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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I wasn't naming areas that need updated because of decreased people flow, trust me, I know how many people go to Soak City. My point was that it wouldn't hurt to add something up-to-date like, say Tasmanian Typhoon at Kings Island. The sad part about SC is people go there simply because "it's there," and nothing else. I guess as long as WWK is doing OK, however, they'll leave SC alone.

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Im hoping that if CP does indeed take another year off from coasters, they will not only add a new "major" coaster but also include a cheap little ride like Green Lantern(Magic Mountain version) and another kiddie coaster to up the coaster count like MM did. It wont take up much room and can hopefully pull some people away from the new "main" attraction.

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^Yes, for a coaster it is very cheap and was chosen for its cheap cost in order to get a record. Look at the track length. A coaster that small is not going to cost very much. I would put it along the lines of a wicked twister. Probably not as thrilling as twister.

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^Yes, for a coaster it is very cheap and was chosen for its cheap cost in order to get a record. Look at the track length. A coaster that small is not going to cost very much. I would put it along the lines of a wicked twister. Probably not as thrilling as twister.


You should try it before judging it. The Impulses are fun rides, but don't produce a fraction of the g force of a ZacSpin.


Has anything changed this season as far as the gates? I'm hoping the Marina Gate still offers a quickest route to Millie for early entry. I've yet to visit a park where re-rides are harder to come by than CP for MF, Maverick and TTD.

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Well thats because you cant find a day when there isnt someone waiting in line.


However, I did ride SkyHawk 4 consecutive times without getting off on Saturday. I was even instructed to stay if I wanted and then asked nicely to stay on by the desperate ride op Love re-rides at CP.


Only re-rides Ive gotten there are SkyHawk, Raptor, Magnum, Raptor and Millie. The last 4 during the late, great "Ride Nights" where you had to pay like 30 bucks and the only rides open were the top 5 or so. These were the days/nights between halloweekends and the parks traditional "closing" during the weekdays. They did it one or two years. I rode Raptor 9 straight times near the back without getting off till my dad just couldnt handle the punishment anymore LOL

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Im hoping that if CP does indeed take another year off from coasters, they will not only add a new "major" coaster but also include a cheap little ride like Green Lantern(Magic Mountain version) and another kiddie coaster to up the coaster count like MM did. It wont take up much room and can hopefully pull some people away from the new "main" attraction.


SFMM's descision to refurbish Superman, add Green Lantern (definitely a world class coaster), add Road Runner Express, add DC Universe, add Pistachio Park and Whistlestop Park, and re-theme Terminator to Apocalypse didn't come very cheap. The three new "experiences" alone could probably buy up a 20million dollar ride (something on the scale of Millenium Force), and honestly, GL/S:EFK/RRE/DCU is better.


So yes, CP SHOULD buy some good cheap rides! lol

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SFMM's descision to refurbish Superman, add Green Lantern (definitely a world class coaster), add Road Runner Express, add DC Universe, add Pistachio Park and Whistlestop Park, and re-theme Terminator to Apocalypse didn't come very cheap. The three new "experiences" alone could probably buy up a 20million dollar ride (something on the scale of Millenium Force), and honestly, GL/S:EFK/RRE/DCU is better.

WHERE is the like button when we need it!

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CP hasn't really been the type of park to go "cheap" with new coaster installations any time in the last 20+ years (save for Woodstock Express). They pretty much go "all in" when they build a coaster. Whether or not they stay that way is all a matter of conjecture, but I don't see them changing that any time soon.

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Rollercoasters are not cheap...period.


And I seem to remember CP spending about 8-9 million on Wicked Twister a few years ago. All parks take a break from dropping $20 million on a coaster every so often, and there is nothing wrong with that.

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Im hoping that if CP does indeed take another year off from coasters, they will not only add a new "major" coaster but also include a cheap little ride like Green Lantern(Magic Mountain version) and another kiddie coaster to up the coaster count like MM did. It wont take up much room and can hopefully pull some people away from the new "main" attraction.


SFMM's descision to refurbish Superman, add Green Lantern (definitely a world class coaster), add Road Runner Express, add DC Universe, add Pistachio Park and Whistlestop Park, and re-theme Terminator to Apocalypse didn't come very cheap. The three new "experiences" alone could probably buy up a 20million dollar ride (something on the scale of Millenium Force), and honestly, GL/S:EFK/RRE/DCU is better.


So yes, CP SHOULD buy some good cheap rides! lol


Oh my, the Terminator/Apocalypse re-theme must've costed the park SO much! Taking out all of the Terminator theming and replacing it with nothing but crappy pre-shows and empty once-themed areas must've costed that park a fortune! Wait a minute, I'm now remembering that SFMM was FORCED to do this!


