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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Well I guess it's good you all have poor expectations of Cedar Fair for 2012 then cause you'll probably be blown away and twice as excited for their announcements in August. Think about it, their crown and thrown was just stolen away from them by their competition. Any Human and business hates the competition and a bad reputation, they will do anything to retaliate. I'm not saying Dinosaurs alive is unlikely, I'm just saying just cause of that doesn't mean you can't get a coaster aswell. Also the 10 000-20 000 dollars a day thing is bogus with a price of 5 dollars per person would mean around 4000 visitors are visiting this attraction every day. Just seems unlikely, and if this were true they'd be building dinosaurs alive all over America!



Oh your username is CedarFair1, now it all makes sense.

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Wow - I am sure CF is getting some laughs with this thread no doubt.


If Dinosaurs Alive is $5, which is pretty reasonable, that means 2,000 to 4,000 people per day are paying the fee, which as a percentage to the total admissions is probably under 10%. This seems pretty plausible to me as an executive myself.


Isn't calling someone a "liar" within a thread a violation of ToS?


And finally, from a strategic point of view, since MM took the most coasters crown this year, CP could add Dinosaurs next year along with a small inexpensive coaster to tie for the record! I think adding a Giga to Knotts is brilliant, sucking the wind from MM's sails, since this ride would be 100 feet taller than Goliath and could easily be more thrilling / intense, since it's Intamin. A world firsts gravity coaster over 100 MPH would certainly get some attention on the West Coast imo.


If memory serves me correctly, Cedar Fair typically allocates about $80m/year for capital improvements nationally. It's not CP's style to go for quantity over quality like MM did. A $25m ride for Knotts is 31% of an $80m budget, and think a giga for Knotts next year, with maybe a $10m attraction for CW, a $5m coaster at CP (Zac Spin?) and more Windseekers for the rest of the parks like KD is probable. Then you've freed up your budget for CP to install a world record, "blow your socks off ride" in 2013 !


My $.02

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Think about it, their crown and thrown was just stolen away from them by their competition. Any Human and business hates the competition and a bad reputation, they will do anything to retaliate.


First of all, the coaster wars is sooo 1990's/early 00's. The GP around here probably haven't even heard of SFMM and could care less if they have more coasters (and vice versa). I agree that CP is due for their next big thrill but at the same time I'm glad they've focused on non-coaster rides these past few years. They needed to update their supporting attraction base.


I have yet to do Dinosaurs Alive at Kings Island and even though I was there just a couple of weeks ago I didn't see a large clamoring of people waiting to plunk down the $5 to go through it. Maybe it's because I went on a day with somewhat light crowds. I can't see CP getting a similar dinosaur attraction and not because of space but it doesn't seem to fit what CP is about (unless Mr. Ouimet decides to take the park in a new direction). I could see Kings Dominion getting one.

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^^Both of ya'll have valid points. Yes, the Coaster Wars of the 1990s through the early 2000s is dead. It died with the yearly price tag of Kingda Ka. Since Kingda Ka, the industry, though still running at full speed, has seemed to bypass the the main coaster parks (SFMM, CP, SFGAdv, SFOG....) Yes Maverick was added in 2007, and that it was a headlining attraction, but it was a first for CP in a while with an attraction that did not at first stand out of the line up (disagree with me if you wish). But CF did a few smart things. The Three Hypers. Intimidator 305. Prowler. They are still making a name for themselves. But more subtly.


What I expect? I agree with Thom. Knott's will be getting some type of Giga/ Mega coaster, CP will get a smaller coaster (GCII?) not a Zac-Spin, CW is getting some type of three Windseekers (my guess is KD, CW, WoF) will be built and three Dinosaur Alive attractions will be built (CP, KD, VF)


Do I sound crazy? maybe.

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Ya know, when I typed Zac Spin I did pause because SF is supposed to be installing them nationally if Green Lantern is successful at MM.


I stuck with a Zac Spin because there was a coaster show a while back showing one on a wall within a CP's VP office. It also is relatively cheap and quick to install. I know everyone wants a woodie for CP, but I see them fixing MS before installing a new one - time will tell.


What do you think Canada's Wonderland is going to get?


Tom (btw)

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Go ahead and say what you want. Again, you have nothing to back you up. NOTHING! You're just making an "educated guess". You haven't heard from anyone about what's new for 2012. How can you be so sure?


Arn't we all just making educated guesses? Steve, while I enjoy his posts and his insights, hasn't shown how to back it up besides saying he heard it from someone. Maybe he is right, maybe he is wrong. We can't be sure about anyone until it is announced.


^ The boat ride surrounds an island. The current way they get guests to the island is by building a temp. bridge forcing the ride to close.


