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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Would it be necessarily profitable to have 2 kinds of the same "attraction" operating in the same state? I would think CP would be smart enough to want to make something totally different in order to draw the people that have already been to KI to see theirs. I myself would not be interested in seeing the same thing if it were available in another park that close by.....


Umm, WindSeeker?


I guess I should've specified the upcharge side of it.

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I just have a question about all this.


How do I (we) know whether any of what you are saying is true or just wild speculation....or even BS?

I have absolutely no reason to lie, that's why. I know plenty of people at CP that confirmed everything I said, and I wouldn't have posted it if it weren't true.

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Very good, that's all I needed to see....thank you very much.


Btw, are you the guy that was on one of those coaster shows when TTD opened riding it with safety goggles? Or was it KK?


That guy's name was Steve and was just wondering if it was the same person.

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^There were never any "plans" for a coaster next year, just rumors... And say, for example, they wanted that boardwalk GCI. So they can tell GCI "Hey, not sure if this is a 2012 or 2013 addition, but let's get it ready to go!" And I'm sure GCI is going to do that for them. So they could either add a coaster next year, or push the contract back a year and do something else instead, but not cancel any other plans altogether, because it's most likely much too late to do that without repercussions.


That's not how it works. Parks like CP have five year plans and additions as large as roller coasters are in the works for several years. They don't tell a company it may be this or next year thats too costly for both parties. GCI may do it but not after a taking in a big sum for breach of contract.

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^They might have concepts and ideas mapped out 5 years in advance, but they surely won't have an exact manufacturer picked out until much closer to the time it's going to be built. It's not like they had Mondial picked out for Windseeker back in 2006, because Mondial hadn't even started making them that far back. Same goes with Shoot the Rapids. As far up as late 2008/early 2009, they still hadn't decided on a manufacturer for it yet.


They certainly have plans, but if it's 5 years in advance, most of those plans are very basic.

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^They might have concepts and ideas mapped out 5 years in advance, but they surely won't have an exact manufacturer picked out until much closer to the time it's going to be built. It's not like they had Mondial picked out for Windseeker back in 2006, because Mondial hadn't even started making them that far back. Same goes with Shoot the Rapids. As far up as late 2008/early 2009, they still hadn't decided on a manufacturer for it yet.


They certainly have plans, but if it's 5 years in advance, most of those plans are very basic.


Yes and no it certainly depends on the ride type and what not my point was more so manufacturers and such are picked out in advance as in a few years (Dragster being designed in 2000, Mantis planning in '94, , track for Millennium Force arrived in late '98, etc.) . As for the manufacturer for Shoot the Rapids I can't recall hearing that but it was suppose to open in 2009, or the very least a water attraction, but that was pushed back - at least according to Kinzel in the Sandusky Registry. Forgive me I don't remember the exact quote off hand.


None the less *if* there was a major attraction planned for next year it wasn't cancelled within the last few weeks because the Dino thing is performing well at KI.

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Considering Magic Mountain has the "coaster crown" now I would think CP would already have a new coaster planned for next season. Actually between that and the dino thing I'm surprised the dino thing seems to be what they picked.....too bad.

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None the less *if* there was a major attraction planned for next year it wasn't cancelled within the last few weeks because the Dino thing is performing well at KI.

Yeah, but nobody said that anything was cancelled.


Nothing has been cancelled, hmm, is there more to that perhapse?

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^I was just commenting on how he seems to think I said a new attraction for next year was planned but cancelled in lieu of the dinosaur exhibit. I never said any new attraction was cancelled, I simply said that Dinosaurs Alive would be the new attraction and that Paddlewheel Excursions (along with Terror Island) will be retired as a result.


I really don't think any ride was/is planned for next year.

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Hi everybody!


I am planning my first visit to CP during next September, and apparently all hotels inside the park have no more rooms available for that time! That is making me start to think about staying at a hotel in the Sandusky area.


I come to all of you to ask for advice: I do not drive, so is there a way to get to the park by taxi or shuttle service different from the one that could be provided by the hotel (honestly, I am not sure if there will be a hotel shuttle service)? I have been searching the internet for a couple of days, finding nothing but out-of-date information


Thank you all in advance,


Greetings from Argentina!



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^^It's a animatronic walk through attraction at Kings Island this year. I'm not even sure of all the specifics behind it, but I know it's at least somewhat educational. It's $5 per person to experience it, as well, and from what I was told, Kings Island is making five figures a day on it. The contract they have with the manufacturer is they split ticket sales 50/50, and KI is still making a killing off of it. So nobody should be surprised if more CF parks start getting these in the next few years, because it's a family-friendly attraction (and kids LOVE dinosaurs).

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Okay, I'm somewhat of a new member on here, hardly post and such.. However am I the only one calling complete bull on what this steve guy is saying about Cedar Point.. If the dinosaurs alive attraction was really bringing in 20 000 dollars a day then there would be dinosaur alive attractions for every neighbourhood in America... Also Cedar Point not getting an attraction next year is complete BULL, I'm from Canada and our park Canada's Wonderland is even getting an attraction from cedar fair in 2012 and most certainly you can expect Cedar Point is aswell.. My honest opinion, I know nothing about Cedar Fair but I do work in management and I call complete bull to what this steve guy is saying.. Even if they do bring dinosaurs alive to Cedar Point "knowing that it will magically impossibly bring in 20 000 dollars a day" ( cough cough LIAR) It will pay for itself (again if) and they still have the money to invest in a new thrilling attraction to retaliate against six flags the competition...

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Ok, do you have anything to back that up?


And, CP may not be adding a coaster in 2012 because its possible they are planning on adding something big the year after.


Who really knows for sure but Cedar Fair.


Between you and Steve, I think I will believe Steve for now, he seems to have people who know and I don't believe him to be a liar. Even if he is wrong....so what! What you are claiming is really baseless unless you can point out otherwise and the staements you have made are really no different than what you say Steve is lying about.


So you are calling him a liar and making up random stuff yourself.

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Well I guess it's good you all have poor expectations of Cedar Fair for 2012 then cause you'll probably be blown away and twice as excited for their announcements in August. Think about it, their crown and thrown was just stolen away from them by their competition. Any Human and business hates the competition and a bad reputation, they will do anything to retaliate. I'm not saying Dinosaurs alive is unlikely, I'm just saying just cause of that doesn't mean you can't get a coaster aswell. Also the 10 000-20 000 dollars a day thing is bogus with a price of 5 dollars per person would mean around 4000 visitors are visiting this attraction every day. Just seems unlikely, and if this were true they'd be building dinosaurs alive all over America!

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Go ahead and say what you want. Again, you have nothing to back you up. NOTHING! You're just making an "educated guess". You haven't heard from anyone about what's new for 2012. How can you be so sure?

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