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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Praise God! The FAA enthusiasts have arrived to save everyone from misinformation! Who the **** reads FAA regulations in their spare time?


I have a possible name for RMC Mean Streak: Lightning Bolt.

RMC has already had its fill of lightning named coasters...


As far as the name goes, I tossed my quarter in the wishing well for something terrible. Like "Brown Coaster 1" or "The Pride of Sandusky." Basically anything that will cause a select portion of the coaster enthusiast community to lose their minds.


Oh, and I hope it has the most basic two dimensional logo ever created, pulled straight from Microsoft Word, using black Times New Roman font, and a rainbow drawn in cheap crayon from Mrs. Smith's third grade class at Sandusky Elementary School, on a coffee stained piece of paper.

Damn right I'm an FAA enthusiast!


Also, the font needs to be Comic Sans because Comic Sans....

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As far as the name goes, I tossed my quarter in the wishing well for something terrible. Like "Brown Coaster 1" or "The Pride of Sandusky." Basically anything that will cause a select portion of the coaster enthusiast community to lose their minds.


Oh, and I hope it has the most basic two dimensional logo ever created, pulled straight from Microsoft Word, using black Times New Roman font, and a rainbow drawn in cheap crayon from Mrs. Smith's third grade class at Sandusky Elementary School, on a coffee stained piece of paper.

I didn't know I wanted this until now. Thank you for taking the time to write that.

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Praise God! The FAA enthusiasts have arrived to save everyone from misinformation! Who the **** reads FAA regulations in their spare time?


I have a possible name for RMC Mean Streak: Lightning Bolt.

RMC has already had its fill of lightning named coasters...


As far as the name goes, I tossed my quarter in the wishing well for something terrible. Like "Brown Coaster 1" or "The Pride of Sandusky." Basically anything that will cause a select portion of the coaster enthusiast community to lose their minds.


Oh, and I hope it has the most basic two dimensional logo ever created, pulled straight from Microsoft Word, using black Times New Roman font, and a rainbow drawn in cheap crayon from Mrs. Smith's third grade class at Sandusky Elementary School, on a coffee stained piece of paper.


Also it will be held by tons of duck tape

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Oh also, lets say I lived in sandusky and had my drone with me. The drone takes 4k really good quality photos and videos, 100x better than the grainy images we have now. From google maps, the shore of sandusky to mean streak is about 2.5 KM, which my drone can easily handle and get probably 5 minutes of photo taking time. What is there to stop me from taking videos/photos of mean streak from the position OVER THE WATER? Stressing the fact that the drone is over the water and not over cedar point land, would that be considered as trespassing? Does cedar point own the water?


I am pretty surprised no one has done this, especially because its just so easy to do. The whole journey would be under 25 minutes and considering how rare and bad quality the images we are getting are, the demand is definitely there.


I know that if I lived in sandusky, I think it would be pretty cool to take out the drone once or twice per week to track the construction process and be able to timelapse the photos over time

just make sure to stay over lake erie and under 400 ft and try to do it when workers aren't around or else you're out of a drone and will have a nice sized fine to deal with.

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Praise God! The FAA enthusiasts have arrived to save everyone from misinformation! Who the **** reads FAA regulations in their spare time?


I have a possible name for RMC Mean Streak: Lightning Bolt.

RMC has already had its fill of lightning named coasters...


As far as the name goes, I tossed my quarter in the wishing well for something terrible. Like "Brown Coaster 1" or "The Pride of Sandusky." Basically anything that will cause a select portion of the coaster enthusiast community to lose their minds.


Oh, and I hope it has the most basic two dimensional logo ever created, pulled straight from Microsoft Word, using black Times New Roman font, and a rainbow drawn in cheap crayon from Mrs. Smith's third grade class at Sandusky Elementary School, on a coffee stained piece of paper.


Bro this is gold

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Praise God! The FAA enthusiasts have arrived to save everyone from misinformation! Who the **** reads FAA regulations in their spare time?


If I owned a $1200 drone, I would want to make sure I was fairly knowledgeable on the regs.


Honestly, what's the difference if you see it up close earlier versus later? Are people really losing sleep over whether ledgers are facing one way or another?

