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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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18 hours ago, aueft said:

I mean, it was two kids who decided to yell directly into my ear. I attempted to tell them off, which was obviously the wrong thing to do (I should know better than to react) as they started to tail me around.

Edit: Rereading my response again, and looking at the context of your question, I guess that you're going to say that I just need to grow a backbone. I know that this is all pretty funny, and I truly regret bringing anything up here. Sorry.

I regret that you have regrets about posting. We tend to "textually" joust but that can seem uninviting to some. From a long time resident of the forum: I hope you continue to post despite our banter. @prozach626 is a good guy, he didn't mean to be overt.

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Not to sidetrack some of the typical forum ribbing but it appears that Cedar Point has a new fairly large masked off staging area setup next to Breakers Express again. Same field / lot that they used to stage Valravn and Maverick.

Could it just be for the steel beams for the new Grand Pavilion? Could be. But seems weird to me that they would mask it off with privacy fence and not just go with typical unmasked wire fencing if it was just steel beams.

Could be interesting. Very likely not though.


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4 hours ago, CP_RULES said:

Staging for every coaster from CGA, they're going for the record again!

Biggest pile of crap feat. the former fastest and tallest coaster of the world?

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Had a great visit to the park this past Friday night (July 8th) and Sunday July 10th.

I worked at the park from 1986-1990 playing piano in 5 different shows and then returning in 2000 to music direct a few shows as well.  The park was beautiful and clean, and even though it was peak summer time, I still managed to get 2 rides on Steel Vengeance, 2 on Millennium Force, and rides on Gemini, Valravn, and more. 

But the highlight was re-creating a picture I had taken in 1972 with my brothers and sisters. 50 years later!

Enjoy the photos!


The original picture taken in 1972. Right on the main midway. You can see the Dodgem behind us.


50 years later, and we were all able to meet up to re-create the shot!


Still great as ever. Iron Gwazi is good, but it's not Steel Vengeance!




Where it all began!  My first show "Ain't We Got Fun!" in 1986 and 1987. And I just went back to Disney after my 2 1/2 year furlough to continue my 23 years as a professional musician with the company. Come see me play piano at the Hoop-Dee-Doo Revue!



The new Farmhouse Restaurant is GREAT! We split the platter both times and it was plenty of food. Highly recommend the steak and potatoes. The chili was also very good.


When in Sandusky, eat at Berardis which used to provide Cedar Point french fries for decades. 


A fun ride with an awesome view especially at night.


Hope it comes back next summer. 

Edited by pianojohn
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3 hours ago, pianojohn said:

Had a great visit to the park this past Friday night (July 8th) and Sunday July 10th.

I worked at the park from 1986-1990 playing piano in 5 different shows and then returning in 2000 to music direct a few shows as well.  The park was beautiful and clean, and even though it was peak summer time, I still managed to get 2 rides on Steel Vengeance, 2 on Millennium Force, and rides on Gemini, Valravn, and more. 

But the highlight was re-creating a picture I had taken in 1972 with my brothers and sisters. 50 years later!

Enjoy the photos!


The original picture taken in 1972. Right on the main midway. You can see the Dodgem behind us.


50 years later, and we were all able to meet up to re-create the shot!


Still great as ever. Iron Gwazi is good, but it's not Steel Vengeance!




Where it all began!  My first show "Ain't We Got Fun!" in 1986 and 1987. And I just went back to Disney after my 2 1/2 year furlough to continue my 23 years as a professional musician with the company. Come see me play piano at the Hoop-Dee-Doo Revue!



When in Sandusky, eat at Berardis which used to provide Cedar Point french fries for decades. 

We ate there before our first day at Cedar Point in 2017. So good, Such nice people. Had us seated within minutes, even if they were overcrowded with a family meeting, but helped us because outside was pouring rain and we were already soaked. Love them.

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Dude! That recreated family photograph is awesome! Priceless, for sure.


