's....JMO
  4. I think it comes down to a personal preference between pay at once, or payments, if all else is equal. Different strokes.......and so on. I've always had regular season passes, never the Gold, so I wasnt aware of the benefits of the Gold pass over the Reg. Does the price come out about the same? $108 + tax?
  5. 1977, Greezed Lightnin' - SFAW....still remember the first ride like it was yesterday. STILL dont know if my initial apprehension was the loop, or the launch, remember, I was only 10. Had my eyes closed through the loop the first time, but on the return, I "peeked", and it was all over but the cryin after that. Made my Mom ride it 5 more times that day with me.
  6. It's meant for people who aren't able to pay the full price all at once, it just spreads out the payments. You have to have it for 12 months otherwise people would use it when the park is open and then cancel it. It also includes things that a season pass wouldnt cover, like ERT events, VIP entry, Bring-a-Friend free days, etc. Total price comes out near the same, but to me, the perks are worth it. Wife and I are switching to Memberships this season for sure
  7. Its just a slanted, "shed" roof, both sides are to be open, but it does run from about 20' below the cliff top, almost the entire length of the belly of the 1st drop.
  8. yeah, i was thinkin the same thing as I was watching them set it up the other day...any earth-tone color would have been more suited to the section themeing...brown, tan, yellow, etc. How about RUST? XD
  9. let's see....well, ToP didnt say the coaster had to still be running, soooo....for woodies, I'm gonna go The Rocket (1947) @ Playland Park (now The Phoenix) and Texas Cyclone (1976) @ SFAW (gbnf). For steel, Shockwave (1978) at SFOT
  10. Three things I remember from NTaG Bash 2011........NTaG was awesome, Robb in the Chicken Coup, and thousands (or so it seemed) of teenagers bouncing B-balls all day, everywhere you went. UGH
  11. Y'all already got one of S.A.'s coasters...wanna steal another one?> LMAO
  12. I have been asked by RMC and SFFT to not post anymore "insider" pix. They want to be the ones releasing pix from here on out. But I stand by my previous statement that none of these pix do this ride justice. Insane may be a mild word to describe iRat. Standing at the top of the lift hill, and looking out over the ride, it's just........just............WOW
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