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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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From Screamscape:


2013 - New Coaster - Rumor - (7/7/11) While it’s still a bit far out to say anything for sure, we’ve heard from a new source that the rumored 2013 coaster project for The Point will see B&M come back to the park at last with a new project. It’s hard to say exactly what it may be, so I suspect it could be one of the new Wing Coasters, though a Floorless with a ton of inversions or even a Dive Machine would also be a good fit. A location near the front of the park on the Disaster Transport / Space Spiral side was also mentioned.

What do you guys think it could/should be?

Edited by robbalvey
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From Screamscape:


2013 - New Coaster - Rumor - (7/7/11) While it’s still a bit far out to say anything for sure, we’ve heard from a new source that the rumored 2013 coaster project for The Point will see B&M come back to the park at last with a new project. It’s hard to say exactly what it may be, so I suspect it could be one of the new Wing Coasters, though a Floorless with a ton of inversions or even a Dive Machine would also be a good fit. A location near the front of the park on the Disaster Transport / Space Spiral side was also mentioned.


From page #846...


CP may not be adding a coaster in 2012 because its possible they are planning on adding something big the year after.


Called it.

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From CP's track record, a wingrider would seem to be the logical choice if it is indeed a B&M. They've frequently taken a relatively new ride type and super-sized it (Raptor, Mantis, WT, TTD). But, as discussed before, they could be headed in a new direction. I just hope like hell it's not some boring floorless. If it's not going to be a wingrider, at least make it a dive machine that's longer with new elements. I can't even quantify what the extent of my disappointment would be with a floorless.

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Uh oh!


A certain theme park on the West Coast (not to be named in this thread) better have a roller coaster up its sleeve if it plans on keeping that most roller coasters in the world crown!

I believe its a RUMOR and RUMORS arent always true.Also I hear rumors about (the west coaster park) getting a coaster that same year.

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If Cedar Point were to add a Dive Machine it would have to be a very impressive one with a much longer layout then Sheikra and Griffon because Cedar Point has already marketed 90degree plus drops with Maverick. A 90 degree drop from a Dive Machine wouldn't have the same affect as it would on other parks, which is why it would need something else unique and exclusive to only Cedar Point,

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I'm gonna go ahead and call it now, for CP in 2013, a worlds first from B&M an 8 across dive machine like FLYING coaster!


Yes an 8 wide flyer, I was told by someone a few year ago that Manta at SeaWorld Orlando was originally supposed to be an 8 wide flyer but they pushed the project ahead a few years and B&M wasn't done with developing the ride system so they went with a standard flyer instead. If ya think about it an 8 person wide 3 row train would look a lot more like an actual Manta Ray then the trains do now (that might be why they added the manta shaped zero car, it's the only flyer with one). AN 8 wide flyer would make perfect sense sense for Cedar Point, new coaster, first of it's kind, record breaker of some sort, something completely different than what they have now and different than the flyer Kings Island has, and it would probably be awesome.


Mark it 8 dude

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If Cedar Point were to add a Dive Machine it would have to be a very impressive one with a much longer layout then Sheikra and Griffon because Cedar Point has already marketed 90degree plus drops with Maverick. A 90 degree drop from a Dive Machine wouldn't have the same affect as it would on other parks, which is why it would need something else unique and exclusive to only Cedar Point,


I disagree to an extent. Maverick being as short as it is you're through the element rather quickly. A B&M dive machine you experience 90 degrees for a much longer time frame. Granted I've yet to experience a dive machine but I'm speaking from the pics and videos i've watched numerous times of Griffon and Sheikra. Personally I think CP has used intamins range of thrills quite well in the past decade and it's time for some fresh experiences. I can't wait to see what the park has in store next.

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I'm gonna go ahead and call it now, for CP in 2013, a worlds first from B&M an 8 across dive machine like FLYING coaster!


Yes an 8 wide flyer, I was told by someone a few year ago that Manta at SeaWorld Orlando was originally supposed to be an 8 wide flyer but they pushed the project ahead a few years and B&M wasn't done with developing the ride system so they went with a standard flyer instead. If ya think about it an 8 person wide 3 row train would look a lot more like an actual Manta Ray then the trains do now (that might be why they added the manta shaped zero car, it's the only flyer with one). AN 8 wide flyer would make perfect sense sense for Cedar Point, new coaster, first of it's kind, record breaker of some sort, something completely different than what they have now and different than the flyer Kings Island has, and it would probably be awesome.


