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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It’s amazing how far you can walk at an amusement park without realizing it. It’s the most fun way to exercise!


I can think of a few other ways to exercise that may or may not be as much or maybe even more fun......individual experiences may vary.

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It’s amazing how far you can walk at an amusement park without realizing it. It’s the most fun way to exercise!


I can think of a few other ways to exercise that may or may not be as much or maybe even more fun......individual experiences may vary.



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Reminder: #NoRunning please. Kthnx.


I slowly stroll over to Cedar Downs, and ride that a few dozen times!


(but I have a feeling I *may* check out Steel Vengeance next time i'm in the park )


but Cedar Downs for the win!






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We should totally start a running club now! The Front Gate to Steel Vengeance Challenge!


First we'll practice running the distance from the front gate to Raptor, then to Wicked Twister, Valravn, Rougarou, TTD, Maverick, and slowly build to SV!


The degrees of difficulty:

1] I went to the Midway Market Buffet yesterday

2] I had Motel 6 breakfast

3] I closed down Thirsty Pony

This is too real.

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It’s amazing how far you can walk at an amusement park without realizing it. It’s the most fun way to exercise!

We used to go running or working out before parks. Eventually we came to realize how much exercise we get just by walking around the park. You really do cover a lot of distance.


Reminder: #NoRunning please. Kthnx.


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What is the little spec of land at the top of the photo?


I'm pretty sure the one out on the Chaussee isn't actually owned by Cedar Fair / Cedar Point, if that's the one you're referring to. It's a residential property.

It may be residential, but the land parcel is listed under the ownership of "CEDAR POINT PARK LLC"


Sorry for the delay, just saw this now. I pulled it up to make sure and it's listed as CEDAR POINT CHAUSSEE LLC with a mailing address at an office building in Beachwood, Ohio (near Cleveland). Only property in Erie County registered to that entity. It probably turned up in a search for "Cedar Point" but I don't think it's connected to the park. If I've got the wrong parcel, though, let me know -- I could certainly be missing something.

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It was easy for us, time wise, front to back of the park, and I'm about to turn 65 in March.


That is just another reason why I love CP - it's flat and easy to get around for just about anyone. It's great exercise just walking the park for young and old alike.

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It was easy for us, time wise, front to back of the park, and I'm about to turn 65 in March.


"you're 64?





^ actual dialogue shouted at a Bill (by a *very* drunk gentleman) out by the firepits at Breakers, when we were there for Coastermania! in June 2017.


he had been drinking himself, and was trying to cheer up the guy who had gotten upset over some relationship drama, and the whole "buddy" discussion took place in front of a bunch of us at the fires.. . and yes, we all absolutely burst out laughing at the above.


(even Bill though it was funny, tho I'm not sure he remembers it)

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^ I do, I do remember it. Best punchline in a long time I've heard!


He was actually all over the place, and I was just trying to keep him in one

spot, without his going and drowning himself in the lake. Or fall into the fire pit.

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Magnum tunnel sound effects! I seem to remember red lasers and fog?


Awesome!! I remember the lights and fog, and I generally love campy little touches like this. I stayed at Sandcastle as a young kid and recall getting my first impression of Magnum as I walked along the back path that contours the coaster. The first hill looked huge, but I wasn't truly intimidated until I saw a train disappear into a foggy tunnel with glowing lights inside. Then I saw more tunnels and thought, "Oh lord, what on earth happens in those!?" Even though we can all clearly see the contours of the tunneled track segments, it didn't matter -- I thought it might really be outer space or something in there! Ah, to be young.

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