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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I believe the theater is right next to that car ride, so those are probably getting the boot if it is true. I enjoyed Griffin at Busch Gardens so any coaster addition is a good one.


Wrong side.


This was in the article also........Make sure you get your last rides in on the last few family rides remaining before they're removed after this year. Turnpike cars, Cadillac Cars, dodgem, and calypso will be removed to make room for this new ride!


No, it was not in the article. It was said in a comment from someone who just can't handle that parks have to change in order to survive.

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Cedar Point had the first 200 foot drop, 300 foot drop and 400 foot drop... just saying.


I think about this every time a poler coaster idea is talked about, and I really want it to happen at Cedar Point just because of this fact.

Polarcoasters don't have any 500 feet drops. They might go to a huge height, but I doubt any of the drops are more than 200 feet.


And thinking about it more, I don't believe a dive coaster is gonna be the final choice. I mean, the GP will probably just see it as a taller version of Gatekeeper with the seats that go on the sides of the tracks. However, Cedar Point could always surprise us, and other than a Flying coaster, they pretty much have versions of every other B&M (except for the Dive Coaster, of course)

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Lets just turn Raptor backwards and call it a day.


A B&M dive coaster would be cool, but Cedar Point really doesnt need one. At $15 million, I doubt Cedar Point would be getting anything spectacular. An Intamin woodie would be more ideal but less realistic. However, speaking of realistic, Carowinds is building a 325ft B&M giga and Lagoon is building the worlds tallest coaster with an inversion entirely in house, so...

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Wait...so let me get this straight. Cedar Point is removing 3-4 family rides and a theatre just to possibly replace it with a B&M Dive Machine? Sounds very "Six Flags"-y. I guess I'll have to wait and see.


Nothing about the nearby family attractions was in the article. It was just something some butthurt commenter brought up (not that the article is any more credible than the comments section anyways).


Could it happen? I guess. But really... 15 mil for a dive machine? A dive machine that Cedar Point would be building? I'm calling BS.


Aside from that, I agree that a flyer would add more to the park's lineup than this. Again, it certainly could happen, and I'm not one to rule out a coaster because of what a park already has (Carowinds, Canada's Wonderland, countless other examples) However, I will be surprised if they go with a dive machine before a flyer.

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There's not a better coaster choice than a Dive Machine. I've been hoping that's the route Cedar Point goes with the next coaster.


15 Million seems a little light in the pocket for a coaster from Cedar Point, but it is still enough to make a great addition the coaster lineup.

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This was updated today.

My two thoughts "The ride is a proposal, one of many Cedar Point is working on for the 2016 season" They are not going to have a proposal for a ride coming in 2016 the ride in 2016 is Done and having its finale touches worked on. Rides start 3 to 5 years before they open.

2nd the layout they are talking about would have to be way more then 15 million.

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The height of the lift in the proposal is about 223 feet above ground level. The length of the track of about 3,625 feet, according to the memo. The proposed Dive Coaster has a maximum speed of about 80 mph with a ride lasting about 195 seconds, including 30 seconds for loading and unloading of passengers. At that rate 1,310 guests per hour could ride the coaster.


The proposed Dive Coaster has three 24-passenger trains. Each train has eight people seated in a row, with each person restrained by a shoulder harness.


B&M is designing into the ride, a vertical drop in a tunnel, an Immelmann, a 270-degree roll, a banked curve, a "looping," an Immelmann with a half-roll exit, a second drop, a camel back and a spiral with a total of four inversions, according to the memo.


Wow, that's an awful lot of specific information. I really didn't expect to see that much detail even if it is just a proposal as the park is claiming. Small paper or not, newspapers do need to have some journalistic integrity so they must feel very confident in this to release such specific information.


including 30 seconds for loading and unloading of passengers


Okay you have great ride ops but who do you think you are, Knoebels?

Edited by coasterbill
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^Thats where GateKeeper and Magnum are at for the most part. 35-45 seconds of load and unload time at proper interval. More than 30 seconds, yes, but GateKeeeper has 32 passengers and Magnum has 36, compared to the 24 passengers mentioned in the article. Yes, it's possible. Yes, it happens. Yes, I've worked GateKeeper when we achieved such times.

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2nd the layout they are talking about would have to be way more then 15 million.


B&M could give Cedar Fair a discount for ordering so many coasters from them recently.


EDIT: They're using 8-across trains. The track style wouldn't be that different from what they stick with. If they went with 10-across trains like Griffon and Dive Coaster at Chimelong Paradise, it will be more expensive.

Edited by coasterchitchat
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^These trains would be the same size as SheiKra's.


I would absolutely love to see a dive machine added to CP's lineup. That's what I hoped we were getting in 2013. Dive machine's are pure fun, with a drop (or two) that pleases every time.

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^These trains would be the same size as SheiKra's.


I would absolutely love to see a dive machine added to CP's lineup. That's what I hoped we were getting in 2013. Dive machine's are pure fun, with a drop (or two) that pleases every time.




Wasn't the earliest rumor for a 2013 coaster a floorless or a dive coaster? Looks like those two both eventually got into the park's lineup (hopefully). They're really fun gimmick coasters.

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With the addition of "New Mantis" as I call it, I don't think it's a good idea for the park to put in a Dive Machine because they are similar. I'm not saying floorless coasters and Dive Machines are exactly the same but they have similar features. To me, it'd be pointless to put in a Dive Machine along with Rougarou.

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