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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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Nice to see that Firechaser Express is coming along despite the harsh winter.


A park in the South gets a harsher winter season than they could've possibly expected, and they're the first to have their 2014 addition running - not to mention including a gorgeous station and that the entire thing is built on a mountainside and through an old attraction.

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^ Thats a REALLY cool video. Wow. Hard to believe that thats whats in the spot since I was at the park in November. There were maybe 2 pieces of track on the ground then, and now theres a crazy coaster. Man, I gotta get back there eventually, so I can snag those 3 credits I missed! Thunderhead(cries), FireChaser, and SideShow Spin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That station looks so hot. (pun intended) But really Dollywood never disappoints when it comes to themeing.


On another note this was posted on Facebook and Twitter:mulan_costume.jpg.a11c2d6f82fdd4db7ec660a2edc244f5.jpg


Any ideas??? Herschend has the rights, and there is already a Wild Fire at SDC.

My ideas are either the long rumored drop tower in place of TT. (Goes with Thunderhead and/or FCE) Or a new water slide for Splash country

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Hmm, I'm not sure if I'm ready to see HFEC reuse old themes and names like SF does... One of the most enjoyable things about this chain is the endless creativity. Is there really any indicating that this teaser has anything to do with DW? SDC isn't adding any new rides this year, and when that happens they tend to start teasing the enthusiasts early to keep their interest in the park.

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