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I think there were too many people who hated Mean Streak for it's RMCed reincarnation to have either "Mean" or "Streak" in its name. And I posted a silly meme suggesting Green Streak. I knew that wasn't gonna happen even before I saw the reddish new track.

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Sorry to interrupt the discussion on about "New Meaner Streak Wood Coaster 1" but I have quick question for someone to answer....



Looking to go to cedar point in august. would 8/11 8/12 be less crowded/better time to go or would 8/25 8/26?

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Both are on a summer weekend so if it's nice, it's going to be very crowded. It doesn't matter if the kids are back in school or not...IT'S STILL A SUMMER WEEKEND!


My advice - It's January...you have plenty of time to save for a Fast Lane Plus, so do that and pick whichever weekend you want to go and don't worry about whether it's crowded or not.

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Go during the week in mid to late August. We went 2 years ago the last week of 10 pm closing, schools in Ohio were in session, and the park was actually pretty slow. (we spent 4 days there). Didn't need fast pass at all. However, Beware The Weekends! We left from the Breakers on Saturday morning and the line of cars backed up on the Causeway, waiting to get into the park, was backed up onto the main road. That's like how many miles? Yikes, we thought and felt sorry for anybody who went there that day.

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I think there were too many people who hated Mean Streak for it's RMCed reincarnation to have either "Mean" or "Streak" in its name. And I posted a silly meme suggesting Green Streak. I knew that wasn't gonna happen even before I saw the reddish new track.


I completely agree. When CP does start marketing this, I don't expect it to have any relation to Mean Streak at all. It will be marketed as a brand new ride. As well it should.

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Sorry to interrupt the discussion on about "New Meaner Streak Wood Coaster 1" but I have quick question for someone to answer....



Looking to go to cedar point in august. would 8/11 8/12 be less crowded/better time to go or would 8/25 8/26?


Both should be busy, being weekends in August. Remember most schools in Michigan don't start until after Labor Day.


Last year I went the weekend after Memorial Day (June 4 and 5). Saturday was packed. Sunday was very quiet. In six hours on Saturday, I only got on four rides (with wait times in parentheses):

Valrvan (1.5 hours)

Iron Dragon (20 minutes)

Top Thrill Dragster (1 hour - this ride closes in rain, but it was sprinkling when I rode it!)

Millennium Force (1.5 hours - it was raining steady on my ride)

After Millie, I left as it was raining and I was quite hungry.


I went back Sunday morning for three hours (I stayed at the Hotel Breakers so I was able to get in early) and I managed to get 10 rides in:

GateKeeper (first train of day, waited 10 minutes for more people to get in the station as everyone and their brother went toward Valravn)

Millennium Force (two rides, 5 minute wait each plus time to walk around from exit to entrance)

Maverick (less than 5 minutes)

The above rides were all before official park opening!

Magnum (walk-on)

Top Thrill Dragster (5 minutes)

Rougarou (walk-on)

Millennium Force for the third time (5 minutes)

Iron Dragon (walk-on)

Raptor (5 minutes)


Every ride on Sunday was a walk-on or near walk-on except Valravn, which was over an hour. Side note: This was the Sunday the big storm hit Cedar Point in the afternoon. I happened to drive through it on the Turnpike near Fremont and it was nasty on there (doesn't help that the Turnpike is overrun with semis which splash water onto windshields). I think the weather forecast scared people away and it also happened to be the most popular day for high school graduation ceremonies and open houses in Ohio and Michigan.

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Praise God! The FAA enthusiasts have arrived to save everyone from misinformation! Who the **** reads FAA regulations in their spare time?


If I owned a $1200 drone, I would want to make sure I was fairly knowledgeable on the regs.


Honestly, what's the difference if you see it up close earlier versus later? Are people really losing sleep over whether ledgers are facing one way or another?

Believe me new track photos are crack cocaine for me. If we could get a weekly photo update with good quality, that would be pretty highly demanded I think.


I live in Canada, so I don't have the FAA regulations memorized yet, but if I were to fly it I definitely would read up before I attempted it.

Edited by williamj2543
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