Same goes for Whistle Stop park. They were FORCED to make they change, and what did they replace it with? Minimal theming and cover ups of the original Thomas Town theming. Huge investment there.


Pistachio Park is nice but again was a minimal investment as it's basically a garden with a few signs that focus on Pistachios. A nice place to relax don't get me wrong, but again it wasn't a large investment.


DC Universe was actually a decent investment to go along with Green Lantern's theme and it looks pretty good. Certainly a welcome improvement.


Road Runner Express? Are you kidding? This is a re-located coaster from New Orleans and all SFMM needed to do was pay for the ride to be shipped to the park. Minimal investment again.


Superman: Escape From Krypton was a welcome improvement that turned a crappy ride into a great ride. The launch is better and it actually launches to the top. A real investment, even though it's not a brand new coaster (no new track).


Green Lantern is the most this park has invested in this year and it still is less than what the park invested in for the X2 treatment or even the full cost of Terminator when it opened. This is the only coaster at the park that is actually a brand new coaster.


So all in all, Six Flags Magic Mountain really went the money saving way and while they can advertise that they changed all these things in the park, it really came a smaller cost then you would think. Sure, it wasn't cheap altogether, but it still was not a lot if you look at all the things they "changed" this year. They really opted for quantity and not quality, while saving as much money as they could in the process.

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^ You're saying Green Lantern and Superman are not quality? I would beg to differ. I think just the opposite. For once the park made "smart" decision that were ALL about shoring up the quality of their line up. You know, every park has their own unique way of providing entertainment for their guests. That doesn't make one park wrong and another right.


Which is why this slow burning move towards yet ANOTHER CP vs SFMM debate feels so stale and inane.


Can we get back to Cedar Point and leave SFMM out of it?

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Did anyone go during July 4th weekend? I went on the actual 4th to be greeted by a full parking lot. Yet the operations were great in my opinion, every ride had minimal waits, even Millennium Force was down to 30min around park closing. Seeing how Magnum, Gemini, and Wicked Twister all had station waits I was very impressed. Same with today, there were some issues with Millennium at closing with trains but they fixed it and all of the rides were running very well and waits went by pretty quickly for a very crowded day.

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Im hoping that if CP does indeed take another year off from coasters, they will not only add a new "major" coaster but also include a cheap little ride like Green Lantern(Magic Mountain version) and another kiddie coaster to up the coaster count like MM did. It wont take up much room and can hopefully pull some people away from the new "main" attraction.


SFMM's descision to refurbish Superman, add Green Lantern (definitely a world class coaster), add Road Runner Express, add DC Universe, add Pistachio Park and Whistlestop Park, and re-theme Terminator to Apocalypse didn't come very cheap. The three new "experiences" alone could probably buy up a 20million dollar ride (something on the scale of Millenium Force), and honestly, GL/S:EFK/RRE/DCU is better.


So yes, CP SHOULD buy some good cheap rides! lol


Oh my, the Terminator/Apocalypse re-theme must've costed the park SO much! Taking out all of the Terminator theming and replacing it with nothing but crappy pre-shows and empty once-themed areas must've costed that park a fortune! Wait a minute, I'm now remembering that SFMM was FORCED to do this!


Same goes for Whistle Stop park. They were FORCED to make they change, and what did they replace it with? Minimal theming and cover ups of the original Thomas Town theming. Huge investment there.


Pistachio Park is nice but again was a minimal investment as it's basically a garden with a few signs that focus on Pistachios. A nice place to relax don't get me wrong, but again it wasn't a large investment.


DC Universe was actually a decent investment to go along with Green Lantern's theme and it looks pretty good. Certainly a welcome improvement.


Road Runner Express? Are you kidding? This is a re-located coaster from New Orleans and all SFMM needed to do was pay for the ride to be shipped to the park. Minimal investment again.


Superman: Escape From Krypton was a welcome improvement that turned a crappy ride into a great ride. The launch is better and it actually launches to the top. A real investment, even though it's not a brand new coaster (no new track).


Green Lantern is the most this park has invested in this year and it still is less than what the park invested in for the X2 treatment or even the full cost of Terminator when it opened. This is the only coaster at the park that is actually a brand new coaster.


So all in all, Six Flags Magic Mountain really went the money saving way and while they can advertise that they changed all these things in the park, it really came a smaller cost then you would think. Sure, it wasn't cheap altogether, but it still was not a lot if you look at all the things they "changed" this year. They really opted for quantity and not quality, while saving as much money as they could in the process.


Considering Superman has COMPLETELY NEW cars and a redesigned launch it could well have been almost as expensive as GL, you don't really know that. And all the stuff they have done this year, ALL of it, costs money. There are ins and outs of things you don't know about that cost money, its not simply just put a ride here or there repaint this and that etc, there are a lot more costs you or I don't even know about. So its not really fair to say they went on the cheap when they are the only ones who really know how much this all costs.