^^ I have a B&M model in my office does that mean my park is getting a B&M? But I agree it seems like a Zac Spin would be a good fit.

Edited by AndrewRnR
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Okay, I'm somewhat of a new member on here, hardly post and such.. However am I the only one calling complete bull on what this steve guy is saying about Cedar Point.. If the dinosaurs alive attraction was really bringing in 20 000 dollars a day then there would be dinosaur alive attractions for every neighbourhood in America... Also Cedar Point not getting an attraction next year is complete BULL, I'm from Canada and our park Canada's Wonderland is even getting an attraction from cedar fair in 2012 and most certainly you can expect Cedar Point is aswell.. My honest opinion, I know nothing about Cedar Fair but I do work in management and I call complete bull to what this steve guy is saying.. Even if they do bring dinosaurs alive to Cedar Point "knowing that it will magically impossibly bring in 20 000 dollars a day" ( cough cough LIAR) It will pay for itself (again if) and they still have the money to invest in a new thrilling attraction to retaliate against six flags the competition...


I realize you don't realize my connections with CP, so I'll just let you believe what you want to believe.



Edit: ^And Andrew, I'm not entirely sure if you follow/post on PointBuzz, but the last two years I've correctly and accurately predicted both Shoot the Rapids and Windseeker, right down to the specific stats. And both of those came from the same exact sources that told me about next year. Once again, I know the right people who know the right stuff.


For anyone who knows anything about me on this site, they all know I don't post rumors for the sake of posting rumors. That's not how I roll. This isn't something I heard from the dude at the Pink's hot dog stand, this is rock solid, 100% reliable information.

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Go ahead and say what you want. Again, you have nothing to back you up. NOTHING! You're just making an "educated guess". You haven't heard from anyone about what's new for 2012. How can you be so sure?


Arn't we all just making educated guesses? Steve, while I enjoy his posts and his insights, hasn't shown how to back it up besides saying he heard it from someone. Maybe he is right, maybe he is wrong. We can't be sure about anyone until it is announced.


^ The boat ride surrounds an island. The current way they get guests to the island is by building a temp. bridge forcing the ride to close.


^^ I have a B&M model in my office does that mean my park is getting a B&M? But I agree it seems like a Zac Spin would be a good fit.

Oh gee, thank you SOO MUCH for putting that out there! What would I have done if I hasn't had realized that?! We're making educated guesses?! I had no idea!


P.S. Thanks for basically re-phrasing what I said. That was really necessary.

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^ The boat ride surrounds an island. The current way they get guests to the island is by building a temp. bridge forcing the ride to close.


Why don't they just build a pernament bridge that the boats can go under? Or partner with SyFy and make it Dinoshark Alive and have that attack the boat!

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Okay, I'm somewhat of a new member on here, hardly post and such.. However am I the only one calling complete bull on what this steve guy is saying about Cedar Point.. If the dinosaurs alive attraction was really bringing in 20 000 dollars a day then there would be dinosaur alive attractions for every neighbourhood in America... Also Cedar Point not getting an attraction next year is complete BULL, I'm from Canada and our park Canada's Wonderland is even getting an attraction from cedar fair in 2012 and most certainly you can expect Cedar Point is aswell.. My honest opinion, I know nothing about Cedar Fair but I do work in management and I call complete bull to what this steve guy is saying.. Even if they do bring dinosaurs alive to Cedar Point "knowing that it will magically impossibly bring in 20 000 dollars a day" ( cough cough LIAR) It will pay for itself (again if) and they still have the money to invest in a new thrilling attraction to retaliate against six flags the competition...


I realize you don't realize my connections with CP, so I'll just let you believe what you want to believe.



Edit: ^And Andrew, I'm not entirely sure if you follow/post on PointBuzz, but the last two years I've correctly and accurately predicted both Shoot the Rapids and Windseeker, right down to the specific stats. And both of those came from the same exact sources that told me about next year. Once again, I know the right people who know the right stuff.


For anyone who knows anything about me on this site, they all know I don't post rumors for the sake of posting rumors. That's not how I roll. This isn't something I heard from the dude at the Pink's hot dog stand, this is rock solid, 100% reliable information.



You can get yourself and your sources into a lot of trouble with Cedar Fair by leaking inside information. It's against park rules to tell someone about park plans and announcements, It leads to termination and lawsuits. I realize I shouldn't have called you a liar it was rude and uncalled for however I completely disagree with your "inside information" on Cedar Point not getting anything but Dinosaurs Alive next year. Let me use an example, Canada's Wonderland in 2011 has received windseeker, a 30th birthday paint job on a lot of it's coasters and buildings, over a million dollar starlight spectacular which is the best out of any cedar fair park (and if you don't believe me just watch it) and 2 new small restauraunts. They have also already started clearly building a new coaster for 2012 thats a coaster added between two operating seasons and capital investments inbetween like planet snoopy and windseeker. If Canada's Wonderland can have all this money funneled into it so can CEDAR POINT! Again I have no backing cause I don't break rules on leaking inside information nor do I know anything but my .02cents is if Cedar Point does get dinosaurs alive next year, doesn't mean you can't expect another attraction on top of it.

