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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Here are the updates to the new Membership program...


Just what does "Priority Preferred Parking" and "Preferred Parking" mean? do guests park closer or are they just guaranteed not to have to park in the dirt/gravel lot?


i was curious about that as well. the parking next to X2 is valet parking right? i figure that will fill up real fast if it was used for preferred parking.

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Green Lantern (again, for the two people that care) is down indefinitely. The park hasn't said that it's going to stay down forever, but from what I've heard it's going to be down for a while



Six Flags America's 2019 addition confirmed!

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I assume they’ll be taking the first section of the lot that isn’t handicapped and making it preferred.


If they reconfigure the roads and grass areas up front, that could be prime parking real estate as well.

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Wow . . . it seems like those memberships give you more bang for your $$ than a season pass (then again, said memberships are only for MM).


And if Green Lantern does get replaced, what goes in it's place?


Maybe nothing.


What are the changes they get rid of it and replace it with an S&S 4D Free Spin?

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West Coast Bash (currently, it's the weekend after Labor Day, in September)

is a great way to enjoy both parks, and then throw in Disneyland Resort as a BONUS!


Here's my take on it, from 2016: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=72419


Hmm . . . . KBF & MM = double the fun.


IF WCB happens this year, I may SERIOUSLY consider it

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Rumors have really started to fly that Cyclone Bay might see a 2019 refresh so who knows what the future holds for this ride.

It's about time


That area is extremely dated with lots of dead space. I’d guess a new ride would occupy deja vu and the slingshot spot with apocalypse getting refurb.

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And if Green Lantern does get replaced, what goes in it's place?

Maybe nothing.

What are the changes they get rid of it and replace it with an S&S 4D Free Spin?

That would be the absolute most Six Flags thing to do. I don't think it will actually happen, but it would be worse than when they replaced Psyclone with Terminator. I can't tell you the amount of people I've talked to that thought Terminator was "that really old rickety coaster that hurts really bad". Granted that comment totally applies now to Apocalypse after these last few years.


But seriously though, it would be incredibly stupid for the park to tear out Green Lantern and put in a Free Spin in its place. The public is really dumb most of the time, but I don't think they're really really dumb.


I know the comment was in jest, but don't give them any ideas!

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Hated GL since the first day I rode it. I think SFMM wasted money on this ride and space. I wish they would have put in a coaster like El Toro at Circus Circus. Make it a little larger with more inversions. That would fit perfect!


Or remove it and put some crazy flat rides.

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Hated GL since the first day I rode it. I think SFMM wasted money on this ride and space. I wish they would have put in a coaster like El Toro at Circus Circus. Make it a little larger with more inversions. That would fit perfect!


Or remove it and put some crazy flat rides.


^El Loco rather?

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Green Lantern's S&S counterpart is basically identical in almost every way, offering the same horrible ride experience.


I agree that I don't see them removing Green Lantern for a Joker clone, but this statement is debatable to say the least.

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Green Lantern's S&S counterpart is basically identical in almost every way, offering the same horrible ride experience. I don't see one of those replacing GL, but as someone above said, it's Six Flags, they've done worse...

I was actually thinking it would look great near Joker at SFNE, and complement their Goliath/Flashback pairing quite nicely.

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You do you, but I'm not a fan of either and didn't feel much difference.


Me neither, both were uncomfortable and unremarkable.


I'm really surprised they haven't started going vertical by now.


I think you're only surprised because you're seeing Six Flags construction timelines in relation to three other CA parks that have really kicked it in gear this off-season (All 3 CA coasters had completed trackwork by mid-January for god's sake). I wouldn't expect either SF park to begin vertical construction on their rides until April at the earliest.

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Just to clarify, the reason Green Lantern sucks is not the model itself, but the way Six Flags takes care of it. When they added those HORRIBLE "ninja stars" in 2012 to keep it from spinning much, it simply did nothing but turn the experience into a hellish ride. I'm no expert, but in my relatively uneducated opinion, it makes ZERO SENSE to try and keep a spinning ride from spinning. Instead of making complete rotations, you might experience the full g force of the compact ride WHILE UPSIDE DOWN. That is NOT safe! When that happened to me in 2016, it felt like being in a car accident! The rides I had on Green Lantern prior to the 2012 changes were amazing and I can only hope that the experience is restored. But I guess I'm the .0001% minority here.


(I also enjoy rough SLC's and the old Ninja at SFOG when it was called that, so I guess I'm just really messed up. )

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Just to clarify, the reason Green Lantern sucks is not the model itself, but the way Six Flags takes care of it. When they added those HORRIBLE "ninja stars" in 2012 to keep it from spinning much, it simply did nothing but turn the experience into a hellish ride. I'm no expert, but in my relatively uneducated opinion, it makes ZERO SENSE to try and keep a spinning ride from spinning. Instead of making complete rotations, you might experience the full g force of the compact ride WHILE UPSIDE DOWN. That is NOT safe! When that happened to me in 2016, it felt like being in a car accident! The rides I had on Green Lantern prior to the 2012 changes were amazing and I can only hope that the experience is restored. But I guess I'm the .0001% minority here.


(I also enjoy rough SLC's and the old Ninja at SFOG when it was called that, so I guess I'm just really messed up. )

My understanding is that the "ninja stars" are actually just to prevent loose articles from getting in there, and the ride actually has adjustable settings on the spin resistance which the park turned up. Unfortunately yes, Six Flags butchered the ride. It was good when it first opened. However the major issue that led to them making changes is that often times the cars would return to the station in a way where they had to be manually righted, and with their rules that had to be done by a mechanic. So, every single time that happened, they would have to make a call and wait for a mechanic to come over. Definitely a bummer the ride is pretty lame as it sits now.

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^ I disagree that Green Lantern was some great ride SF ruined. From the day that ride started carrying passengers, people hated it. They hated the capacity (at a park like SFMM), and they hated what that ride did to their nuts and shoulder blades. SFMM then made the ride even more uncomfortable with their knee jerk modifications, but it was NEVER a good fit for a park like SFMM.


Opening day my friend declared he would never ride it again, and he hasn't.

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