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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^^^Oh I see thanks for the answer...I guess that kinda stinks...but launching into a 95 degree drop probably isn't the best idea. And if they've gotten all the trackwork out of the way for 4 months of themeing...Dang, if they've planned to spend this much time on themeing, they must really be amped up to make it look as good as they're talking about!

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Which videos...the cut scenes on the main page or the actual coaster animation?


Cause the animation is about the best youll find - thanks to Keith McVeen. But the cut scenes, eh - I dont think they are any better or worse than the MF vide. MF video was incredibly cheesy. So are these.

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Gotta love the technology they use to build these multi-million dollar rides. Slap an orange road cone onto the bottom of a sand bag, duct tape some pvc pipe and dangle it from a crane. Genius!


Hey, if it gets the job done...


Well, where else will you get a funnel THAT big? If it saves 30 bucks from buying some huge pre-fabbed funnel - more power too em as ya said.


tis funny though, didnt even notice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone!


Thanks for all the kind posts. My girlfriend is kinda new at this roller coaster stuff and she is the one who took the pictures well I was filming stuff. She was so excited when I emailed her at work and told her to go to TPR.com She was like "THOSE ARE MY PICTURES!!!" She does not understand how geekie some of us can get!


Hope to see every one on the midways!

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Wow they have started work on scenery. I am looking forward to seeing how the scenery turns out, hopefully it will be as good as what we are all expecting to see.


From what I've heard, everything in the videos will be there.


Not much question that most of what is in the animations will end up in the ride. CF seams committed to that. The question is what will it look like for real. Animations can only go so far showing the beauty that can be achieved.


I can't wait to see a POV when they're finished. Hopefully they will post one on the site early to tease us.

Four months is too long a wait.

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