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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Has nobody thought that it might be a racing Intamin woodie.

That could potentially give them several world records - if that's what they are going for. Also Balder (in Sweden) is considered one of the best coasters on the planet. Perhaps it would be more interesting for CP to have the best rather than JUST another record-breaker...


Anyone think the same?

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I'm starting to think 4D. Like its been said, 2 and 2 together could be a reference to the number of rails used on a 4D coaster, and well...2+2=4...D? Also, "the path always taken is not necessarily the best". That could be making reference to the path that a coaster will always take, following the track, not turning on another axis. But again, this is more wild speculation. If it is a 4D though, I'm booting it down to Ohio in 2007 to ride it.

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Im really surprised no one has thought of a Spinning Wild Mouse!


For me, I said, "Hey! Cedar Point doesn't have a wild mouse, or anything like it!" The closest thing to it would be Wildcat. I wouldn't be surprised if that went bye-bye in a few years.


Im thinking of something like Winja's from Phantasialand.

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Im really surprised no one has thought of a Spinning Wild Mouse!


For me, I said, "Hey! Cedar Point doesn't have a wild mouse, or anything like it!" The closest thing to it would be Wildcat. I wouldn't be surprised if that went bye-bye in a few years.


Im thinking of something like Winja's from Phantasialand.

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I don't think Wildcat will be gone anytime soon. It's just too cheap and easy to move it if they need to, and the footprint isn't very large. They've already moved it at least once, as it used to be on the beach side of the park. Also, Cedar Point wants to hold the title of the park with the most (operating) coasters, why would they remove any coasters? If any coaster was taken out, they'd be forfeiting that title.

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I think in predicting Cedar Point's future one mu7st consider Cedar Fair's past. When CP biult dragster, Knotts had jsut opened an intamin accelerator a year before. Spinning Dragons and Timberline Twister both popped up in the same year. Now there's recently been a trend with biulding B&M's in the company, Patriot, Hydra, SIlver Bullet etc. I think B&M is definatly in the works for 2007, but what is a question. And didn't B&M have type of 4th dimension design in the works some where ? We'll see.

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^I love the thought of a 4th deminsion B&M. I really really love B&Ms and I think it is really CP like to go for something like this. However, I doubt it will happen. I am still betting on some kind of awesome dueling B&M, but Im almost positve that it WILL be B&M.


Justin "Do you think I said B&M enough in that post?" Seabaugh

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This is a sort of out on a limb idea no one has mentioned yet, but this ride is going into frontierland sectino of the park. Last time I checked Mean Streak sucked, and blue streak is an old classic wooden coaster. What if they biult a giant dueling Intamin woodie. World's tallest fastes etc wooden coaster, which is probably possible with the intamin style track. I mean CP has a very good relatonship with intamin over the years and this seems to be the next big thing. There is only 1 style of coaster liek this in America, so record breaking, revolutionary, fitting to the themed area, why not? I've never been on a B&M flyer, but I think I'd still love to see the point get a big new wooden coaster that is going to rock.

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I dunno..I'm thinking with Tatsu just being built for SFMM, I doubt that CP will go for a flyer. I'm also not sure they'd go with a Inverted Dualer...My money is on either a B&M Floorless, that could possibly break records: Fastest, Tallest, Most Inversions....or a B&M dive machine with a different layout and concept than that of SheiKra.

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^Tatsu has no effect whatsoever on CP. Ask almost anyone at that park what Tatsu is, and they'll think you're crazy.


^^There's no way anyone is going to build dueling Mega woodies. It's just too expensive.


Also, for the dueling B&M rumors. If they built a DD clone, I bet you it would be nore expensive that the original, and DD isn't that long of a coaster (the sides, I mean). There's just no way a dueling flyer is in the works. The most likely choice is a single flyer, with a nice layout, and most likely a record-breaker (not exactly the hardest thing to do, as of now). A spinning coaster would be an awesome addition to the park, and it is logical, but all the CP fanboys would whine about the lack of a major roller coaster. After all, what is having the second tallest and fastest coaster these days... I feel it is going to be a flyer, but I'd like to see a spinning coaster like Tarantula or Spinball Whizzer, because it would be a better addition to the park (caters to the whole family, not just the older ones).

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