I haven't been on IG, but good to know SV is just as good, if not better. I used to have mixed feeling about it, but after our trip a few weeks ago I have a new appreciation. It's not the care-free, hands up kind of ride I usually like. Steel Vengeance is more of an endurance challenge. It's fun just to hold on, brace, and enjoy the ride trying to kick your butt. At the end of our two rides, out of 6-7 from prior trips, I had an appreciation for how relentless and drawn out it was. It definitely gave us a holy crap/WTF expression when we hit the brake run. With a mindset adjustment and knowing what to expect, I can say I really like it. Once or twice per day is enough for me, though.

Magnum was also kind of good/tolerable this time around, thanks to the seatbelt trick. I ratcheted that sucker down and leaned forward into a "defensive riding position." It was like the steel version of The Boss at SFSTL...

Sorry to hijack your post.

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For the new fence that went up near breakers express,  It could be for what ever flats will be getting moved, or is new coming in. Unless huge ground moving starts I don't see,  a roller coaster coming. 

A Place for TTD track also would make sense sadly.

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If a roller coaster is coming anytime soon, it's not going where the ground clearing is. The goal is to exploit the beach, not block it. I also fear it may be Dragster's resting ground.


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Visited the park this past Saturday for the first time in four years. A few observations:

On Steel Vengeance (first rides, 2x in back seat, 1x in front seat): 

  • This is the best coaster in the world, hands down, bar none. I will die on this hill. 
  • The secondary locker system is absolutely crazy – given the ride's insanity, I think they need it, and I think they do a good job – but I've faced far more lax security getting on an airplane!
  • The ride barfed up error codes twice while I was in the station – once, when I was on the train – and transferring off the train also set off an error. When the maintenance guy showed up, all he had to do was smack the transfer track with a wrench, and the error vanished. Amazing.
  • A few great members of that ride crew (big props to the girl in the green hair who honored my seat request every time!), and a few who really felt like holding up the whole train so they could take a power trip to show a former ride op how a restraint was "properly closed". Well done!

In general:

  • Magnum got painful. The 'magic seat' should be renamed, 'the spine compression seat'. I am not one to complain about pain on a coaster; look at my avatar for godssakes.
  • GateKeeper was surprisingly forceful and fun.
  • The crew e-stopped Blue Streak halfway up its lift to identify someone who had their phone out. The op then walked all the way up the lift, talked to the person, and had a security guard waiting at the exit to escort them out of the park. I never thought I'd see that. CP doesn't f*ck around.

Overall, such a great day. Love that park, and got to enjoy it with a huge group of close friends.

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3 hours ago, IanKgtr said:

When the maintenance guy showed up, all he had to do was smack the transfer track with a wrench, and the error vanished. Amazing.

Said no Lightning Rod operator, ever.

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Random question: how far back is the merge point of fastlane for SV. Will you, for example, despite the fastlane line being empty, still wait 30 minutes minimum cause the merge point is so far way back in the line?

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Sucks when the actual wait is 45 min, fastlane plus is only 15 mij shorter. I heard millenium has the same “issue”. Seems like fastlaneplus’ bang for your buck isn’t as strong as at most other parks. Thankfully maverick’s fastlane line does get you to the station a lot faster right?

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19 minutes ago, gardyloo! said:

Sucks when the actual wait is 45 min, fastlane plus is only 15 mij shorter. I heard millenium has the same “issue”. Seems like fastlaneplus’ bang for your buck isn’t as strong as at most other parks. Thankfully maverick’s fastlane line does get you to the station a lot faster right?

Maverick's puts you in the station.  Yeah, CP's Fast Lane implementation is less than idea, but its still mandatory (especially on weekends) if you ask me, unless you have several days at the park.

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Be aware, I've seen Maverick have some of the longest FL+ lines at any park outside of a Halloween event. It will overflow outside of the entrance, occasionally. When that happens, SKIP IT. It may be empty an hour later, and it commonly has no FL+ line near the end of the day.

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