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  1. The park isn't open until too late so that's usually a good indicator. You can also always decide to purchase their skip the line pass when you're in the park. Operations are usually dreadful, so even on slower days lines can back up. It's a pretty big park too, so also take into account that the rides sometimes can be quite a walk from one another. Have fun tho, weather should be quite chill and the park has some beautiful landscaping.
  2. Vekoma has come a long way, their track design is great and rivals Mack's and Intamin's for sure. Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of their restraint system. Vekoma enforces vests on most of their (family) thrill coasters. The lapbar themselves also staples hard, like skyrush hard. They still deliver fun rides, it's just that from a (jaded) enthousiast their rides feel more like new school B&M's which isn't always what i'm looking for in a ride. Nevertheless, it looks like a great ride and a fun addition to the park. Any new ride that lowers the queue times of SV and Maverick is a welcome addition imo. However, i don't think it will become many people's favorite ride at the park, it probably is also not meant to be. I hear rumors this ride got passed around before it landed its place at Cedar Point. Wonder what the actual logistical process was.
  3. With intamin's recent track record, being the only company to date whose coasters go above the 160 mph (red force being the prime example ofcourse), and with having indrivetec as their partner, I think intamin would be the option with a lower risk. However... @_s3_ makes some very solid points. Zamperla's lower price (it ain't Swiss, but it's Italian after all), Cedarfair's historical grudge against Intamin, and former Intamin employees changing teams suddenly paints a different picture. If it ends up being a better product, we'll never know for sure of course.
  4. Is it me or do I miss some contouring on those lapbars..? I hope I'm wrong haha I still find it remarkable that cedar fair would rather take a major gamble going into business with Zamperla, rather than contracting Intamin to do the job.
  5. Just a quick questions regarding the flash pass, are the online prices lower than when you buy them in the park on the day itself?
  6. But aren’t they already working on that too? Eltororyan actually said it might be up soon again…
  7. Europe has some great parks! Though they usually are more family oriented than many parks in the US. So, while many great European parks have a solid one/two coaster punch, the rest of the line-up is usually very family friendly. So, just set your expectations accordingly :). I think the best region for your trip would be Holland, the west side of Germany, and Belgium. You have some of Europe's best (coaster) parks there such as Phantasialand and Walibi Holland. Plus, the driving distances between parks are considerably shorter than in the US. Amsterdam and Frankfurt also have major airport hubs, so flying should be convenient too. Poland could be an option too (it's quite cheap), but besides 3/4 strong coasters there's currently not much else and there are better parks to visit elsewhere in Europe. This is by far the most convenient, but traveling by public transport is not impossible. However, considering you only have four days I would recommend renting a car, just for convenience sake. Germany's cheaper when it comes to car rentals so that might also be a factor to consider where you're flying to/from. Lastly, regarding prices (I assume from your post you care about the financials) Europe's overall definitely cheaper than the US (except for gas), including the theme parks so you've got that going for you as well. Hope this info helps and good luck with planning your trip!
  8. It's honestly such a shame cause skyway rides are a dying breed and they're really nice transportation rides, often giving better views than other transportation rides such as trains. Back on the Ka topic, there might actually be hope. Some sources say they are currently already replacing the cable and testing the brake fins. Who would've thought if they can actually pull this off and have it running again around the 4th of July...
  9. If they get Ka working within a month I’ll actually stop making six flags premium jokes… let’s wait and see
  10. Heard online that Kingda ka's cable snapped and some brakes might be damaged too. No official park announcement though. Anyone any idea how look it takes for an accelerator cable to be replaced (Ka in 2005, dragster numerous times, xcelerator)? Would be such a shame if one headliner opens back up the other one simultaneously goes down for some significant time.
  11. it's usually an external party that rates the ride as "safe", they also have a significant say in the minimum and maximum height. So, it's not just the ride manufacturer or the park that have a final saying, I believe, it's these external parties. I believe three trains in total... and with Spanish operations, 60 seconds seems a little too optimistic. The park is owned by Parques Reunidos and most of their parks are known for very poor operations. I can imagine, intamin had the switch track idea and the resulted lowered capacity that came from it would not have been seen as a significant issue by the park. Heck, it might even be seen as a benefit as it probably boosts fast pass sales (as it basically will guarantee the ride to have a long line most days).
  12. With this, the new gen. Stand up at Seaworld, and the new lapbar restraints for their loopers it seems like B&M is feeling the heat and is finally innovating again. Now if they could only bring back their snappy transitions from their 90s rides I would be an even happier guy haha
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