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^You'll need a couple more bags of popcorn to supply you through the rest of this show.


Okay, I'm somewhat of a new member on here, hardly post and such.. However am I the only one calling complete bull on what this steve guy is saying about Cedar Point.. If the dinosaurs alive attraction was really bringing in 20 000 dollars a day then there would be dinosaur alive attractions for every neighbourhood in America... Also Cedar Point not getting an attraction next year is complete BULL, I'm from Canada and our park Canada's Wonderland is even getting an attraction from cedar fair in 2012 and most certainly you can expect Cedar Point is aswell.. My honest opinion, I know nothing about Cedar Fair but I do work in management and I call complete bull to what this steve guy is saying.. Even if they do bring dinosaurs alive to Cedar Point "knowing that it will magically impossibly bring in 20 000 dollars a day" ( cough cough LIAR) It will pay for itself (again if) and they still have the money to invest in a new thrilling attraction to retaliate against six flags the competition...


I realize you don't realize my connections with CP, so I'll just let you believe what you want to believe.



Edit: ^And Andrew, I'm not entirely sure if you follow/post on PointBuzz, but the last two years I've correctly and accurately predicted both Shoot the Rapids and Windseeker, right down to the specific stats. And both of those came from the same exact sources that told me about next year. Once again, I know the right people who know the right stuff.


For anyone who knows anything about me on this site, they all know I don't post rumors for the sake of posting rumors. That's not how I roll. This isn't something I heard from the dude at the Pink's hot dog stand, this is rock solid, 100% reliable information.



You can get yourself and your sources into a lot of trouble with Cedar Fair by leaking inside information. It's against park rules to tell someone about park plans and announcements, It leads to termination and lawsuits. I realize I shouldn't have called you a liar it was rude and uncalled for however I completely disagree with your "inside information" on Cedar Point not getting anything but Dinosaurs Alive next year. Let me use an example, Canada's Wonderland in 2011 has received windseeker, a 30th birthday paint job on a lot of it's coasters and buildings, over a million dollar starlight spectacular which is the best out of any cedar fair park (and if you don't believe me just watch it) and 2 new small restauraunts. They have also already started clearly building a new coaster for 2012 thats a coaster added between two operating seasons and capital investments inbetween like planet snoopy and windseeker. If Canada's Wonderland can have all this money funneled into it so can CEDAR POINT! Again I have no backing cause I don't break rules on leaking inside information nor do I know anything but my .02cents is if Cedar Point does get dinosaurs alive next year, doesn't mean you can't expect another attraction on top of it.


LOL! Against park rules?! To go on TPR and say what aother people have told you?! So I guess it's unsafe to tell people on TPR.


This is just too good.

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I agree with Thom. If I were Cedar Fair, the big money WOULD be thrown at Knotts next year, not only to flatten SFMM, but also because of all the other amazing attractions opening up all over so-cal next year. And then I would do something HUGE at Cedar Point the year after. It makes sense.

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It's not a TPR rule, it's a park rule for his inside sources to leak information especially this early in the season. I'm just saying I have dated a ark executive and they never said anything about investments or additions cause it's to risky. Just seems very fishy they are leaking stuff this early into the season about 2012. I for one expect at least a flat thrill ride for 2012 on top of dinosaurs alive (if it's going to cedar point) and possibly a coaster.


My 2012 guess is KNOTTS, CANADA'S WONDERLAND, CEDAR POINT get new coasters. 2013 Kings Island. This seems to work with a pattern they established in 2008. Again I will most likely be wrong aswell..

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It certainly is entertaining, on this gloomy day here in the Northeast.


I think given Steve's track record, he knows what he can and can not post on boards like this. I also think Cedarfair1 has lost sight of the fact Canada's Wonderland outdraws CP, and the Ohio economy is in the toilet, not to mention the fact he confirms he has no sources for his opinion. You certainly are passionate Cedarfair1, and share your disappointment if CP doesn't get a coaster next year. Cedar Point is head and shoulders above SFMM and like you, hate to see them claim any coaster notoriety at CP's expense.


Given the lack of land clearing or construction at CP for a 2012 coaster, unlike what we are seeing at Dollywood, Thorpe, or Hershey, I think we should give Steve some credit for shedding some light on a possible attraction.


