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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I don't find Magnum rough at all. However, Maverick is so over-rated. There's too much whiplash and it's just not a fun coaster. The only good part is the lauch in the tunnel but they have to use trim brakes right after it so that makes it pointless just like Formula Rossa. Some people like the sharp twists and turns, but I'm not a fan...at least how Maverick uses them. They are just too quick; if they were a little less forceful they'd be more enjoyable. It seems like Cedar Point tried too hard.



I honestly think if they were to go with the I-305 straps, this ride would be so much better. ...Still in my top 10 though.

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Mavrick has-


Airtime - check

Positive Gs - check

Inversions - check

More airtime - check


That all makes up for the restraints. But if you don't want whiplash, don't ride it like a rag doll then.

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I don't find Magnum rough at all. However, Maverick is so over-rated. There's too much whiplash and it's just not a fun coaster. The only good part is the lauch in the tunnel but they have to use trim brakes right after it so that makes it pointless just like Formula Rossa. Some people like the sharp twists and turns, but I'm not a fan...at least how Maverick uses them. They are just too quick; if they were a little less forceful they'd be more enjoyable. It seems like Cedar Point tried too hard.


I both disagree and agree with your points. I do enjoy Maggie (Magnum), but if they had a little padding in the seats it would be really a great ride. I don't have much natural padding, unlike many riders.


I'm not a fan of Maverick at all. Yes, there are moments of airtime (which I love), but because of the restraints and the Intamin trademark QDC's (quick direction changes), I can't ride with my arms up to enjoy. Soft restraints would go a long way to improve the experience for me. I was at Busch Gardens last week and rode Cheetah Hunt (Intamin with QDC's) . I bring this up since these turns are taken at a slower speed than Maverick, and I can ride "arms up." I rode it 1 day 10 times and had bruises thanks to the hard restraints. I'm not saying slow down Maverick, but soft restraints (a la Intimidator 305) for EVERYONE!!

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The closest thing CP has to a multi-looper is Raptor. However, a floorless would be a different ride experience, one which I've always though the park was missing. Regardless, I wouldn't argue with a WingRider, either.


And I've never understood the complaints with Maverick, either. Sure, the turns and transitions are quick, but I haven't had problems with them at all.

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I was at Busch Gardens last week and rode Cheetah Hunt (Intamin with QDC's) . I bring this up since these turns are taken at a slower speed than Maverick, and I can ride "arms up." I rode it 1 day 10 times and had bruises thanks to the hard restraints. I'm not saying slow down Maverick, but soft restraints (a la Intimidator 305) for EVERYONE!!


Maverick and Cheetah Hunt are two incredibly different ride experiences. Cheetah Hunt was designed to be a much less intense ride then Maverick and also does not have the same QDC's as Maverick, I agree with the soft restraints completely and I would love to see them on it. However I love Maverick as it is and still provides the wildest ride in the park today.

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First lets not forget Mantis as a true looper, even with its drawbacks. I love the idea of a floorless/flyer dueling coaster, but doubt that will come to fruition, though with a potential 6 year gap between coasters, the next one should be significant. I personally think they'll get a B&M wing-rider, and hope it's a true 4D, though after seeing Takabisha's POV, I REALLY hope someone like CP gets one soon.

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Almost every coaster at CP, I always find myself saying how great they are as I'm getting off of them. The few times I get off Maverick (I rarely ride it) I'm always shaking my head asking myself why I rode it. That's it for what else I have to say about that rapture.

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^^I kind of agree. I don't think CP has ever been too big on inversions. They're just not very impressive and they don't get people interested. To this day the top 3 rides are always more popular than Mantis or Raptor (granted Maverick has inversions but the ride isn't centered around going upside down). I think the only thing I see coming in the future would be something like a B&M dive/flyer coaster or a woodie. CP is lagging a lot on the wood side of things, after all...plus there is plenty of room if less popular rides are taken out. Not to mention the whole lagoon by Dragster. I'm excited to see if some markers start appearing!

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I'm one of those who's not a big fan of inversion coasters. Because of the large amount of coasters with no inversions or minimal (Maverick) amount makes Cedar Point my favorite park. Most coasters I can ride multiple times. Inversions mess with my head especially as I get older.



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Couldn't agree more Haydn. In fact, I've heard inversions turn off 50% of the general public, which is why CP is so non-inversion heavy with coasters. To me, Maverick isn't the type of looper I can't ride all day - I love Maverick and think it's time CP got another looper and a B&M 4D would be perfect for them (imho).

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From Screamscape:

[attachment=0]Cedar Point Logo.jpg[/attachment]

2013 - New Coaster - Rumor - (7/7/11) While it’s still a bit far out to say anything for sure, we’ve heard from a new source that the rumored 2013 coaster project for The Point will see B&M come back to the park at last with a new project. It’s hard to say exactly what it may be, so I suspect it could be one of the new Wing Coasters, though a Floorless with a ton of inversions or even a Dive Machine would also be a good fit. A location near the front of the park on the Disaster Transport / Space Spiral side was also mentioned.

What do you guys think it could/should be?

Why hasn't anyone mentioned that they want an Intamin Woodie? Why let Great Adventure be the only one in the USA with this type of amazing ride? SFGadv stole the idea of TTD from Cedar Point so maybe it's time that CP returns the favour?


Just imagine if an "El Toro Killer" existed at Cedar Point. It would easily be the best ride in the park.


This is what they should get!



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Couldn't agree more. El Toro is a GREAT ride and with the new management, maybe they'll consider it. Kinzel did once say he'd never get an Intamin woodie, so who knows.


I'm using your same logic with the 4D B&M throwing it at MM's face - especially now that they have the worlds most title.

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I would love to see something like El Toro alone the edge of the beach next to Disastor Transport... Also, off the top of my head, I cant even think of where they would the even put a multi looper or Wing Rider. Theres not much room next to DT is there (Asking as that is were the rumor said it may be headed...)? Or am I completly off base which is more than likely...

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^^One that went southeast along the beach to the right of the parking lot would be absolutely amazing. Have the station somewhere by Disaster Transport and have the lift over the tubes of Disaster Transport along the beach, turnaround, and have a series of crazy hills all the way down the parking lot. That's my dream. Well, almost. My real dream is to remove Disaster Transport and use that as the station area and have a tight twister ending after the hills along the beach, but that's more than likely never going to happen.


As for a B&M wingrider, something flying overtop of other rides/areas could be really cool and interactive. I don't know where this would be, but no matter where it would be awesome. Maybe themed to the flying machine that guy on Paddlewheel Excursions invented and hovering over Fronteirtrail.

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A woodie by the beach would be excellent. I don't really want them to axe DT, it's redeeming quality is that it is the only dark ride CP has. Perhaps instead of Mean Streak marshmallow roast CP could give it the Rocky Mountain treatment instead?

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I've been dreaming for a woodie down the beach/parking lot for years now and think it would be a fantastic addition. As for mean streak, I am a fan of the ride but I'm not opposed to giving it the "rocky mountain makover". Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't texas giant close to the dame layout as MS? After watching vids on the new texas giant I don't see why it would be a bad idea.

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Wait a minute, is this "Dinosaurs Alive" thing the same attraction that caught on fire at Kings Island recently?


KI discussion thread


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Animatronic at new dinosaur exhibit at Kings Island catches fire


An animatronic dinosaur, part of Kings Island new "Dinosaurs Alive!" exhibit, caught fire early Tuesday evening.


The fire was put out quickly, and no patrons had to be evacuated. A large cloud of black smoke did appear over the park.


The "Dinosaurs Alive" exhibit was scheduled to open Thursday.


Fire crews are still on scene.




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