Mark it 8 dude


This would be very interesting. I like it!

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In order to get a good dive machine they would have to go over 300 feet with the lift. It is not like they can tunnel under the ground. Going that high would probably throw the cost into astronomical proportions if they were to make it longer and do more inversions or other stuff. According to RCDB Griffon is 205' at 15.6 million. I just don't see that happening........

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In order to get a good dive machine they would have to go over 300 feet with the lift. It is not like they can tunnel under the ground. Going that high would probably throw the cost into astronomical proportions if they were to make it longer and do more inversions or other stuff. According to RCDB Griffon is 205' at 15.6 million. I just don't see that happening........


Couldn't they just go 225-250ft and still make it longer? Why does it necessarily have to be 300ft?

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A floorless done correctly would be a welcome addition to the park. Not only would it be a people-eater (which at a park as big and crowded at CP, that's a definite consideration), the layout and location would offer a different experience than most everything else at the park.


However, I'm thinking it will be a newer-type ride, either a massive flyer-combo, or a next-gen WingRider. Having B&M build it, you know it's going to be a great ride no matter what. Now comes the clue-hunting from the park, and the rumor and speculation leading up to the announcement.

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I think if it were to be a B&M coaster, it would either be a flying coaster or a wing coaster (or even a dive machine). My personal option: as much as a wing coaster would be awesome, I prefer the flying coaster, mainly because I'm a flying coaster junkie.


Now for some designs we can rule out:


* Inverted Coaster - They already have Raptor.

* Stand-Up Coaster - They already have Mantis.

* Hypercoaster - They already have Magnum (and some other airtime coasters that are not hypercoasters).

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I think that if Cedar Point is going with B&M, they should buy a WingRider. It would bring something unique and reliable to their park. I think the flyer is out because, at one point, didn't Big Dick say that we would never see a flyer at Cedar Point? I will be very dissapointed if they go with a floorless (for obvious reasons), and I think I'm in the minority when I say that I don't think a dive machine would be a very good addition, since they already have an awesome 300 ft. drop in the park already.

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I think that if Cedar Point is going with B&M, they should buy a WingRider. It would bring something unique and reliable to their park. I think the flyer is out because, at one point, didn't Big Dick say that we would never see a flyer at Cedar Point? I will be very dissapointed if they go with a floorless (for obvious reasons), and I think I'm in the minority when I say that I don't think a dive machine would be a very good addition, since they already have an awesome 300 ft. drop in the park already.


"Big Dick" is big gone!!

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I think the flyer is out because, at one point, didn't Big Dick say that we would never see a flyer at Cedar Point?


Soon Dickie won't have any say in what goes in at CP so anything can happen at this point however I do not want to see a flyer at the park. They aren't exactly the most comfortable rides (sitting in the flying position on the final brakes waiting for the train in front of you to dispatch is a bit uncomfortable) and they are not fast loaders.


My guess, and hope, is that it would be a Wing Rider, whether with rotating seats or not. If they want to go big then they need to add something that is going to make a lot of people to take notice and something as unique as this would certainly

do it. They need to recreate that buzz like what they did with Millennium Force, which in turn, electrified the park in 2000.


And not to change the subject on B&M but if CP was ready to remove Wildcat a Zac Spin would fit perfectly in its spot.

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I think that if Cedar Point is going with B&M, they should buy a WingRider. It would bring something unique and reliable to their park. I think the flyer is out because, at one point, didn't Big Dick say that we would never see a flyer at Cedar Point? I will be very dissapointed if they go with a floorless (for obvious reasons), and I think I'm in the minority when I say that I don't think a dive machine would be a very good addition, since they already have an awesome 300 ft. drop in the park already.

Luckily, B&M hasn't made a Floorless Coaster in years so I think we're good. Maybe we'll get a B&M Hyper since Cedar Point is known for its BIG coasters

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