Cedar Fair has a strong track record of delivering GREAT Intamin rides, and the thought of them installing their 3rd Giga at Knotts, gets me VERY excited!


I also think/hope the longer CP goes without installing a coaster, the higher the likelihood it will trounce some world records.


Happy 4th !

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It's not a TPR rule, it's a park rule for his inside sources to leak information especially this early in the season. I'm just saying I have dated a ark executive and they never said anything about investments or additions cause it's to risky. Just seems very fishy they are leaking stuff this early into the season about 2012. I for one expect at least a flat thrill ride for 2012 on top of dinosaurs alive (if it's going to cedar point) and possibly a coaster.


My 2012 guess is KNOTTS, CANADA'S WONDERLAND, CEDAR POINT get new coasters. 2013 Kings Island. This seems to work with a pattern they established in 2008. Again I will most likely be wrong aswell..

My goodness.


Listen dude, I am well aware of park policies and procedures. Believe me. But why do you think in three years of correctly predicting CP's new attractions, I've never named my source? Never even given a gender or any clues as to who it is? Any why do you think I still receive this information?


To be quite honest, I knew that CP was building a log flume as early as May 2008. A LOT of people did. It had originally been planned for 2009, but was delayed a year for economic reasons. And this is right around the time last year that I found out exactly how tall Windseeker was going to be. Stuff like this isn't some "big secret."


I'm happy for you that you expect them to build some big flat or coaster for next year, I honestly was thinking the same thing until I found out otherwise just a few days ago. But that's just not going to happen. Sure, they'll make plenty of capital expenditures and improvements (the rest of MF's paint job comes to mind), but as far as attractions go, it's going to be Dinosaurs Alive.


If I'm wrong, I'll gladly come back to this very post and admit that I'm wrong. But I don't really have to worry about that, because I'm not. So this will be my last post regarding any of that.


What's funny to me is that if Lance Hart of Screamscape had posted the exact same thing that I did, people would take it as gospel, even though he doesn't do anything differently than me, which is get information from inside sources and spread them.

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What's funny to me is that if Lance Hart of Screamscape had posted the exact same thing that I did, people would take it as gospel, even though he doesn't do anything differently than me, which is get information from inside sources and spread them.




I trust you! I'm disappointed, but I trust you! That must be worth something, right?

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Trust is much appreciated, and I'm honestly a bit disappointed, too. However, the big knock on CP years ago was that all they cared about was building coasters, and they've done a pretty good job the last 10 years of spreading out their attractions to a wider audience. So at least they've gotten into a more sensible business plan. Hopefully 2013 will be the year of #18!

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It's not a TPR rule, it's a park rule for his inside sources to leak information especially this early in the season. I'm just saying I have dated a ark executive and they never said anything about investments or additions cause it's to risky. Just seems very fishy they are leaking stuff this early into the season about 2012. I for one expect at least a flat thrill ride for 2012 on top of dinosaurs alive (if it's going to cedar point) and possibly a coaster.


My 2012 guess is KNOTTS, CANADA'S WONDERLAND, CEDAR POINT get new coasters. 2013 Kings Island. This seems to work with a pattern they established in 2008. Again I will most likely be wrong aswell..

My goodness.


Listen dude, I am well aware of park policies and procedures. Believe me. But why do you think in three years of correctly predicting CP's new attractions, I've never named my source? Never even given a gender or any clues as to who it is? Any why do you think I still receive this information?


To be quite honest, I knew that CP was building a log flume as early as May 2008. A LOT of people did. It had originally been planned for 2009, but was delayed a year for economic reasons. And this is right around the time last year that I found out exactly how tall Windseeker was going to be. Stuff like this isn't some "big secret."


I'm happy for you that you expect them to build some big flat or coaster for next year, I honestly was thinking the same thing until I found out otherwise just a few days ago. But that's just not going to happen. Sure, they'll make plenty of capital expenditures and improvements (the rest of MF's paint job comes to mind), but as far as attractions go, it's going to be Dinosaurs Alive.


If I'm wrong, I'll gladly come back to this very post and admit that I'm wrong. But I don't really have to worry about that, because I'm not. So this will be my last post regarding any of that.


What's funny to me is that if Lance Hart of Screamscape had posted the exact same thing that I did, people would take it as gospel, even though he doesn't do anything differently than me, which is get information from inside sources and spread them.


I'm going to hold you to your word, come August I guarantee you'll be incorrect and if not I will personally write you an apology for making myself look dumb. I promise!

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So Steve!


You alluded to knowing things years in advance - Can you shed any light (at this point) regarding 2013? What you hearing?


I have to ask since you left the door so open.


Tom - who wishes every a happy 4th with plenty of slushies !

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