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^ You're saying Green Lantern and Superman are not quality? I would beg to differ. I think just the opposite. For once the park made "smart" decision that were ALL about shoring up the quality of their line up. You know, every park has their own unique way of providing entertainment for their guests. That doesn't make one park wrong and another right.


Which is why this slow burning move towards yet ANOTHER CP vs SFMM debate feels so stale and inane.


Can we get back to Cedar Point and leave SFMM out of it?


I never said that Superman an Green Lantern were low quality coasters. I was making a point that they were the largest investments and that compared to certain other parks, I guess you could say that SFMM got a really good deal in being able to advertise 3 new coasters and not have a pay a whole lot of money for those three when compared to other parks. I'll say it again, I NEVER SAID THEY WERE LOW QUALITY! Try, just try telling me that Green Lantern costs more than Superman's revamp did. Do you think anything that the park is adding this year is going to cost more than Green Lantern? Most likely not. While nine million dollars (a large investment) is expected for a ZacSpin, it's still a great deal for a ride that you can really sell to the public. I'm all for it, and I never said I wasn't. The reason I was quoting that person's post was because they were making it sound like it was a huge investment for the park to do those small re-themes/replacements. It's not like everything the park did this year was a major "OMFG LOOK WHAT THEY DID!!!" kind of project. Anyways, hope that makes sense. For the record, I was not trying to turn this into a SFMM vs. CP even though I'm sure it's inviting for the CP/SFMM fanboys that lurk on this forum. Just wanted to get my point across.

Considering Superman has COMPLETELY NEW cars and a redesigned launch it could well have been almost as expensive as GL, you don't really know that. And all the stuff they have done this year, ALL of it, costs money. There are ins and outs of things you don't know about that cost money, its not simply just put a ride here or there repaint this and that etc, there are a lot more costs you or I don't even know about. So its not really fair to say they went on the cheap when they are the only ones who really know how much this all costs.

Yes, I'm well aware. I'm obviously clueless as to how much it costed to completely revamp Superman. I'm sure it's in the millions but NOT as much as GL. I'm glad they made the investment in new cars for this ride as well as repaint it. I never said they went cheap for Superman, but rather altogether(every investment the park's made). Here's how I look at it, if SFMM made all these changes the park this year (I'm talking all the changes I mentioned in my previous post) I'd say about 3 of those were what I would call "major investments. Terminator's transformation into Apocalypse was NOT a major improvement. Green Lantern and S:EFK were. I hope that makes sense.

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Yes, I'm well aware. I'm obviously clueless as to how much it costed to completely revamp Superman. I'm sure it's in the millions but NOT as much as GL. I'm glad they made the investment in new cars for this ride as well as repaint it. I never said they went cheap for Superman, but rather altogether(every investment the park's made). Here's how I look at it, if SFMM made all these changes the park this year (I'm talking all the changes I mentioned in my previous post) I'd say about 3 of those were what I would call "major investments. Terminator's transformation into Apocalypse was NOT a major improvement. Green Lantern and S:EFK were. I hope that makes sense.

I don't know why $10 million rings a bell when thinking about the cost of Superman's transformation. I think management might have hinted at that during West Coast Bash?? It was mainly the couple million for new cars and the couple million to replace the rare earth magnets that were needed to repair the launch systems. A new, more reliable computer system was also installed. Additionally, they ran a giant ad campaign and painted the entire 40 story tower and track.


Between Green Lantern, DC Universe, and all the other changes, they easily invested $20 million, probably more into the park this year. That's about on the scale of a new Tatsu or Top Thrill Dragster. I lost my train of thought and don't remember how this argument started (ouch, I know), but the point is SFMM invested a ton of money and got many small(er) rides, but there are a lot more new things to do in the park this year then just one shiny brand new coaster. I, personally, would go for many new things to do, it doesn't even have to be coasters, and it takes significantly more visits for the place to get "old."


P.S. I love how my "r ings a b ell" was changed to that!!

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^Agreed. Let's keep the discussion on Cedar Point as well. I understand Six Flags Magic Mountain was being discussed as a comparison, but all of this bickering over how much investment went into the park last year should not be in a Cedar Point thread.

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Did anyone go during July 4th weekend? I went on the actual 4th to be greeted by a full parking lot. Yet the operations were great in my opinion, every ride had minimal waits, even Millennium Force was down to 30min around park closing. Seeing how Magnum, Gemini, and Wicked Twister all had station waits I was very impressed. Same with today, there were some issues with Millennium at closing with trains but they fixed it and all of the rides were running very well and waits went by pretty quickly for a very crowded day.


Funny you should post this because, while I didn't go on the 4th, I did check the CP wait times app on my Ipod a few times and was surprised at how low the wait times were. I thought they were just wrong, but I guess not! Good for CP!

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